At each feast, a toast to the parents must be heard. It is important to choose such words in order to express gratitude and love for mother and father, even if they are no longer nearby.

Wedding Toasts for Parents

An integral part of the wedding is kind words addressed to the parents of the bride and groom. It is important to mention here that, despite creating their own family, the son and daughter should not forget about those who gave them life.

Here are examples of good wedding toasts for parents:

“Dear newlyweds! Today you have created a new unit of society, but you need to remember your parents. They are your roots, you are the branches on which the kidneys must appear. And since any tree cannot live without roots, do not lose touch with those who raised and raised you! For your strong family and your parents! ”

“Dear bride and groom! In your life together there will be everything: joys and tribulations, victories and defeats, ups and downs. But in any situation, there will be those near you who will always come to the rescue and support - these are your parents! I propose a toast to their health, longevity and wisdom! ”

And a beautiful toast parable is perfect for the wedding celebration:

“One young man fell in love with a girl from another nation. She said that she would agree to marry him only after he fulfilled a hundred of her desires. And the young man immediately set to work, indulging all the whims of his beloved, and soon only the last assignment remained. The girl ordered him to forget her father, mother and mother tongue forever, promising that in this case she would stay with him forever. The young man thought, jumped on his horse, and hurried to his native home, not looking back. Let's drink so that our newlyweds never forget about those who gave them life! For parents! ”

For the parents of the birthday

On a birthday, it is important to respect the parents of the hero of the occasion, and to say kind words about them.

You can make such a speech:

“Raising a child is the hard, daily heroic work of mother and father. I want to raise this glass for the parents of the hero of the day and wish them always proud of the result of their efforts! ”

“I want to drain this glass for mom and dad of our dear birthday boy! They are the true creators and creators of his wonderful qualities, kindness and intelligence! I would like to wish that everything that you thought about at the birth of your child will come true! ”

“I propose a toast to the parents of the hero of the occasion! They are like guardian angels, who always stand behind and do not let fall in difficult times. This is a stone wall, protection and support in any life's adversity! We wish them long life and good health! ”

Beautiful wedding toasts

On the wedding anniversary, it is important for parents to hear congratulations from their children. And the son or daughter, in turn, wants to express in a few words his love for the people closest in the world.

You can congratulate mom and dad on a significant date with these words:

“My dear parents! Congratulations on your wonderful holiday and let me thank you for the fact that love, happiness and mutual understanding have always reigned in our house! Thank you for everything, and may it always be so! ”

“My beloved mom and dad! I congratulate you on your wedding anniversary and want to wish you to remain forever young and energetic, enjoy life and enjoy every day! May love and prosperity never leave your home! ”

And you can tell a beautiful and wise parable at the festive feast:

“Once, someone knocked on a house on the outskirts of a village. To the gaze of the owner who opened the door appeared three tired travelers who said that their name was Health, Wealth and Love, and asked for an overnight stay. But there was so little free space in the house that the owner decided to consult with his family, whom should they leave for the night. The wife demanded that Luck be allowed into the house, the elderly mother - Health, and the daughter was on the side of Love. The man was confused and told the travelers to look for another overnight stay. "I want to raise a glass so that your home always has a corner for health, wealth and love!”

Comic greetings

You can make a toast to your parents in a comic form, so as not only to express gratitude to them, but also to cheer you up.

Such words will do:

“I know this proverb:“ Why know if you do not know how, and why be able to if you do not. ” Today I want to raise a glass for parents who knew, were able and done! ”

"Dear Parents! I would like to wish that if the wind blew, then it would be the wind of happy changes, and heavy rain - a rain of happiness and prosperity! For you!"

“I have heard that wizards and fairies always remain young and never grow old! Today I want to raise a glass for parents who, with their love, can turn our lives into a fairy tale! ”

Toasts in verses and prose

Not everyone is given the opportunity to compose poetic greetings, and parents can be honored with a ready-made rhymed toast:

“Mom and dad - glory and honor!”

I am sure that the people will not mind!

The glass for parents needs to be raised!

I wish them a happy life! ”

Another version of poetic toast:

"Friends! Raise the glasses

For our mother and father!

I offer you today:

Drain the cups to the end! "

You can also beautifully appeal to parents in prose by saying such a touching text:

“A small brook, having reached the vast ocean and merged with it, must always remember the spring, which remained high in the mountains. It was from here that the trickle began its earthly journey and thanks to it managed to overcome everything that fell to its lot. Let us drink to ensure that we always respect our origins and honor our mother and father! ”

For deceased parents

In many families, relatives who have departed are remembered not only on the days allotted for this, but also on various gatherings.

You can remember the departed loved ones with these words:

“At any feast in our friendly company, there is always a slight shadow of sadness about those who are no longer there. They could be among us today and rejoice with us. But man is alive as long as they remember him. Let us remember those who gave us life, and will be silent for a while. ”

“I propose raising glasses for those who are no longer among us, but they have remained forever in our hearts and our memory.”

“How much I want to say about those who gave us life and gave us a piece of their soul - ours about parents who are no longer among us. Bright memory to them! ”

Important! Toasts for the departed are pronounced, after turning off the music, and they drink while standing, and not clinking glasses.

What is the toast for parents

Many ask the question, what should be the toast for the parents. As a rule, the first glass rises in connection with the occasion on which the guests gathered. The next glass is most often drunk on the principle of “between the first and second spaces are small”, and parents, both living and dead, are honored with the third toast.