The tortoise can be injured when traveling around the house without supervision. But sometimes this happens during her stay in the aquarium.
The most common injuries and treatments:
- Bruises and bruises. Often, aquariums for turtles are equipped with a “bridge”, on which a reptile is selected from the water to dry. If it falls from an elevation, it can get a minor injury, and this often happens when trying to get out. Such injuries do not need special treatment and pass on their own. But if the turtle fell from a height, especially on a hard floor, it is necessary to carefully examine it for more serious damage, observe the behavior and, if necessary, consult an experienced herpetologist in a veterinarian.
- Small wounds in a red-eared turtle arise due to friction of the skin on the edge of the shell, and the animal can also be scratched on stones lying at the bottom of the aquarium. In this case, the pet must be removed from the water and treated with dioxidine, a solution of furatsilin or chlorhexidine, and with bleeding with hydrogen peroxide. Then apply Nikovet spray, Chlorophyllipt spray or other composition suitable for reptiles (in extreme cases - grease with green), and leave the turtle on land for about an hour. Repeat the procedure twice a day until complete healing.
- Torn wounds, bites, bitten limbs and tails. Such injuries are not uncommon if several individuals live in the same aquarium. Other pets may also attack the pet. The wound or bite mark must be sutured (if it is deep) and regularly greased with brilliant green, if necessary, carry out antibiotic therapy with the drugs chosen by the doctor. And the stump should be periodically treated with Eplan, Actovegin, Solcoseryl several times a day until the stitches are removed.
- Shell or limb fractures.This is due to falls, bites of large animals, if by chance a person stepped on a reptile or a heavy object fell. If the tortoise shell cracked, the cause may be a lack of calcium in the body. In such a situation, you need to urgently show the animal to a specialist. Most likely, you will have to lay a tire or apply screw clamps. And you also need to give reptiles antibiotics for 10 days.
- The red-eared turtle can get burns both in the aquarium, from an incandescent lamp or a water heater, and when traveling around the house, in contact with various equipment. In this case, you need to lubricate the damage with Panthenol, Olazole or Levavinisole. And if blisters appear, they must be opened, and then washed with an aqueous solution of tannin 5% or nitric acid silver 10%. After the formation of a stable crust, you do not need to do anything, it will depart by itself.
Tip. Do not treat the turtle yourself in case of injury, it is better to contact the veterinarian for qualified help.