Trepang is an unusual creature of an unattractive species that lives in the southern seas. Outwardly, it resembles worms up to 0.5 m long with dense skin covered with spikes. Often it is called a sea cucumber. In eastern medicine, it is often used as an effective medicine for many diseases. Trepang on honey is widely used in our time.
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What is trepang on honey, composition
In China, this remedy is considered an elixir of health and longevity. Traditional healers are still firmly convinced that such an extract can cure even those who no longer have hope for life. Members of the imperial family used tincture every day in order to maintain youth and health for many years.
In its composition, a huge amount of useful substances was discovered:
- vitamins A, E, group B;
- protein;
- iron, copper, a certain amount of fluorine and calcium;
- organic acids;
- natural antibiotics;
- ascorbic and folic acid;
- disaccharides.
In nature, trepang disinfects the water around itself and during the manufacture of tincture, useful antibacterial qualities are not lost, but are fully preserved. Quality honey only enhances the benefits of a finished marine product.
Trepang on honey: benefits and harms
This medicine enhances immunity well and develops resistance to various seasonal viral diseases.
In addition, such a tool is capable of:
- prevent the formation of oncological tumors;
- normalize the work of the heart, blood vessels, kidneys, bladder, digestive tract;
- increase visual acuity;
- intensify mental activity;
- improve the functioning of the thyroid gland;
- remove accumulated harmful substances from the body;
- have an antidepressant effect;
- Quickly heal wounds and smooth out scars.
Proper use of the product heals not only internal organs and cells, but also affects the appearance of a person. He looks younger, feels a surge of strength and vigor.
For women
Even in antiquity, women have successfully used the beneficial properties of sea cucumber to treat many female diseases (including uterine erosion), inflammation and tumors. Taking this tool makes it possible to conceive a child, even those who have not been able to do this for a long time.
In addition, trepang normalizes metabolism and copes with excess body fat.
The use of tinctures is well reflected in appearance:
- the skin becomes firm, fresh and supple;
- small wrinkles are smoothed out;
- hair and nails are strengthened.
Women who became acquainted with gray hair early, also note that the tool helps to maintain pigmentation and improve the general condition of curls.
For men
Representatives of a strong half of humanity also need to know about the beneficial properties of trepang. It allows you to maintain full potency for many years. Chinese emperors often used this tincture in order to be able to conceive offspring even at an advanced age.
But the beneficial properties of trepang for men are not limited to this.
- Tincture allows you to remove harmful substances from the body.
- Relieves stress and increases resistance to it.
- Quickly restores strength after physical or mental overload.
- It prevents the emergence and development of cardiovascular diseases, which are often exposed to men after 40 years.
What treats trepang on honey
The list of diseases in which you can take tincture is quite impressive:
- hepatitis;
- oncology;
- impotence;
- uterine erosion, myoma;
- hypertension;
- colitis, pancreatitis, gastritis;
- cirrhosis of the liver;
- fungal infections;
- vitamin deficiency;
- seasonal colds;
- diabetes;
- mastopathy
- herpes;
- dental and dermatological diseases;
- chronic alcoholism.
Also, such a remedy for alcohol is useful for people to drink in the postoperative period to restore strength and resume normal body function. Knowing how to take the tincture correctly, you can recover from many diseases and prevent the emergence of new ones.
Trepang on honey - how to take?
Tincture is used both for the treatment of various diseases, and as their prevention.
- It is best to drink the medicine in courses of 1 tbsp. l 1 - 2 times a day for ¼ h before meals.
- The duration of the course is 4 weeks, after which you must definitely take a break for 3 weeks. Then, if necessary, the course can be repeated.
Features of admission depend on the specific disease. The hood can be used both inside and out.
- For example, in case of diseases of the oral cavity, it is enough to apply a compress from a diluted trepang infusion to the sore spot once a day. You can simply rinse the solution with your mouth 2 to 3 times a day.
- In the same way, various skin diseases, boils, ulcers and ulcers are treated. The ratio of the solution is 1 part of the concentrate to 10 parts of water.
- The use of masks and compresses is indicated for withering skin, acne, frostbite, burns, ulcers, wounds and inflammations of the musculoskeletal system.
- Sinusitis is treated by instillation of tincture in the nasal cavity 2 times a day, 2 drops each.
- For the treatment of female diseases, it is recommended to use tampons soaked in a mixture of tincture with water and sea buckthorn oil.
It is very important to observe the dosage correctly. Do not increase the dose without good reason - this can only do harm, because everything should be in moderation.
The recipe for trepang on honey
Finding such a tincture on sale is not easy, and the price is too high.
But you can cook it yourself:
- Option one.Hold the fresh carcass in the water for several hours, remove the entrails and cut them into small pieces. Transfer to a jar and pour honey. Insist for at least 8 weeks in a dark and cool place. Then strain the solution, pour into small containers, plug and take by prescription.
- Option Two. In this case, dried trepang is used. It is also soaked in water for 3 to 4 hours, then crushed and poured with honey. The amount of honey and trepang should be equal.
- The third option. Sea cucumbers are cut into pieces and washed, then they are poured with alcohol in a ratio of 2 to 1. The jar with tincture is put in a cold place for 3 weeks. Then, honey is added to the resulting composition in a ratio of 1 to 1 and mixed well.
You can choose any of the options, each of them is highly effective. But the use of fresh carcasses for the preparation of tinctures still collected more positive reviews. Store the solution in a sealed container for up to 12 months.
Why there may be contraindications
Trepang is a natural product that has virtually no contraindications. A wide range of useful properties makes it possible to recommend it to everyone.
But still there is a short list of contraindications for its use:
- age up to 16 years;
- hypothyroidism;
- hypotension;
- pregnancy and lactation period.
A medicine prepared on honey is contraindicated for persons who suffer from allergic reactions to beekeeping products. Therefore, before use, you must definitely test for the presence of allergies.
The use of trepang is undeniable, but in order to avoid undesirable consequences, you must first consult with your doctor about the advisability of using this tool.