The first birthday of the beloved baby is the main event in the family. And what a celebration without sweets? Cake for 1 year old girl can be made with his own hands, and if you try a little, it will turn out no worse than expensive, custom-made.

Cake without mastic for 1 year old girl

Of course, on such a wonderful holiday, I would like to impress guests with something unusual. However, it is not easy to make figures from mastic, and there is not always enough time and experience for this. Therefore, you can do without unnecessary efforts and bake a cake without mastic. However, he will still look great.

To implement the idea you will need:

  • 1 egg
  • half a glass of premium flour;
  • a can of quality condensed milk;
  • half a liter of cream;
  • 3 tbsp. l powdered sugar;
  • peaches (canned or fresh).

The algorithm of actions is simple:

  1. Beat eggs, pour in a can of condensed milk, add flour, baking powder and stir the whole mass as it should. You will get a batter, which should stand a little (about 20 minutes) until small bubbles appear on the surface.
  2. The biscuit is baked in separate cakes. To do this, you can use a round shape. If there is none, then you can draw a circle on the parchment along which to distribute the required amount of dough.
  3. Thick cakes are baked for only five minutes, the temperature regime is 180 degrees. You can not bring the cakes to a golden crust, they must remain soft.
  4. Cream is made by whipping cream with sweet powder. They well “smear” the whole cake. Peaches cut into slices are laid out between the cakes. Top treat is decorated with cream and the remaining halves of fruit.

With gingerbread cookies

Gingerbread cookies, or toppers, are a great decoration for any cake.They will look great on the dessert prepared for the girl’s birthday.

To make them, you need such products:

  • 170 g of honey;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • a pound of flour;
  • 130 g butter;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1.5 teaspoons of soda;
  • spices - cinnamon, ginger, coriander;
  • egg white;
  • lemon juice;
  • 160 g of powdered sugar;
  • gel dyes;
  • wooden skewers
  • toothpick.

Gingerbread cookies are prepared like this:

  1. Stir soft butter with sugar, eggs, honey. Pour in flour and make dough. Put it in the refrigerator for about twenty minutes.
  2. Form gingerbread cookies by rolling the dough into a layer up to half a centimeter thick and cutting the figures with molds. In their absence, you can try using a pre-made paper stencil to cut out animals, stars, flowers and other figures with a knife.
  3. Bake the workpiece. Temperature - 180 degrees, time - 10 minutes. Stick wooden skewers into hot items.
  4. Colored drawings on gingerbread should also be made according to a paper template. Each detail of the picture is cut out of paper separately, and then applied to the right place on the gingerbread. Around the perimeter of the part, small punctures are made with a toothpick. Thus, the icing will not spill over the whole gingerbread.

The basis for the glaze is made as follows: with a mixer whisk protein with powdered sugar and a few drops of lemon juice. The contours of the drawings on the gingerbread are surrounded by white icing without dyes. For this, the mass is placed in a confectionery bag with the narrowest nozzle. If it is too thick for such a miniature job, you can use an ordinary plastic bag, cutting off its corner.

During the "drawing", errors can be corrected with a toothpick.

Then the icing can be divided into portions and mixed with different dyes. After the white outline of the patterns on the gingerbread hardens, you can paint them with colorful compositions.

The most beautiful children's dessert with mastic

Of course, mom can bake for her baby for 1 year the most beautiful cake in the world and decorate it no worse than in an expensive pastry shop. The main advantage of such a product is that it will turn out to be much tastier than the purchased one. And also, the products used in the preparation will be the freshest and most natural.

Here's what you need:

  • 150 g of flour;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • half a liter of cream;
  • a pack of butter;
  • can of condensed milk;
  • 4 eggs;
  • canned or live peaches;
  • 200 g marshmallows;
  • a pound of powdered sugar;
  • food colorings.

Cooking a biscuit:

  1. Proteins and yolks are whipped separately with sugar.
  2. Then gently connect together using a mixer.
  3. Next, the sifted flour is poured in small portions.
  4. The biscuit is baked for 25 minutes at a temperature of 180 - 190 degrees.

The biscuit should be cooled and cut into cakes.

We make cream, whipping cream with icing sugar. Then we collect the cake.

  1. Lubricate the cakes with butter cream, place sliced ​​fruits between them. To soak, put the cake in the refrigerator.
  2. In the meantime, beat soft butter with condensed milk. The resulting mass of cake is double-coated on all sides. To solidify the first and second layers of glaze, we again send it to the refrigerator.
  3. Cooking mastic. On top of marshmallows, spread a couple of tablespoons of butter on top and put the resulting composition in the microwave for 10 seconds. Then we mix everything, adding icing sugar. If you plan to make colorful figures, then marshmallows should be divided into several portions and drown them with butter and appropriate food coloring each.
  4. Turn one serving of mastic into a large layer and cover them with the entire cake. Use multi-colored compositions for the manufacture of figures and flowers. To keep them well on the surface of the cake, they are slightly moistened with water. The bottom of the cake can be covered with an imitation of a ribbon with a bow made of mastic.

Uniform Cake

The first birthday cake for the baby can be arranged as a unit.First, bake a few biscuit cakes, and then cut out the large number “1” from them using a pre-prepared paper template.

What is needed from the products:

  • 12 eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. white sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. premium flour;
  • baking powder or soda.

Cakes are soaked in sweet syrup. Cream for this cake can be prepared creamy or sour cream. Dessert should be covered with the selected composition not only between the cakes, but also from all sides. Inside, you can lay a layer of fruits and nuts, and on top wrap the treat with a layer of mastic and lay on it personally prepared figures. Decorate the bottom of the cake with sugar lace, which you can buy in a candy store.

For figures, you should first make paper templates and carefully cut out all the details using different tools - a knife, a toothpick, etc. You should try to make the figures look as natural as possible.

From baby cookies with cream

A young mother may not have enough time and energy to prepare a delicious cake. Purchased is not always successful. Therefore, it is better to prepare a baby's own cake for the baby on his first birthday, but without too much fuss. The oven does not need anything.

You will need such products:

  • a pack of baby cookies;
  • one yogurt for kids;
  • one or two children’s curds;
  • sugar to taste;
  • a bag of jelly for the cake;
  • favorite fruits.

The cake will be very small. If desired, the number of products can be doubled or even tripled.

  1. Soak gelatin in 50 ml of water.
  2. Mix yogurt and curd, add sugar.
  3. Heat gelatin so that it dissolves well. Pour into curd cream, stir.
  4. Cover some convenient container with a film, put cookies in it and fill it with the resulting cream. Put everything in the refrigerator.
  5. When the cream hardens, remove the container and turn on the dish. Remove the film from the finished dessert and decorate it with fruit. Pour them, if desired, with jelly.

DIY cream cake

A wonderful biscuit cake with two types of cream will delight both guests and the baby with its taste. Only natural products are used in its preparation.


  • 10 eggs;
  • a couple of glasses of flour;
  • as much sugar.

Cream of sour cream:

  • a glass of sugar;
  • 850 g sour cream.

Meringue cream:

  • 3 egg whites
  • a glass of sugar;
  • third of a glass of water.


  • 5 tbsp. l water;
  • 7 tbsp. l white sugar.

Cooking does not require special knowledge and skills from the hostess:

  1. Beat whites and yolks for biscuit separately. Sugar should be added in small portions. Then combine gently whipped yolks with proteins. Slowly add the sifted flour, mixing gently so that the mass does not “sit down”.
  2. Divide the dough into two portions and bake each separately. Allow the cakes to cool and, if desired, make horizontal cuts, turning two layers into four.
  3. Cook the syrup by boiling it from water and sugar. It should cool completely before impregnating the cakes.
  4. Sour cream should start cooking a few hours before baking a biscuit. Beat sour cream with sugar and put on cheesecloth, folded in several layers at the bottom of the colander. Then put it in a pan and put in the refrigerator for the night. Excess serum drains, and the cream becomes more dense.
  5. Before greasing the biscuit with cream, the latter should be well beat with a mixer again in thick foam. The resulting composition also process the sides of the future cake.
  6. Meringue cream should be made only from proteins. They are whipped into a very strong foam without sugar. To sweeten meringues, prepare a special thick and hot syrup from water and sugar. It is boiled until a soft ball can be rolled out of it in the hands.
  7. Continuing to whip the squirrels, the hot syrup is poured into the future meringue in a thin stream. The mass will begin to increase rapidly. Do not turn off the mixer until the cream cools down.
  8. Then we place the meringue cream in a pastry bag and with the help of nozzles we decorate the cake with it according to our desire.

How to decorate a cake?

I would like the home-made cake to be original, very beautiful, as if coming out of the hands of a professional chef.

Today there is every opportunity for this. Cake decoration can be like this:

  1. Figures from mastic. They are made on the basis of marshmallows, combining it with other ingredients and harmless food colors. Jewelry is very beautiful, bright. Sugar mastic is also popular, and is more suitable for children. It, unlike marshmallows, does not contain preservatives, emulsifiers and stabilizers. It is also possible to fashion a variety of figures from it, after coloring the composition with harmless dyes on a natural basis. So, wonderful animals, cartoon characters, toys, objects symbolizing the age of the baby (booties, dress, baby carriage, etc.) come out of mastic.
  2. Sweets and cookies. If you are not confident in your artistic skills, then it is better to decorate the cake with ready-made cookies and sweets. You can use chocolate products, and various kinds of caramel dragees, and marmalade. They always look smart. The combination of shapes, colors and textures can give a surprisingly beautiful result.
  3. Fruits. A universal option that looks great and appetizing. Fruits can be used both fresh and canned. You can put them on the cake in beautiful compositions, pour jelly, combine with different types of glaze, chocolate.
  4. Cream flowers. Airy and tender meringue or whipped cream. This decoration always looks festive. It is easy to make flowers using a pastry bag with different nozzles. Even a novice confectioner will cope with such a task.
  5. Chocolate or sugar icing figurines. Making them at home is much easier than using mastic. The still warm glaze is placed in a pastry bag and, using the thinnest nozzle, the outline of the drawing is applied to the parchment. Then, using colored glaze, paint over the details. When the icing hardens, the parchment is carefully removed, and the cake is decorated with the resulting figure.

The cake is unlikely to be appreciated by her baby on her first birthday. In addition, such a delicacy to try a one-year-old crumb is still useless. But guests will definitely enjoy such light desserts!