Creeping thyme on the territory of Russia is found everywhere. In summer, here and there you can meet meadows, just shrouded in lilac clouds. This is thyme blooming.
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Creeping thyme - description and composition
Perennial plant from the family Yasnotkovye, common and unpretentious. Thyme will grow well both on the edge of the forest, where the land is fertile, and on rocky sections of mountains that are well warmed by the sun.
Beekeepers love this plant because its honey is especially fragrant and tasty. Cooks willingly use seasonings, which include thyme. Beauticians and perfumers do not bypass his attention. But thyme is especially valued in folk medicine.
The stems of the bush have a height of not more than 30 cm. The leaves can be either round or elongated. The flowers have a rich pink and lilac color and delight with their appearance and aroma throughout the first half of summer. By autumn, fruits ripen like tiny nuts.
Thyme is cut precisely during flowering, the entire aerial part. This should be done in the early morning, before the onset of heat. The shelf life of dried raw materials is up to 2 years.
The composition of the thyme includes: essential oil, organic acids, tannins, vitamins, fats, resins, mineral salts and much more.
Useful and healing properties
In folk medicine, thyme has been used since ancient times. He is a real natural antiseptic, therefore, it is used to treat inflammatory processes.
The therapeutic properties and contraindications of thyme are also known to official medicine.
Creeping thyme is able to expand the bronchi, facilitate the discharge of sputum.It is useful for colds and its diaphoretic effect. It allows you to reduce the heat without the use of drugs.
The analgesic effect of thyme, its ability to relieve spasms is known.
Thyme also normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, protects the liver from the harmful effects.
It can be used as a light sleeping pill.
Doctors note that it is useful to take thyme during treatment for alcoholism, as part of complex therapy.
What diseases is used
Thyme in traditional medicine is used:
- With diseases of the ENT organs: tonsillitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis in the form of rinses and inhalations.
- In dentistry - with stomatitis and gingivitis.
- With inflammatory skin diseases: furunculosis, acne.
- In diseases of the musculoskeletal system with pain.
- In case of digestive disorders: gastritis, colitis, constipation.
- In gynecology - with painful periods, inflammatory diseases of the vagina, appendages.
- Thyme is effective for hypertension, migraine, insomnia, low immunity.
With alcoholism causes an aversion to alcohol.
Can thyme be used during pregnancy
If the patient is pregnant, thyme and the drugs in which it is included, she can be drunk only after the appointment of a doctor. The fact is that thyme increases the tone of the uterus and, with excessive intake, can provoke a miscarriage.
In a nursing woman, thyme stimulates milk production. Sometimes its amount is excessive, which negatively affects the mammary glands. In addition, it is necessary to determine whether the baby is allergic to this plant.
Folk recipes with creeping thyme
Most often, tea is brewed with thyme. This is one of the simplest recipes. Usually a teaspoon of flowers is brewed with a glass of boiling water. After a quarter of an hour, filter. You can drink with honey, add ginger. Tea has a mild antihypertensive effect, helps with coughing, warms with severe hypothermia.
With insomnia, 10-15 g of grass is poured into a glass of boiling water. Insist to cool, filter. You can store in the refrigerator. After dinner, take half a glass.
Gastritis is treated with the same infusion, only it needs to be drunk differently. A tablespoon before meals.
At home, you can cook syrups that help with a number of diseases. Thyme is cut at the time of flowering, dried. A handful of herbs is poured into 400-500 ml of water, and boiled for a long time over low heat. The liquid in the pan should remain approximately a glass. 250-300 g of honey are added. The mixture is stored in the refrigerator. It will be effective for colds, inflammatory diseases of the throat, severe cough. You can keep syrup in the refrigerator all winter; it will not deteriorate.
Thyme rinse is prepared like this. Put a couple of tablespoons of dry grass in a glass of boiling water. You need to insist for about an hour, gargle after a meal.
For muscle pain, such baths will be useful: 200 g of dry thyme is poured with boiling water in an amount of 2-2.5 liters. It is necessary to insist 2 hours.
To keep the baby sound asleep, you can add 15-20 ml of infusion to the bath.
Pain and swelling with bruises, sprains will be relieved by tincture - for 150 ml of vodka - 25-30 g of dry thyme. She "keeps up" for 2 weeks.
And this is a very pleasant recipe that will help with stress, neurosis, sleep disturbances. 100 g of thyme are poured with a liter of wine. It is better to use dry white. Insist a week, and then pour into a saucepan, boil and strain. Drink 30-50 g.
It will not be difficult to make yourself a “sleeping pillow” by stuffing a cover with chopped thyme, oregano, and mint. Lay in the head of the bed for the night.
It is interesting:folk remedies for the common cold
Creeping thyme is part of a number of medications. It:
- Pertussin
One of the most famous drugs. It was used back in Soviet times. The goal is to alleviate the symptoms of coughing in children and adults, so that sputum can more easily pass away. It is produced now.
- Thyme with Vitamin C
Available in the form of syrup. It is used as part of complex therapy in the treatment of bronchial diseases. Helps to cough. Vitamin C strengthens the immune system.
- Bronchostop
In pharmacies, it can be seen in various forms: drops, lozenges and even syrup. Helps to discharge sputum, facilitate breathing.
- Elixir Bronchophyte
Promotes subsidence of inflammatory processes, facilitates coughing. It is prescribed for diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
- Codelac Phyto
A well-proven drug that quickly eliminates the painful attacks of dry cough. It can be prescribed for both children and adults.
- Dry thyme herb
It has a very wide range of applications. Decoctions and tinctures are prepared from grass. Do douching, gargle, drink. Has a bactericidal effect, relieves pain, promotes sputum discharge.
- Essential oil
The oil can be used for diseases of the skin, oral cavity, ENT organs, respiratory tract, digestive disorders, pain in muscles and joints, inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs. Inhalations are made with essential oil, compresses, added to tea and rinse solutions.
Contraindications and side effects
Despite the powerful healing effect of thyme, neither the plant itself, nor preparations from it can be used for:
- allergic reactions;
- heart diseases such as arrhythmia, cardiosclerosis;
- atherosclerosis;
- hypothyroidism;
- emphysema;
- bronchial asthma;
- diabetes mellitus.
The appearance of an allergic reaction is indicated by skin rashes, severe nausea.
However, in most cases, thyme has an extremely beneficial effect on the body, and every year it is increasingly used in folk medicine.