Among the miniature four-legged friends of a person, smart and charming fox terriers stand out as a separate breed. Possessing remarkable hunting skills, these dogs, nevertheless, successfully cope with the role of a pet. A variety of these wonderful animals is a tiny, almost toy toy-fox terrier.
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Description and varieties of breed
To date, two varieties of Fox Terrier dogs are distinguished: smooth-haired or wire-haired. The former are considered representatives of one of the most popular breeds in England. Smooth-haired terriers were bred by the end of the 18th century and in all their parameters were close to the current foxes. It was the smooth-haired Fox Terriers, so beloved by the British hunters, who became the progenitors of a new breed, called the American Toy Fox Terrier.
Often among the smooth-haired fox terriers, medium-sized individuals were born. At first, these were considered defective, but gradually won the love of breeders. Such dogs turned out to be mobile, full of energy, and as a result became excellent exterminators of rodents. Since 1930, small foxes began to be registered on a par with large foxes, passing under the same name. In the 30s of the last century, it was decided to make miniature fox terriers a separate breed.
Tiny animals, in whose veins by that time not only the fox terrier’s blood was flowing, but also the pinscher, the Manchester Terrier, and Chihuahua, were registered with toy fox terriers (American toy fox terrier, shortly with an amert).
Breed standard and puppy selection
Before acquiring a four-legged friend, it is recommended to carefully study the description of the breed.
Its typical representative is an athletically built miniature dog. Each movement declares agility, energy and strength.
- The average height of the animals at the withers is not more than 28 cm, the weight ranges from one and a half to three kilos.
- The face of amertia is wedge-shaped, proportional, the skull is round.
- The nose is black, in brown animals - in accordance with the color of the coat.
- Thin lips fit tightly together, white teeth, correct bite.
- The eyes are round, slightly convex, set wide.
- The neck of the toy is lean, medium length.
- The body structure is square (the height of the body is approximately equal to its length).
- The chest of the dogs is deep, the ribs are curved.
- The high tail can be stopped in the region of 3-4 vertebrae.
- The limbs are straight, parallel to each other.
Amertian wool is not thick, soft and shiny. The vegetation in the neck area is somewhat denser than in other places. Four varieties of American Toy Fox Terrier color are allowed (white will dominate in each). Colors can differ only in the number of inclusions and their color (in the area of the head and neck, the shade can be red, black, black and tan, brown and tan). The color of the blotches on the head and body should be identical.
If you are planning to buy a puppy of amertoy, you should first get acquainted with the manufacturers and try to assess their level of education and character. Litter from parents with a bad character can inherit all undesirable qualities. You should also track the conditions of the animals. Unsanitary conditions cause hidden infections of apparently healthy puppies.
Amertian kids should be educated, curious, outwardly healthy, have a good appetite.
In the litter, one can observe both the most active toy leader and calm individuals.
Features of care and maintenance
The toy fox terrier fits into the space of an apartment or house because of its small size.
- These dogs are very thermophilic and the owner can often find a pet hidden inside the duvet cover, even if he has his own warm house.
- The babies should be combed once a week, providing the pet with a light massage and helping to eliminate excess hairs.
- Amertoids should be bathed as wool is contaminated (in winter this practically does not happen). In the summer period, on the contrary, dogs who love to roll around on the ground require frequent bathing.
- Pets should also clean their ears once a week, cut their nails - once every 3-4 weeks.
- Do not forget about the teeth of amertians, caring for them from a very early age with the help of special pastes and brushes.
Short hair, deprived of undercoat, cannot fully warm a pet in cold weather. For this reason, the owner is advised to purchase special clothing designed for small dogs.
For walks with a toy-fox terrier, it is recommended to purchase a roulette leash, as well as a wide collar that can not damage the trachea. Letting go of an active baby should only be sure that he will not go far from the owner, pick up street “goodies” from the ground, throw himself at dogs, etc.
Many Foxes prefer small squeaking toys and balls. Items intended for these dogs should not contain small parts that the dog is capable of eating.
It is best to choose latex toys - bitten parts from them will not be able to damage the intestinal walls and will come out in a natural way.
Baby and adult dog food
Amertians should be fed from a very young age 3-4 times a day, giving preference to prepared foods or natural food. At the same time, Foxes are prone to overeating, and, as a result, to gaining excess weight. Provided that the right approach to nutrition and education, Toy Fox will delight the owner with excellent health, activity and vitality.
- Many manufacturers offer specially designed balanced feeds for miniature dog representatives. The amount of feed is determined based on the weight of the pet. In cold weather, the number of servings offered is permissible to increase (only if the dog is active).
- As for natural products, amertoys prefer chicken and turkey meat, it is permissible to introduce eggs, cottage cheese, and liver into the diet. Some foods should be excluded from the diet of the animal (often allergic to wheat, corn and beets).
The adult animal should be fed twice a day. Do not allow overeating of a pet, this can lead to obesity and the subsequent occurrence of difficulties with the digestion process.
Education and training of the fox terrier
The activity and ingenuity of amertias greatly facilitates their training and education. The owner must remember the basic truth - justice must be shown to the pet, and during training should not be too ingratiating, soft or emotional. The dog will certainly appreciate the persistence and firmness of the owner.
Every day, a puppy or adult Fox-toy should spend in motion and activity. The owner’s task is to give the pet time, otherwise the pet will get bored. The process of training should be started from a very early age of the dog. Smart by nature, toy fox terriers, however, are very stubborn, which can complicate the process of education. The dog simply will not execute the monotonously repeated commands - she will be tired of listening to them. Therefore, it is most convenient to train amertoe during the game.
Toy Fox babies need to be taken to walks to new places more often. Thus, he will be able to learn new smells, communicate with surrounding animals and people.
Small dog breeds have several advantages over large and massive congeners. So, miniature amertoys will take root in a dwelling of any size remarkably precisely because of their small size. The owner of the dog must take into account his love of heat, warming the pet as necessary.