Thyme or creeping thyme is a herb from ancient legends. To the north of the legendary Troy was the city of Fimbra, whose attraction was the sacred grove and the temple of Apollo - the god of light, the god-healer. Over the grove floated fragrant smoke of the sacred grass of fimbra, presented as a gift to Apollon. The ancient Greeks called Fimbra one of 150 (and according to other sources of 400) plant species of the genus Thyme (Thyme). The ancients believed that thyme is able to return not only health but also life. Today, thyme herb, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which are being studied by scientists, is used in official and traditional medicine, perfumes, cooking, in the preservation and production of alcoholic beverages.

Thyme herb - beneficial properties

Thyme has a long history of application. The ancient Greeks from the flowering tops of the shoots made snuff, which was used for fainting. The antiseptic, disinfectant and antimicrobial properties of the plant led to the inclusion of thyme in the mixture, which the ancient Egyptians used to embalm.

In Russia, a hoppy infusion was prepared from the Bogorodsk grass, which was used to commemorate the dead at Green Christmas time (Rusalii). In the Middle Ages, thyme smoke was used to fumigate rooms where there was leprosy or plague.

Benefits for women

In Old Slavonic magic, thyme helped the keeper of the hearth, attracted the mistress to the house.Women used the plant to smoke housing from evil spirits and to preserve beauty and attractiveness.

Thyme essential oil calms the nervous system, helps with nervous exhaustion, relieves depression. A pillow stuffed with dry grass has a calming effect and makes falling asleep easier.

  1. The terpenes present in the essential oil give a characteristic smell to thyme.
  2. Camphene and camphor have an analgesic effect, so women have long used poultices and compresses from thyme as an analgesic for migraines, joint and rheumatic pain, and painful periods.
  3. A decoction of the grass, which washed the head, relieved headaches.
  4. Camphor also has vasoconstrictor properties, which helps eliminate bleeding during menorrhagia (heavy periods).
  5. During breastfeeding, taking thyme tea enhances lactation and improves milk quality.

Thyme helps women with menopause. It alleviates the symptoms:

  • tides;
  • disorders of the psychoemotional state (irritability, depression, abrupt change of mood);
  • fatigue, decreased cognitive abilities;
  • high blood pressure;
  • sweating.

Tea and baths made of thyme eliminate all manifestations of reproductive wilting in women.

A decoction of creeping thyme herb and for weight loss is useful. Organic acids in the composition of the plant help to make the figure slim, and the body is toned and supple. Ursulic acid tones muscles. Atrophy of muscle tissue is a frequent companion of aging, as well as strict diets and dramatic weight loss.

The addition of thyme preparations containing ursulic acid to the diet stimulates metabolism, lowers blood glucose levels, and normalizes cholesterol and triglyceride activity.

Laboratory studies have proven that thyme:

  • relieves excess weight;
  • promotes the growth of muscle tissue;
  • reduces subcutaneous fat.

Thymol, carvacrol, flavonoids, caffeic and gallic acid determine the antioxidant activity of thyme - prolong youth, protect the skin from the damaging effects of UV radiation. The grass contains a large amount (986.2 mg / kg) of levulinic acid, which softens the skin, has a pronounced antimicrobial effect.


  • the plant has antifungal properties;
  • eliminates dandruff;
  • strengthens hair;
  • cleanses the skin from acne;
  • reduces peeling and irritation.

Thyme preparations are also used in the treatment of gynecological diseases.

For men's health

Thyme herb is essential for maintaining men's health. Before the battle, the Scottish and Roman soldiers drank the drink on the thyme and took baths with its broth, since it was believed that they add fearlessness and increase strength and endurance. These assumptions have been confirmed by modern research.

Ursulic acid has anabolic properties.

Taking thyme preparations for a month led to a 15% increase in muscle tissue in laboratory mice, and thickening of muscle fibers led to an increase in strength and speed.

  1. With prostatitis, thyme helps to eliminate inflammation and swelling, and makes urination easier. The plant has zinc (6.2 μg), which protects the tissues of the prostate from malignant degeneration and supports high sexual activity.
  2. The composition of the plant includes trace elements necessary to maintain male reproductive function. Selenium (4.6 mcg) stimulates testosterone production and provides male fertility. Trace affects sperm motility.
  3. Magnesium (220 mcg) in thyme has an enzyme-forming effect. It activates enzymes that ensure the sexual function of men, prevents impotence. Thyme decoction helps to cope with early ejaculation and sexual dysfunction. To increase potency and stimulate spermatogenesis, plant essential oil should be rubbed into the perineum.
  4. For the treatment of erectile dysfunction of a psychogenic nature, thyme baths are indicated.
  5. Washing hair with a decoction of grass prevents early baldness, relieves headaches, spasms of cerebral vessels.
  6. From the stresses that men experience daily, a massage with thyme essential oil and a fragrant bath will help.

The healing properties of the plant

The healing properties of thyme are used in official and traditional medicine.

Water infusion of herbs has the following qualities:

  • expectorant;
  • antiseptic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • painkillers;
  • weak sleeping pills;
  • anthelmintic.

Thyme is used to stimulate brain activity, improve cognitive abilities, increase efficiency, and normalize cerebral circulation.

With cough and bronchitis

In official medicine, in the treatment and prevention of respiratory diseases, Pertussin, produced on the basis of a liquid extract of creeping thyme, is used. Water infusion of the plant causes activation of the ciliated epithelium of the bronchi, which increases the intensity of sputum excretion.

Thyme essential oil (EM) stimulates the respiratory center, relieves shortness of breath in colds and bronchial asthma.

In German traditional medicine, thyme is taken with whooping cough.

From cough prepare a decoction, which is taken three times a day for 1 tbsp. l Rinse the nasopharynx and throat with broth. In 1563, P.A. Mattiolus described the beneficial properties of thyme in his herbalist.

The recipe for cough syrup included in the book includes:

  • 1 tsp honey;
  • 4-5 drops of thyme EM;
  • 200 ml of warm water.

The tool can be used as a gargle for the throat and taken orally by 1 tbsp. l 3-4 times a day to facilitate coughing.

EM thyme (3-5 drops) and 10 ml of any massage oil is used to rub the chest and throat for colds. Swiss pharmaceutical company Vivasan produces a cold cream based on EM thyme. It is recommended to apply on the chest and back with a cold and in order to prevent viral infections on the nasolabial triangle.

With gynecological diseases

Thyme EM, due to its high content of phenols (carvacrol (1-4%) and thymol (30-35%)), has anti-inflammatory, antimycotic and antibacterial effects.

Preparations based on thyme extract are used in gynecology for:

  • vaginosis;
  • candidiasis;
  • mycoplasmosis;
  • chlamydia.

For the treatment of gynecological pathologies, an ointment and suppositories for intravaginal administration are prepared from EM.

For the manufacture of candles take:

  • Vaseline - 5 g;
  • beeswax - 2 g;
  • EM thyme - ½ tsp

Heat the petroleum jelly in a water bath and add wax. Bring to a homogeneous consistency at a temperature of 70-80 ° C. Introduce EM and mix. Pour the mixture into molds and place in the refrigerator for solidification. Instead of petroleum jelly and wax, you can take cocoa butter. It was found that this temperature does not lead to the destruction of the beneficial substances of thyme.

Using the same recipe, with the exception of wax, you can prepare an ointment for the treatment of female diseases. With inflammation and dysfunction of the appendages, ovaries, menorrhagia, cystitis, ointment lubricates the lower back and lower abdomen.

From pressure

A warm water infusion of thyme relieves spasm of blood vessels, helps their expansion, which leads to its use at high pressure. The grass is brewed like ordinary tea and taken in ½ cup 2 times a day. The course of treatment should not exceed 3 days.

With reduced pressure, tea with thyme is taken for 10-14 days. Thyme decoction is used for 1 tbsp. l 3 times a day before meals.

To prepare a decoction, take:

  • 1 tsp thyme herbs;
  • 1 cup boiling water.

Pour raw materials with boiling water and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Insist under the lid for 40 minutes. Thyme is not recommended for pressure relief as a systematic treatment. As soon as the pressure has returned to normal, thyme preparations must be canceled.

In the fight against alcoholism

Preparations of the Bogorodskaya herb help to cope with alcohol addiction. The concentrated decoction of the plant contains a significant amount of thymol, which, when interacted with ethanol, causes vomiting and forms an aversion to alcohol. The patient should be given ½ cup broth of thyme and a glass of alcohol. Repeat treatment daily until persistent aversion appears.

In Ukraine, drunken drunkards were fumigated with the smoke of dry thyme.

In addition, thyme helps detoxify the body in the treatment of a hangover and withdrawal symptoms. Thyme contains pectins that bind and remove poisons and toxins from the body, create a protective film on the walls of the intestines, blocking the absorption of alcohol.

Ways to use thyme

Thyme in the treatment of diseases is used in the form of:

  • tea
  • decoction;
  • water infusion;
  • essential oil;
  • syrup.

All drugs can be easily prepared at home, except for essential oil, which is available for purchase at the pharmacy.

Tea, syrup, essential oil

Tea is prepared by pouring 1 tbsp. l chopped flowering tops of shoots with 1 cup boiling water. Insist under the lid for 15 minutes. Then it should be filtered and ½ cup of infusion topped with warm boiled water to the top. Add 1 tsp. honey. Drink with cough, gastrointestinal tract diseases (gastric catarrh, heartburn, stomach cramps, bloating, duodenal ulcer).

At home, syrup is prepared as follows:

  • ½ cup thyme herb;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • 1 glass of honey;
  • 3 tbsp. l lemon juice.

Chop the grass, place it in an enamel bowl, pour cold water and simmer over low heat until half the liquid boils. Strain, cool to room temperature and introduce honey with lemon juice. Store syrup in a closed container in the refrigerator.

Take with cough 3 times a day:

  • children ½ tsp;
  • adults 1 tsp.

EMs are used for massage for nervous disorders, decreased attention, working capacity, headache, and decreased potency.

It is also added to the bath to treat:

  • bacterial and viral dermatitis;
  • weeping eczema;
  • acne;
  • furunculosis.

In the treatment of gynecological diseases, prostatitis, inflammation of the urinary system, sitz baths are prepared (3 drops of EM in 5 l of warm water). Take 5-10 minutes.

A mixture of thyme EM with vegetable oil (1: 2) is used for pediculosis, rubbing into the roots of hair and keeping it under a plastic hat for 2-3 hours.

With inflammation, bruises, abscesses, an oil compress of 5 drops of thyme EM per 5 ml of the base base is applied to the affected area.

Can thyme be used during pregnancy?

Thyme extract contains thymol, which has a cytotoxic effect and stimulates the tone of the uterine muscles, therefore during pregnancy, it is not recommended to take thyme preparations. The greatest amount of thymol is found in broth, infusion and essential oil. They can not be taken by women at any stage of gestation.

The safest is tea. A few leaves or flowers of thyme will not cause negative effects. The use of tea 1-2 times a week with lemon and honey will calm the nervous system, enhance immunity and facilitate falling asleep.

There is no consensus among doctors about taking thyme tea from pregnant women, but it’s better not to risk it, especially in the 2nd and 3rd trimester.

Folk recipes with thyme

The benefits of thyme have been proven by clinical studies, and in medicine, recipes with thyme have been known since I in A.D. In the treatise De materia medica ("On Medicinal Plants"), the ancient Greek military doctor and naturalist Pedanius Dioscorides recommended thyme with honey for coughing, during difficult labor and helminthic infestations.

Pliny the Elder in Natural History includes thyme in 28 different prescriptions. Equally interesting is the use of herbs in traditional medicine.

Thyme on wine:

  • 100 g of dried grass;
  • 1 liter of dry white wine.

Pour the crushed raw materials with wine and insist 30 days, shaking the container once every 1-2 days.Then pour the tincture with grass into an enameled saucepan and heat to a boil, wrap and insist for another 6 hours. Strain. Take 1 tbsp. l 3 times a day. Such an infusion was mentioned in chronicles dated XII century.

From tuberculosis, thyme is used in this recipe:

  • 1 tbsp. l thyme herbs;
  • 2 tbsp. l Icelandic moss;
  • 3 cups boiling water.

Put the herbs in a thermos in the evening and pour boiling water. In the morning, strain and take 1 tbsp. 3 times a day before meals.


In addition to the well-known Pertussin cough syrup, creeping thyme herb extract is included in:

  • Bronchicum (syrup, lozenges);
  • Bronchoplant (syrup);
  • Tussamag (syrup, drops);
  • Dr. Theiss Bronchosept (drops);
  • Stomatophyte (mouth rinse extract);
  • Stoptussin Fito (syrup);
  • Eucabalus (syrup);
  • Codelac Broncho with thyme.

Today, ointments and suppositories with thyme from STDs and gynecological pathologies, stomatitis and gingivitis drugs are tested.

Thyme is also included in the complex phytopreparations Stopal (herbal collection for alcoholism), Sedative collection No. 3, Phytogalenka (toning elixir), Phytoimmunal (elixir), Amrita (elixir).

Contraindications and side effects

Thyme preparations are not recommended for use with:

  • pregnancy
  • thyroid dysfunction;
  • some pathologies of the heart;
  • renal failure;
  • hepatitis.

Side effects are very rare.

As a rule, an overdose of thyme preparations leads to discomfort, which causes:

  • nausea
  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • increase in blood pressure;
  • allergic reactions.

Thyme, like any medicinal plant, should be used after consulting a doctor, strictly observing the dosage and taking into account contraindications.