Money tree can often be seen in modern homes. It is believed that it attracts luck, prosperity and comfort. But few people know that this plant has unique healing properties. What are the healing properties of a fat woman, how to use a plant, whether it can harm health - only useful information in our article.
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The healing and unique properties of the Crassula
A small tree with about 300 varieties “came” to us from South Africa and successfully took root as a decorative decoration for the interior of apartments and houses. Crassula, paprika - this is also the name of the plant, which we used to call a money tree. After all, by their presence small, coin-like leaves attract financial well-being to the family hearth, as folk signs indicate.
How a fat woman affects the inhabitants of the house:
- purifies the air, serves as a kind of filter in the room, thereby significantly improves the emotional atmosphere in the house;
- kills harmful bacteria and viruses, reducing the risk of respiratory diseases in people living in the house;
- absorbs negative energy, releases phytoncides, which improve the condition of the inhabitants;
- It is used as a medicine for external use.
A unique feature is the Crassula plant is very sensitive to the well-being of people living next to it.
In a positive, harmonious and healthy atmosphere, the tree blooms and smells fragrant. And if one of the family members falls ill, the tree begins to languish, flowers and leaves fall.After improving the well-being of the patient, the plant is also immediately restored. The fat girl as if absorbs all the negative energy.
What is the plant useful for women and men
In addition to the special properties of air purification from bacteria and negative energy, the plant helps in the treatment of certain diseases and conditions.
The benefits of the money tree are its healing properties:
- antiviral;
- bactericidal;
- antimicrobial;
- anti-inflammatory;
- regenerative;
- antipruritic.
Thanks to these characteristics, the leaves and juice of the money tree effectively heal inflammation and wounds on the skin, as well as relieve swelling and itching.
Women can use this healing drug to improve skin condition. The juice of the Crassula makes the dermis soft, supple, eliminates acne, rashes and irritations.
What diseases does the plant use?
Crassula is used to treat:
- cuts, wounds, bites of various insects (mosquitoes, bees, wasps);
- swelling, scabies;
- herpes
- corns, corns;
- varicose veins, thrombophlebitis;
- acne, acne;
- arthritis, osteochondrosis;
- hemorrhoids;
- sore throat;
- pathologies of the kidneys;
- peptic ulcer.
Most often, the raw material of the money tree is used as an external remedy. Recipes for oral administration require careful dosage and consultation with a doctor, because the fat woman has compounds of poisonous arsenic.
Traditional medicine recipes with money tree
In contrast to the official therapeutic practice, in which the characteristics of Crassula have not yet been studied in detail, in folk medicine there are drugs based on the healing properties of this plant.
- When the first signs of herpes infection appear on the lips (itching, tingling), healers advise wiping the affected area with a cotton swab moistened in the juice of the plant. This should be done quite often: every 20 to 30 minutes. You can also fix the fleece patch on the lip.
- From sore throat with sore throat and gum disease gargles will be effective. To prepare a medicinal product, you need to squeeze the juice from 7 - 10 leaves of the tree, add 100 ml of warm water to it and mix thoroughly. You can gargle 4–5 times a day.
- To relieve pain in the joints with radiculitis or arthritis, you can use massage using freshly squeezed juice of the Crassula. To do this, it must be rubbed into the problem areas of the joints before bedtime.
- An effective remedy for varicose veins, thrombophlebitis and edema will be a tincture of leaves of the money tree. To cook it, you need to take 10 leaves, rinse and finely chop them. Place the resulting mass in a container of dark glass and pour 500 ml of vodka or alcohol. Insist the remedy for 3 to 4 weeks in a cool and dark place.
- Lubrication of the damaged area with plant juice will save from insect bites, which will relieve itching and irritation.
- To get rid of corns, burns or ingrown nails, you need to cut off the upper film of the leaf and attach it with the pulp in the place where the problem exists, using a plaster, bandage or other method. It is better to do this at night, when the leg is almost immobilized. Due to the ability to eliminate such problems, the money tree is also called the corns.
- To speed up the healing of wounds, sprains and cuts, a mixture of crushed leaves will help. It must be applied in the form of a compress to the sore spot for 2 to 3 hours several times a day.
- An effective remedy that reduces bumps in hemorrhoids is called a remedy based on the juice of gherkin and vaseline. The proportion of components depends on the degree of the disease and the characteristics of the person. The mixture with a swab should be applied three times a day.
- To cure a stomach ulcer, healers are advised to chew 2 - 3 leaves of the plant Crassula 3 times a day an hour before meals.
- Water infusion will help improve the condition of the kidneys.For cooking, you need to take 5 - 7 leaves, pour them with 200 ml of boiling water and leave for 45 - 50 minutes. It is necessary to use the tool for 1 tbsp. l 20 minutes before meals three times a day.
Recipes for oral administration should be strictly dosed. At the same time, it is worthwhile to consult a doctor regarding the use of such home remedies, since self-medication can cause undesirable consequences.
The benefits of fat juice
All the medicinal substances of the plant in the maximum concentration are in its juice.
To squeeze it, you need to separate the upper film from the pulp, carefully chop the "money" leaves, and then strain the mixture through gauze or sieve.
Crassula juice:
- eliminates pain of various origins;
- disinfects
- promotes skin regeneration;
- relieves swelling and inflammation;
- kills viruses and bacteria.
Contraindications to the use of a flower
In order for a healing plant not to harm the body, you need to know how to use it correctly. Indeed, in some cases it is impossible to use funds based on a money tree.
It is extremely rare, but there are cases of allergies to pollen from a flowering plant. A person has tears, a runny nose, he sneezes, and edema and breathing problems may even occur. In such a situation, you should immediately consult a doctor for help, in addition, you will have to remove the money tree from your home.
In addition, contraindications to the use of funds based on juice of Crassulaceae are:
- pregnancy;
- lactation;
- children under 12 years old.
The presence of arsenic in the composition of the plant requires special care when using it as a medicine, especially for internal use. In case of an overdose, poisoning with this dangerous compound is possible.
Having felt the symptoms of poisoning, you should take activated charcoal or drink a cup of milk. If the signs worsen, you will have to call an ambulance team.
If you use the healing properties of the fat woman carefully and wisely, the plant will create a pleasant microclimate in the house, give health and good mood.