Common caraway seeds are the most valuable spice and medicinal plant with ancient history. Its miraculous properties for centuries help to heal children and adults from a variety of diseases.
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Three facts about a healing plant:
- The most valuable part of cumin is the seeds rich in essential oils. With their help, babies are quickly treated for coughing and inflammation of the bronchi.
- The fruits of caraway seeds are useful for those who follow the figure and want to lose weight.
- A decoction of the seeds of a medicinal plant increases lactation.
The chemical composition of caraway seeds
Common caraway or Carum carvi is a spice with a sharp-bitter aftertaste and aroma, but the plant is valued not only for unusual taste. Its seeds have long been used in folk medicine, their rich chemical composition helps to get rid of migraines, bronchitis, impaired memory, inflammation of the internal organs and other ailments.
The main components of the medicinal plant are proteins, fatty oils, vitamins, quercetin and kempferol flavonoids. Of the macro- and microelements, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc and manganese predominate. 100 g of valuable product contains 333 kcal, while the protein content in it is 19.77 g, fat - 14.59 g, carbohydrates - 11.9 g. Vitamins (B1, B2, B4, B6, B9 are present in the spice) , C, E, PP), beta-carotene and omega-3, omega-6 fatty acids.
The opinion of the professor, immunologist Andrei Prodeus: “The essential amino acid leucine enters caraway seeds, which helps build muscle and interferes with protein breakdown. Overweight women taking 1 tsp.the fruits of this plant per day for 3 months, lost up to 15 kg of weight. "
Useful properties for the human body
The healing properties of caraway seeds and its benefits for the body can hardly be overestimated. In medicine of the Ancient East, healing decoctions with this plant were used to treat diarrhea, rheumatism and asthma. In modern medicine, a useful spice is used to strengthen immunity, cleanse blood vessels and kidneys, lower blood pressure, with headaches, tachycardia, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, and urinary and cholelithiasis. Caraway seeds have an antitumor effect, contribute to tissue repair, healing of sutures and wounds. The plant is used as a prophylactic to preserve hair from skin and gum diseases.
Is caraway useful in pregnancy and lactation?
The use of caraway is not recommended for pregnant women, since it reduces the level of testosterone, which can provoke a miscarriage. But seed oil is often used to flavor the room, as it has a calming effect.
In lactation, spice, on the contrary, is useful: valuable components help to produce more breast milk and make its composition much more useful for the baby. In addition, the infusions from the seeds that the young mother takes help to relieve the child of stomach pain and colic.
To properly prepare such a decoction, you need to pour 2-3 tbsp. l crushed seeds with 1 liter of water, bring the composition to a boil, heat for 8-10 minutes. Take 3 tbsp. l decoction 30 minutes before feeding the crumbs, but not more often than 2-3 times a day.
Important! If milk is already produced in sufficient quantities for the baby, such products are not consumed, since increased lactation can lead to stagnation of milk and inflammation of the mammary glands.
The use of spices in traditional medicine
Useful properties of caraway seeds are widely used in alternative medicine. Medicinal herbs are used as an anticonvulsant, spasmodic, anti-inflammatory, choleretic and antiseptic agent.
- An infusion of seeds is useful for intestinal colic, constipation, hypertension, and asthma.
- Decoctions from the fruits - with colds, problems with the pancreas, in case of a decrease in potency.
- In raw form, spice is chewed for fresh breath.
- With mastitis, a warm flat cake from steamed ground fruits is applied to the chest.
In order for the healing effect of the spice to manifest as quickly as possible, the composition must be properly prepared.
- With bronchitis, migraines, colds and coughs 2 tbsp. l seeds are steamed with 250 ml of boiling water, allowed to infuse for 5 minutes. Bitter tincture quickly removes sputum and eliminates a headache. You can add a little honey to the drink.
- To cleanse the intestines and improve metabolism, prepare a tincture of 1 tbsp. water, an incomplete spoon of crushed seeds, 1 tbsp. l honey and cinnamon. The mixture is drunk morning and evening.
- With gastric colic and flatulence, tea is brewed with this valuable spice. To do this, mix 1 tsp. fruits of a medicinal plant with dry tea leaves, pour boiling water, drink the infused composition.
- To improve memory, take a decoction of 1 tbsp. l seeds, honey and 500 ml of water. Caraway seeds are poured with water and brought to a boil, covered with a lid and cook for another 5-7 minutes on low heat. Then insist 40-60 minutes, decant, cool and add honey. The tool is consumed before meals 2-3 times a day.
Advice! “Cumin must be heated in a pan before use. Then essential oils will appear, revealing the spicy aroma of the plant. Fragrant odor has a positive effect on appetite. "
There are limitations under which the plant is not consumed. These include::
- acute heart failure;
- thrombophlebitis;
- coronary heart disease;
- diabetes;
- organ transplantation (heart, liver, kidneys);
- increased acidity of gastric juice;
- individual intolerance.