Fat burners for weight loss in women are classified by the composition and mechanism of action on the body, but they are all aimed at one task - to achieve optimal body weight with minimal harm to the body. A low-calorie diet and adequate physical activity are usually connected to the therapeutic regimen. Many drugs, due to their pronounced side effects, it is advisable to use only under medical supervision.
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The effect of fat burners on the body of a woman
The basic functions of funds aimed at ridding women of excess fat mass can be generalized.
The main effects include:
- stimulation of metabolic processes;
- decreased absorption of carbohydrate and fatty substances, accelerated splitting of complex lipid molecules;
- suppression of food needs;
- release of energy resources, increase of working capacity, endurance;
- burning excess calories without an active load;
- removal of toxins, poisons and excess fluid.
Women who want to lose weight should be aware of the fact that fat burners without training often do not provide the expected result.
However, subject to a low-carb diet or at least a little physical exertion, most of them quite successfully cope with the task.
Types of Fat Burners
Such a concept as fat burners is used for the purpose of generalization, since these drugs differ in many respects from each other in the constituent substances and their functions.
So, according to the composition and principle of action, the following types are distinguished:
- Thermogenics (thermogenics). They accelerate metabolic processes due to an increase in body temperature by 0.5 - 2 degrees, reduce the feeling of hunger, activate the brain, thyroid and nervous system.
- Fat Burning Drugs. Hydroxycitrate is considered as one of the body's most sparing fat burners. It activates the oxidation of lipids, reduces appetite. According to endocrinologists, the thyroid hormone triiodothyronine is also an intense fat burner. But its use is very dangerous due to uncontrolled dysfunctions of the thyroid gland and myocardium, severe side effects. Moreover, in fact, the effectiveness of the drug is low - quickly shed body weight is restored after its cancellation.
- Lipotropic drugs (lipotropics). This category mainly includes sports and biological supplements with vitamin-like substances. They increase the intensity of the processes during which the breakdown of fats occurs (chromium, levocarnitine, lecithin, inosine). Their effect is mild, therefore lipotropics are often administered in combination formulations or used in patients with a slight excess of weight.
- Fat blockers. Inhibit the functions of enzymes that break down lipids, block the absorption of fats (Xenical).
- Anorectics. They have a pronounced effect on the nerve centers of the brain, dulling the feeling of hunger. Do not directly participate in the processing of fats. Really help to lose weight and reduce the volume of the stomach, causing a quick sense of fullness from small portions of food. A frequently used drug of this group is sibutramine (Meridia, Goldline, Reduxin). The effect is long-lasting, persists after cessation of administration.
- Anticatabolics. They reduce the aggressiveness of cortisol, the hormone that causes the formation of fat depots, and inhibit the absorption of fats and carbohydrates.
- Laxatives and diuretics. Diuretics do not affect lipid breakdown. Body weight loss occurs due to short-term elimination of fluid from the body.
The best fat burners for weight loss
Choosing the best means for losing weight for women means that they must be not only effective, but also safe for health.
Pharmacy preparations
Among the safest drugs that can be purchased in the pharmacy network, it is worth highlighting:
- Metformin (Siofor, Bagomet, Glucofage, Glyformin). As a medicinal sugar-lowering drug, it is used for type 2 diabetes, as well as for obesity. Excess fat goes away due to a decrease in resistance to insulin, a regulator of hunger, the processes of fat formation and metabolism. The effect of weight loss and figure correction is confirmed by practice and research, but a low-carb diet is required. It has a complex effect on the woman’s body, is included in the treatment regimen for polycystic. Metformin reduces the risk of heart attack, breast cancer, and diabetes complications. Use only with food limited courses.
- Acarbose (Glucobai) - according to the mechanism of action and effectiveness, is similar to Metformin. Reduces the absorption of lipid-carbohydrate foods, appetite and, as a result, caloric intake.
- Xenical (Orlistat, Listata, Orsoten, Xenalten). It is considered a very effective drug with a low number of adverse reactions. It blocks enzymes that help absorb fats. It works only in the intestinal tract, without affecting other organs. If a low-carb diet is not followed, the effectiveness of Metformin and Xenical drops sharply.
Non-training fat burners is a category of pharmacological anorectics and anorexigens, and most of them are serious pharmacological products with severe side effects and a large number of contraindications.
They can only be used after consultation with a neurologist, with a prescription.
Anorexigenic drugs do not affect fat metabolism, but suppress appetite due to effects on the central nervous system and specifically on the brain center of saturation.
The main ones:
- Clenbuterol. Contains ephedrine.As a fat burner, it speeds up metabolism, but does significant harm to the body. Side effects - overexcitation, palpitations, damage to the nervous system, secondary spasm of the bronchi, jumps in blood pressure.
- Cabergoline (Bromocriptine, Dostinex). Helps reduce fat mass, in medicine it is used as a medicine for female infertility. It is considered an anorectic with the least number and severity of adverse reactions. Medical supervision is required.
- Sibutramine (Reduxin (not to be confused with Reduxine Light), Goldline, Lindax, Meridia) is one of the common medications for appetite suppression, which has a number of serious side effects. Anorectic is prescribed for obesity and a body mass index (BMI) of more than 30 - 35 kg / m. sq. when other methods fail.
Drugs close to Sibutramine in action:
- Fluoxetine (Prozac). Antidepressant.
- Lorcaserin (Belvik). Used only for BMI: 30 kg / m 2 in healthy people, 27 kg / m 2 - in patients suffering from hypertension, diabetes, atherosclerosis.
- Denfluramine.
- Dexfenfluramine (Isolipan). There is a risk of cerebral edema.
- Mazindol (Teronak).
Sports nutrition
The group of sports fat burners for women (as well as for men) includes drugs, the basis of which is most often made up of plant substances. Such complex remedies are quite effective for losing weight, but many of them, especially thermogenics, are not so harmless that they must be taken into account.
The safest:
- FAT Burners For Women (Universal Nutrition). It is considered one of the best for women. The base composition includes L-carnitine, plant extracts and linoleic acid.
- USPlabs OxyELITE Pro with the mildest formula for women. The main component is geranium, which in combination with physical activity and a low-fat diet gives excellent results.
- Hydroxycut MAX Pro (MuscleTech). Safe fat burner, accelerates the breakdown of fats, metabolism, designed specifically for women, taking into account the characteristics of their body.
The remaining drugs that can be purchased at the pharmacy can be divided into categories:
- Thermogenerics. They include herbal components such as guaranu, caffeine, green tea, choline, hydroxycitric acid, yohimbe, evodiamine, cayenne pepper, tyramine, synephrine, DMAA. The most famous of them: Nutrex Lipo 6X (Nutrex); Cloma Pharma Methyldren; Atro-phex; Thermonex (BSN). Reception is not recommended for people with any disturbances in the functioning of blood vessels, heart, thyroid gland, kidneys and liver, with vegetovascular dystonia, panic attacks, thrombosis (blood thickens due to dehydration). During the course, a plentiful drink is required - up to 3 liters per day.
- Lipotropic additives have a different composition. Among the main substances: melatonin, L-carnitine, methionine, Omega-3, betaine, CLA (linoleic acid), choline, chromic picolinate. The result appears after 3 to 4 weeks of admission.
- Blockers with chitosan (especially with a modified one) - a substance obtained from crustacean chitin, show a noticeable result when losing weight. In fact, chitosan is a dietary fiber that binds fats and removes them from the body, preventing digestion. In many cases, chitosan supplements are even more effective than thermogenics and lipotropics. Sports complexes with chitosan: Super Fat Bloc Chitosan and Chitosan Diet Formula (Optimum Nutrition), Cheaters Relief (BSN).
- Combined drugs, in which a combination of aspirin, caffeine and ephedrine (in different versions) and thermogenic substances serves as a fat-burning base, give a noticeable result. However, women should limit their use in connection with with significant adverse reactions and the development of dependence, especially when doses are exceeded. Representatives: Spiropent Herbalife, Cloma Pharma (Black spider), Ripped Fuel.
With great care, fat burners, which include synthetic adrenaline-like substances, chemical synephrine, methylhexanamine (DMAA), tyramine, dopamine, phenylethylamine, which are actively used as medications for medical reasons, should be used with great care.
Biologically active additives (BAA)
It should be noted that in dietary supplements and fat burners that athletes use, the composition of the main components is often duplicated. But active additives, unlike sports, should not contain chemical medicinal components.
Biologically active substances used as means for weight loss:
- have a gentle effect;
- intensify lipid metabolism;
- reduce the need for food;
- help control the process of weight loss;
- perfectly affect the whole body of a woman.
Common safe dietary supplements for controlling body weight:
- Sitrimax, Hydroxy-Citrate Vegetable, Thermo-Trim with hydroxycitrate.
- Olimp - L-Carnitine 3000 Extreme Shot. As part of B6 and carnitine.
- Modelform, Lipoxim.
- L-carnitine (Ultimate Nutrition or Power System) with carnitine.
- Cortisol blockers Lean FX (Anabolic Xtrem).
- CLA softgels (Optimum Nutrition) with linoleic acid.
- Turboslim. Acts as a mild laxative and diuretic, removes decay products.
- LiDa (LiDa). Effective Chinese-made vegetable complex (many fakes). Activates the breakdown of fat molecules. Composition: coleus, Pakhima coca, Garcinia cambordia, chrysanthemum, cola, porphyry, fruit extract of fortunella, orange, guarana seeds.
- Fat burning complex with orange, raspberry leaf, guarana.
- Vitamin and mineral complex Opti Women, which creates optimal conditions for burning fat.
Natural Slimming Fat Burners
The natural destroyers of fat cells include most of the plant substances, herbal extracts included in sports supplements for weight correction and dietary supplements.
The safest for women natural fat burners for weight loss, which can be included in dietary supplements and prevent the deposition of fat:
- L-carnitine is a vitamin B11 (natural amino acid).
- Green tea and coffee.
- Omega 3, linoleic acid (CLA).
- Goji berries, raspberry leaves. They are used more as an auxiliary, diuretic.
- Hydroxycitrate (hydroxycitric acid). Supplements usually contain the extract of the peel of the fruits of Cambodian Garcinia (Indian tree).
- Naringin is a plant citrus flavonoid.
- Chitosan.
- Pyruvate (pyruvic acid salt).
- Microcrystalline cellulose, consisting of natural cotton fibers that swell in the stomach and prevent the onset of hunger.
- Orange extract (natural synephrine).
- Glucomannan (brandy). Dietary fiber, which is not susceptible to processing by enzymes and swells when it enters the stomach, dulls the need for food. It is part of the famous dietary supplement Neo Slim.
- Choline is a vitamin-like substance that accelerates metabolic processes and the breakdown of fats.
- Caffeine (matein) is a natural purine alkaloid that increases metabolism.
- Guarana is a wild shrub whose fruits contain caffeine.
- Ephedrine is an alkaloid found in the ephedra plant, which is used strictly in medicine.
- An orange containing natural synephrine (unlike chemical synephrine, which is similar in action to adrenaline, which is incorporated into many thermogenics).
How to make a drink at home
The fat-burning drink, both delicious and healthy for women, is easy to make at home.
Cut fresh ginger root (3-4 cm), mix with raspberry leaves, lingonberries (a tablespoon) and pour a liter of boiling water. For sweetness, you can add a teaspoon of ground stevia leaves. Insist for 20 minutes. After straining and cooling, add a finely chopped slice of grapefruit, orange, lemon (to taste) and cinnamon on the tip of the knife to the drink. You need to drink ginger-citrus tea a little throughout the day.
Fat Burning List
Natural fat-burning products not only help to lose weight and suppress appetite, but also remove toxins, poisons, excess fluid, and prevent the deposition of body fat.
Of these, the most useful are:
- spinach, radishes, tomatoes, any kinds of salads, cucumbers, cabbage, especially cauliflower, broccoli, celery, asparagus;
- egg yolks (choline);
- cinnamon, cayenne pepper;
- coffee, guarana, natural cola (caffeine), cocoa, tea (any), rooibos, mate (polyphenols);
- citrus fruits with naringin (especially grapefruits), kiwi, raspberries, apples, avocados, pineapple (contains bromelain, which breaks down complex lipids);
- ginger, sweet potato, Jerusalem artichoke (included in Chinese-made fat-burning complexes)
- oatmeal, barley, buckwheat;
- sea kale;
- natural red wine (no more than 150 ml per day);
- low-fat sour-milk drinks.
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Adverse Effects
It is unacceptable to forget about the numerous contraindications and adverse reactions that occur with the use of fat burners.
- The constant use of thermogenics increases the load on the nervous system and myocardium, reducing life expectancy.
- Most anorectics and anorexigens have pronounced undesirable effects in the form of addiction, agitation, and overstrain of the cardiovascular system. Therefore, their use is strictly limited.
- Many of the fat burners (anorectics) are antidepressants, and their use can be complicated by mental disorders, insomnia, sexual disorders, bouts of depression and even suicidal impulses.
- Anorectics are prohibited for pregnant and lactating women, diabetics, patients with cardiac pathologies, high blood pressure, renal and hepatic pathologies. Adverse reactions: damage to the nervous system with symptoms of psychosis, heart pain, vomiting, thirst, apathy, trembling limbs.
- Sibutramine causes a drug-like dependence. It is important to know that sibutramine is prohibited not only during pregnancy, but even when planning for conception. You can get pregnant only 2 to 3 months after treatment with Sibutramine.
- Long-term use of diuretics leads to leaching of valuable substances, disruption of electrolyte balance, problems with the functioning of the kidneys and liver, osteoporosis, and bone fragility.
- Ephedrine, especially synthetic, causes tachycardia attacks, headaches, neurosis, irritability, bronchospasm and asthma attack, convulsive effects. High doses can cause sudden death syndrome.
- Among the unpleasant consequences of taking Metformin, Xenical: intestinal dysfunction, frequent "greasy" stools, gas formation, depression.
There are hormonal supplements that are not recommended for women, as they lead to infertility, the development of male sexual characteristics, and endocrine diseases. Very undesirable for taking, for example, Triiodothyronine, Nolvadex (violating the natural level of estrogen).
Grapefruit, pineapple and many other products are forbidden for peptic ulcer, gastritis, stone formation in organs, and strong tea and coffee for hypertensive patients, people with neurosis, and insomnia. In addition, it should be constantly remembered that any natural substances, fruits and spices can cause acute allergic reactions. For example, a very useful natural chitosan can lead to anaphylactic shock in people who are allergic to fish.
Of course, you need to fight excess weight and fat burners in this war come to the rescue. But it is important that their appointment be agreed with the doctor and combined with a balanced diet and moderate physical activity.