The painstaking work of breeders gave gardeners a tomato variety, amazing in taste and size. Tomato "Mazarin" is distinguished from the others by the large fruits that farmers so loved by consumers. Description of characteristics and recommendations for cultivation will allow you to get acquainted with this variety. Every summer clerk will be happy with such a miracle in the garden!
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Variety Description and Characterization
On the seed packaging, the manufacturer indicates a brief description of the variety, which does not allow to fully recognize its advantages. Gardeners who successfully grow it in their plots share secrets on how to grow this tomato.
They highlight the following characteristics:
- Ripe tomato of this variety acquires a bright, red-raspberry color.
- The shape of the fetus is heart-shaped, covered with a shiny skin that is dense to the touch.
- The pulp in a mature state is juicy, pleasant in taste and aromatic.
- When breaking inside a tomato, a small number of seeds are found.
- One tomato can weigh as much as 700 g.
- In height, the bushes are able to stretch to one and a half - two meters.
- Refers to medium-ripening vegetable crops.
- When forming a bush, the culture needs garter and pinching.
- With proper care, the bushes are abundantly hung with clusters of weighty tomatoes.
- Ripening time from the moment of planting occurs after about 3.5 months.
- Excellent yields can reach 15 kg per m².
In cooking, they are used for fresh consumption, delicious salads are prepared from Mazarini tomatoes. You can make tomato juice, for preservation the whole variety is too large. For winter, the fruits are harvested dried.
Advantages and disadvantages
Among the advantages of this variety, the following are boldly distinguished:
- The plant is able to produce crops even in hot weather and in extremely arid conditions at temperatures of +40 ºС.
- The Mazarini tomato variety is bred in such a way that it is resistant to late blight and other diseases.
- Excellent gustatory qualities do not leave indifferent even gourmets.
- Tomatoes grow large and are well stored, if necessary, you can remove them in a green state so that they mature in the shade.
- Summer residents consider the variety undemanding to care. If everything is done right from the start, a good harvest is guaranteed.
Disadvantages include: the need to tie tall bushes. To increase productivity, they need to be periodically stepsoned, otherwise the culture is overgrown with unnecessary greenery.
The ripening of the fruit depends on weather conditions; in rainy or cold summers, tomatoes may taste worse.
Agriculture tomato growing Mazarin
Seeds for seedlings are sown in late February.
- Sown in boxes that put on the windows or in the greenhouse.
- Previously, the seeds must be kept in the refrigerator on the lower shelf for a day, and then treated with preparations for preparing the seeds.
- Soil with neutral acidity is ideal for growing. Potash fertilizers, superphosphate and wood ash should be added first.
- Provide regular watering, before emergence, irrigate with a spray gun.
- For successful germination of tomatoes, you need a suitable variety temperature not lower than 23 degrees.
- To accelerate the growth of summer residents use organic stimulants of natural origin.
- After picking seedlings, the plant needs top dressing with a liquid composition with the addition of phosphorus and potassium.
- In order for tomato seedlings to become frost-resistant, boxes must be carried outside, and the greenhouse should be aired often.
Harvested as the tomatoes ripen, depending on weather conditions until the fall. Suitable variety for greenhouse cultivation of early tomatoes for sale.
In order to transport ripe unripe vegetables, they mature in the process, however, they lose their taste.
Features of landing in open ground
Before planting the crops in the beds, the soil is well watered, it should be loose and fed with mineral additives. For the entire growing season, the bushes need to be fed 3-4 times.
It should provide bushes with watering or irrigation. To achieve high productivity, they are tied to strong trellises and stepsons are regularly removed. It is advisable to leave only a few brushes on the bush, the rest is best removed. In the rainy season, the bed needs to be loosened.
In order for the tomatoes to produce large fruits, but not grow up, in the intervals between watering the beds should be slightly dried.
How to care for tomatoes
Without proper care, growing a vegetable crop will not produce positive results. If you do not pay attention to the subtleties, it will not be possible to grow large tomatoes, and there is no point in getting small tomatoes.
Proper care are as follows:
- Add one tablespoon of superphosphate or potassium sulfate to each well for yield.
- Keep the distance between the bushes, prevent neglect - this reduces the yield. Spread 2 - 3 bushes on 1 m².
- It is important to regularly cut off the side shoots so that a powerful main stem is formed.
- When the active growth phase begins, tomatoes are watered only during a drought.
- When an ovary forms, magnesium sulfate is required.
- To get large fruits, remove the extra ovary at an early stage of its appearance.
The variety of mid-season tomatoes "Mazarin" is worthy of attention not only experienced but also beginner gardeners. Growing tomatoes of this variety is a fascinating activity, especially when you want to grow giant tomatoes.
The culture shows excellent results when grown in greenhouses to sell early vegetables in the markets.
Diseases and pests - how to treat
Diseases and pests cause great damage to the plant until the destruction of the crop. If you do not start the fight on time, the gardener will face major disappointment. The blame for this will not be a tomato variety, but improper care, since Mazarin is considered a disease-resistant species.
- Infection with fungal or viral diseases more often occurs due to the lack of preventive measures. If, for example, you don’t remove stepsons in time, the bushes are overgrown with greenery - this contributes to the development of diseases.
- Excessive moisture in the soil causes the bushes to rot.
- We should not forget about the means against the development of late blight, brown spotting, midges. Using fungicides to treat bushes, you can avoid infection.
For this purpose, biologics or folk remedies have proven themselves very well, such as a soap solution with added soda or a decoction of onion husks. Gardeners praise the action of Bordeaux fluid - this tool has been tested for decades and is affordable. The best of the biologically active compounds is considered to be Fitosporin.
Similar varieties of tomatoes
The advantages of Mazarin are superior to the popular tomato variety Cardinal. Due to the gigantic size and taste of the fruit, the variety of tomatoes of amazing shape has gained great popularity. He is considered the most common, no less than the "Pink Honey" or "Sanka" tomatoes. The shape of the fruit is similar to the variety “Bull’s heart”. In addition, there exist similar F1 hybrid analogues.