Do you think what dessert to prepare for a child’s birthday or for home-made tea drinking? Make a tortoise cake. On the table, he looks very beautiful, and his pieces just melt in his mouth.
Material Content:
Cake turtle - a classic recipe in the oven
You will need:
- cocoa powder - 90 gr.;
- salt - two pinches;
- wheat flour - 0.26 kg;
- eggs - 6 pcs.;
- vanillin to taste;
- granulated sugar - 480 gr.;
- soda - 10 gr.;
- butter - 0.3 kg;
- baking powder - 12 gr.;
- sour cream - 0.6 l.
The classic cake recipe step by step:
- Pour raw squirrels and yolks into different bowls. Proteins immediately close in the refrigerator.
- In a bowl with yolks, pour 160 grams of sugar. Grind the ingredients with a mixer.
- Pour salt into cold proteins. Beat the mixture by hand, gradually pouring another 160 grams of sugar. When the proteins turn into white foam, pour them to the yolks.
- We extinguish 10 grams of soda with vinegar. Pour it into the egg mass along with baking powder and sifted flour.
- Mix everything, and you get a gentle soft dough.
- Cover the baking sheet with baking paper.
- We select the dough into a confectionery syringe and squeeze onto a baking sheet in the form of small circles. There should be a lot of them.
- Leave the distance between the dough, as when baking it will increase in size.
- We heat the oven to a temperature of 200 degrees.
- Cooking cakes 7 minutes. We take them out, let cool.
- Microwave the butter until liquid.
- We combine it with 160 grams of granulated sugar, vanilla and 500 grams of sour cream. The mixture is treated with a mixer.
- We put ten round balls aside. Dip the remaining cakes into the cream and form the tortoise’s body with them.
- With the remaining cream, coat the top and walls of the future cake.
- For chocolate icing, mix the remaining sugar, sour cream, butter, a pinch of salt and cocoa.
- We put the mass on the stove and boil for 2 minutes.
- Immediately cover the “shell” of the cake with icing.
- From the remaining cakes we make legs and a head. Cake turtle with sour cream is ready.
A simple cooking option in a pan
This version of the goodies is prepared much faster and easier. Takes a little longer than baking pancakes.
Grocery list:
- chocolate bars - 200 gr.;
- three chicken eggs;
- sour cream - 200 gr.;
- granulated sugar - 150 g .;
- premium flour - 130 gr.;
- a piece of butter - 75 gr.
Cooking a cake in a pan:
- Combine raw eggs and granulated sugar in a bowl. Shake the mixture until smooth.
- Slowly pour the flour and make the dough. Its consistency is similar to the consistency of dough for pancakes.
- Lubricate the pan with a little oil and bake ordinary pancakes.
- Bring the chocolate bars and a piece of butter in the microwave or water bath to a creamy state.
- Pour these products into sour cream, mix.
- The cooled pancakes are superimposed on each other with a slide, creating the shape of a turtle.
- With sour cream, you can smear each cake or only the top of the cake.
- Set aside 8-10 fritters. From them we make the head and legs. Or use round oatmeal cookies for this purpose.
Emerald Tortoise - with Kiwi
A very beautiful, summer, bright cake will look great on the holiday table.
Recipe Components:
- egg - 3 pcs.;
- vanilla sugar - 12 g .;
- one can of condensed milk;
- soda - 10 gr.;
- flour - 0.5 kg;
- white sugar - 160 gr.;
- milk - 0.5 l.
How to make a tortoise cake with kiwi:
- Pour milk into a saucepan, pour 50 grams of flour and break two chicken eggs.
- Mix and pour both types of sugar.
- Beat the mixture with a whisk and cook on the stove.
- When the liquid becomes thick, put the butter in a pan.
- We proceed to the preparation of cakes. Pour all the condensed milk and the remaining raw egg into another pan. Pour flour to them and add soda, quenched in vinegar.
- We make the dough and divide it into 8 slices.
- We roll each of them on the countertop and pierce it with a fork over the entire surface of the dough.
- Bake cakes on a baking sheet with parchments. The temperature of the oven is 180 degrees. The time is about 10 minutes. Finished dough or not, you can find out with a toothpick.
- We cut the rosy cakes into an even circle and form the body of the turtle from them.
- Peel the kiwi and cut into circles. We form with their help a tortoise shell.
- The legs can be made with peeled bananas and the head with half a lemon. Emerald tortoise cake is ready.
Without baking: from gingerbread and cookies
In this recipe you do not need to include either an oven or a stove. Everything is done very simply and quickly.
Grocery list:
- sugar - 80 g .;
- three bananas;
- vanillin - a pinch;
- sour cream - 500 ml;
- gingerbread cookies of dark color - 500 gr.
Step-by-step instruction:
- Each gingerbread is cut lengthwise into three plates.
- Peeled bananas shred circles.
- Pour vanilla and sugar into a bowl with sour cream. With a whisk, we mix the mass until granulated sugar is completely dissolved.
- Dip each layer of gingerbread in a sour cream mixture and lay out a slide in the form of a turtle from them.
- The remaining sour cream, pour the delicacy on top.
- If you want to further decorate the cake, then you can sprinkle with grated chocolate or make icing.
- Close the delicacy in the refrigerator for an hour so that the cream is absorbed into the gingerbread cookies.
The main component can be replaced by cookies of various types.
With custard
What you need to take:
For the test:
- flour - 200 gr.;
- cocoa powder - 30 gr.;
- granulated sugar - 0.35 kg;
- soda in vinegar - 10 g .;
- egg - 5 pcs.
For cream:
- sugar - 0.25 kg;
- vanillin to taste;
- egg - 2 pcs.;
- butter - 180 gr.;
- milk - 0.5 l.
Algorithm of actions:
- Our dessert will be chocolate. Let's start the dough first. Pour the eggs into a spacious bowl and shake them with a whisk.
- Pour flour, cocoa powder, sugar and soda crushed onto them. Form a chocolate-colored dough.
- Put a large spoon on a baking sheet covered with baking paper.
- Bake in an oven preheated to a temperature of 180 degrees for 10 minutes.
- Now let's do the cream. Break the chicken eggs into a separate bowl, pour the milk into them.
- Stir the mass with a whisk.We put the bowl on a slow fire and cook the milk mixture, constantly stirring with a spoon.
- Most importantly, prevent yolk coagulation. When the cream becomes thick, add butter.
- Dip small cakes into the cream and collect from them a slide in the form of a tortoise shell.
- Pour it on top with melted chocolate. You can sprinkle chopped nuts.
With condensed milk
Ingredients for the dough:
- soda - 11 gr.;
- vinegar - 5 ml;
- egg - 4 pcs.;
- granulated sugar - 120 g .;
- wheat flour - 180 gr.
Cream Products:
- condensed milk - 150 ml;
- sour cream - 0.2 kg.
Glaze Ingredients:
- cocoa powder - 15 g .;
- chocolate - 20 gr.;
- granulated sugar - 50 gr.;
- a slice of oil - 15 gr.;
- sour cream - 20 gr.
How to make a tortoise cake with condensed milk:
- We start with the test. Beat the corolla's raw eggs until a foam forms.
- Pour sugar, sifted flour. Stir the products.
- Pour vinegar into the soda. Transfer the mixture to the dough, mix everything again.
- Cover a baking sheet with baking parchments.
- Pour dough in the form of pancakes onto it. Cook them at 180 degrees 15 minutes.
- While the cakes are cooling, make a cream. Combine the condensed milk and sour cream.
- For the icing in the microwave, soften the butter. Pour sugar and cocoa to it, add sour cream.
- Cook the mixture until sugar is completely dissolved.
- From the pancakes we form a cake, dipping each of the cakes into a cream.
- Top the dessert with icing. Leave for impregnation for 3 hours.
Kefir Cake
If you are not a fan of too sweet desserts, try making sandwiches on yogurt.
Recipe Components:
- white flour - 390 gr.;
- sour cream - 80 gr.;
- slaked vinegar soda - 12 gr.;
- yogurt - 1 liter;
- egg - 6 pcs.;
- Cocoa - 45 gr.;
- kefir - 100 ml;
- sugar - 160 gr.;
- butter - 120 gr.
Step-by-step instruction:
- We combine raw proteins and egg yolks, milk, soda and flour. Knead the dough like pancakes.
- We spread the dough into a hot pan with a tablespoon and fry.
- For impregnation, mix kefir and yogurt.
- Each pancake is dipped in kefir mixture and spread the slide in the shape of a tortoise body.
- Leave two pancakes aside. From them we form the head and two legs.
- Pour cocoa and sugar into a saucepan with sour cream.
- Cook the mixture at low heat until it thickens.
- Fill the tortoise cake shell with icing. A delicate delicacy with a rich taste is ready.