Find birthday toasts for a woman who can penetrate her heart and touch her soul. On this significant day, she will want to hear special words, experience memorable emotions. No gifts can replace the gratitude, admiration and attention reflected in the speeches of loved ones. Even a drop of flattery will be very handy on the day when emotions are torn out, and the soul requires fun and celebration.
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Funny and funny birthday toasts for a woman
In every lady, regardless of age, there is a mischievous person who is able to appreciate a joke and an original appeal. A bright holiday is an occasion to cheer up yourself and others. I want to be a little less serious and a little more relaxed.
- It would be better to celebrate a birthday more than once a year, but daily, so that for this for a long time to manage to list all the virtues of a birthday girl! So let's drink at least two of its main virtues - for the fact that she is, and for the fact that she is with us!
- So let’s drink for the birthday girl, thanks to whom such wonderful people like us have gathered !!! Funny birthday toasts discharge the atmosphere, portend the continuation of fun. They do not need to be loaded with deep meaning and moralizing.
- Since the last time I saw the birthday girl, she became a year older, but mind you, she has not changed at all. For the secret of eternal youth that she possesses!
- Our birthday girl has one serious drawback - she becomes more and more sweet and attractive every year.But we will forgive her this flaw. We wish her to continue to be as young and energetic! The best greetings in a playful way can be original phrases on abstract topics. Funny toasts easily start a feast and set the tone for the holiday.
- I propose a toast for the seven "N" of our heroine of triumph. For our extraordinary, unique, incomparable, irresistible, necessary, beloved!
- Let those who you didn’t get cry, let the one who didn’t want to die!
Short congratulatory toasts
Lovely ladies attach great importance to words. What can we say about the congratulations expressed to them. Capacious short toasts are imprinted in memory for many years. Such phrases are passed from mouth to mouth.
- Let's drink for joy! Let it be the only thing that comes to life without an invitation!
- I want to wish you that on your life path if there are bumps, then only those who will throw you up!
- Dear birthday girl! I raise my glass so that you always have a light heart and heavy pockets!
- May your whole life be a holiday! Dream, smile and enjoy every moment!
Say a little meaningful congratulation with an expression of deep feelings and sympathy. Your words will surely find a response and will be received with gratitude.
Original greetings
Original toasts always emphasize the special relation of the guest to the birthday girl. They express personal wishes and sincere interest.
- I want to raise a glass so that there are no bitter minutes in your life, but only hours of wild happiness! My toast to your sweet moments
- Each coin has two sides, and I want to wish you the next year of your life to learn how to combine opposites. Fly on the wings of dreams and stand firmly on your feet, have a hundred friends and much more rubles, laugh in the face of adversity and cry with happiness, conquer the world and submit to love. Surprising a loved one is easiest, because whoever, no matter how you know it, knows all his aspirations and experiences. Focus on the more important and make a toast with a strong hope for a brighter future.
- Shakespeare said, if every unjust word left a mark, we would all go dirty from head to toe. Let's drink to the radiant purity of our birthday!
- Peruvian Indians believe that God made all people out of corn dough. Let’s drink so that our birthday girl never goes limp!
- The gingerbread man rolled away from his grandfather and grandmother, the Snow Maiden melted in the spring, and Mom lost the Thumbelina ... Let’s drink so that our friend always has everything tasty, beautiful and expensive!
But do not forget that people unfamiliar to each other can gather at a common table. Therefore, in the pursuit of originality, ethical boundaries should be observed and not all personal secrets be disclosed.
Wise proverbs for women
Toasts with a background always draw attention to the speaker. These short speeches bring people together at the table. Everyone has something to reason about, and there is something to share. But such speeches should not distract about the main thing. Do not go far from the topic and remember why you all gathered here.
- A bee flew over the city, saw a wonderful flower and sat on it. And the flower did not allow itself to be pollinated. Then she flew up to another, less beautiful flower, and he gave himself to pollinate. We found huge clouds and a strong wind blew. The good flower that gave the pollen survived and did not break, but the one that did not give broke. So let's drink to your bottom on your birthday so that people always make concessions to you and not break.
- There is such a strange parable. A snake crawled up to God and asked to turn her into a beautiful woman. God turned her and said, "Go and pity the people."Then a dove flew to God and also asked to turn her into a beautiful woman. God turned her and ordered: "Go and bring good to people." Since then, on the earth you can meet two types of women - with a black and white soul. Without a doubt, ours (the name of the birthday girl) is that kind dove. Let’s drink for her beauty and charm !!!
- One old man, dying, gathered his daughters and told them: “Be smart if you can, be kind if you want, but always be beautiful!” Here I am, like that old man, looking at the beautiful hero of the occasion, I want to wish the same. I also want to offer to live life in such a way as to earn a priceless gift - not to let go of beauty!
Birthday is an occasion to express your sincere wishes to a close friend, relative, mother, wife or colleague. She will be especially pleased to accept them in such an extraordinary form. The toast-parable emphasizes the guest’s responsible attitude to the event, shows that he is here for a reason, but at the behest of the heart. It becomes clear to everyone that the speaker was diligently preparing and looking for the most correct words.
The most beautiful toasts
The woman’s soul is poetic. On their personal holiday, lovely ladies want to hear as many wonderful speeches as possible, singing their qualities and talents. Sweeten the birthday girl’s ears with a beautiful toast.
- The French say: "If in youth we have the face that nature has given us, then in maturity - the face that we deserve." I absolutely agree with them, dear. You are always in a good mood, your charming smile delights us. And so the years are not dominant over you. You radiate feminine beauty and kindness. On your birthday, I wish you to remain as cheerful and generous. I kneel before you and raise this glass in your honor!
- For most women, a birthday not only leaves a smile on your face, but also brings sadness, because a woman is a year older. But let's still remember how pearls are methodically created by nature. And which cognac is most valued? So let’s drink for you to shine like the most beautiful pearls, to hit everyone on the spot, like aged brandy, and at the same time remain as unsurpassed as now.
- One wise man said: "In life, in reality, nothing more is required, only a little kindness is required." I want to raise this glass, for our birthday. Let her life be all that is required and the people around her, let her give the kindness and care that she deserves so much!
- Expensive, __________! On this day, we all see you as smiling, unusually attractive and sophisticated, like a fresh April rose. So let's drink to ensure that the years are not reflected on your face, but in your soul - wisdom, experience and emotional happiness! For you!
- Recall the spring when many flowers blossom. This is the time of flowering, femininity and a surge of strength, and each flower is pleasantly fragrant and pleasing to the eye. So we wish our birthday girl to be the same as spring - feminine, always rested and blooming, and like a flower - always beautiful!
If you cannot come up with phrases yourself, there is nothing to worry about. Take the finished text and pronounce it sincerely, from the heart. Harmonious toasts cause a smile and cheer up.
Anniversary toast
An anniversary is a significant event, a certain line under which intermediate results can be summed up. On this day, the jubilee is right to recall how much she achieved, and emphasize that one should not stop there.
- You celebrate the anniversary, And you look at eighteen! I cannot but admire your blossoming beauty. Fate brings you the most beautiful nectar to meet the Gods - A drink of eternal youth, Immortality a precious gift. And I hope warms (a) - Adversity will side by side, And again I will drink in eighteen in twenty years!
- Let's raise a toast to our beautiful birthday girl! For her wonderful age and anniversary! I want to wish her an endless stream of love, an eternal supply of good luck and health! And most importantly - beauty, both mental and external!
- Many years ago, a dragon and an eagle lived in a distant mountainous country. They fought a long-standing war over a magic pearl necklace. Once during a battle, a necklace exploded and pearls scattered across the earth. And then they turned into wondrous women.
Let's drink to a beautiful pearl - our dear hero of the day! Women take their years seriously. When making a toast, shift attention from age to wisdom and maturity. Focus on resources rather than problems. An adult woman, as a rule, has something to brag about. Be sure to pay attention to her personal successes and merits - An anniversary is a small trait beyond which new steps to new opportunities. I want to wish you strength, patience and inspiration to see and not miss any opportunities on the way to a happy and calm life. And if you want madness, then let it be.
- We all gathered today at this table to wish our birthday to our birthday. On this solemn day for you, I do not want to wish you money and wealth - this is the lot of men. I want to wish you just a simple female happiness. Let men carry you in their arms!
- Among friends it’s not customary to lie. That is why I wish our jubilee something that she never achieved: the ability to accept compliments without embarrassment, the awareness of her own wisdom and the ability to drink with everyone who wants to congratulate her, without respite. We will drink for this.
An anniversary is a beautiful occasion to gather at a table in a wide circle. Give the birthday girl care and attention, emphasizing its importance among people around.
Caucasian toasts for a woman
In the Caucasus, they always knew how to choose the right expressions. Toast for a person of hot blood is a whole ritual. In the ability to make fiery speeches, Georgians were most successful. Each of them will always find a suitable toast for any occasion and occasion.
We can only draw inspiration and learn from the inhabitants of the mountain region to play small verbal performances. To congratulate a woman, a Caucasian can compose a whole ode. He will not forget to mention one of her virtues.
- One Georgian woman comes home and indignantly says to her husband: - Valiko, can you imagine, our neighbor exchanged his wife for a thoroughbred horse! 'Could you never do that, dear? “Well, what are you,” Valiko replies, “as a last resort, for a foreign car and a bottle of old Georgian wine.” So let’s drink for our beloved birthday girl, who is more valuable than any thoroughbred horse, more beautiful than any foreign car and sweeter than any old wine!
- A real man is one who remembers the woman’s birthday exactly and never knows how old she is. So let's drink so that only real men meet in the life path of our birthday girl!
- For you to be like an orange! I will explain. Orange has an orange color, it is a symbol of attracting attention. He is divinely delicious. He is the subject of dreams, aspirations and great demand. So that you would attract attention, be divine, arouse dreams, and demand for you would exceed supply! Hurrah!
Characteristic toasts abound in epithets and allegories. You can listen to them like a song. Each woman will be pleased to receive such a congratulation.
Greetings in verses
To come up with a toast yourself in poetry you need a special poetic talent. But even without possessing it, you can always congratulate your beloved birthday girl with rhymed phrases on her significant day by choosing one of the published beautiful poems.
- Be a husband desired and beloved by all, Always charming, unique! Let your eyes shine with happiness forever! Our toast to you! Let them pour it!
- Be healthy, be beautiful, be rich, be happy. Be sensitive and adamant. Tender, affectionate, in love. Strict be funny, funny. Slave or master. Be a guiding star - Bright, kind, gold. Be at the end of the tunnel with light. The first green of April. The hearth of the family, a fairy tale - Unforgettable and beautiful. A dream of a magical, formidable cloud. Be a mighty ocean. Be an arrow that hits the heart. Sweet honey, hot pepper. Petal in the blooming garden. Around, running through the water. Be luxurious and innocent. Quivering rose, avalanche.
- So your holiday has come. And I want to wish Many days happy, different, To live - do not lose heart. To the house was a full bowl, All who are dear, were nearby, So that friends called more often, And all the enemies forgot.
- Let health not fail, And spring sings in the soul! Happy birthday, I congratulate you, I drink to the bottom!
- I proclaim this toast on your birthday! It will be short, it will be simple - catch luck by the tail!
- I wish to remain a superwoman: Desired, charming, stylish, And the fact that he was bequeathed to nature by his youth, Save and make his main strength. Let the hearth of the family be extinguished, Giving warmth to you, your spouse, children. Let your favorite flowers Deliver from rainy days in the world. Let the house breathe with comfort and prosperity, Reliable staying day and night, Let in the heart of a restless, young Love in life still bubble.
- Happy Birthday Congratulations. We sincerely wish you Happiness, vivacity, attention, Joy and charm. Let love and respect Improve your mood And never fade Your star in heaven!
The toasts in the verses are very harmonious. They attract the attention of listeners. As a rule, phrases of poems are based on some general expressions and wishes.
If you are tormented by doubts, and you don’t know what exactly to talk about at the table, save the congratulation in verses and say it when your turn comes up. With this action you will pay respect to the birthday girl and save yourself from awkward silence.
The nature of women is multifaceted. With age, his features unfold like a rose, revealing more and more features and charms. Pleasing a beautiful lady is sometimes very difficult. Even making a toast in her honor, you can "run into" a misunderstanding. This collection of toasts will help you choose the key to the mood of the birthday girl and give a smile on this significant day.