It is believed that male strength is determined by the quantitative indicator of testosterone in the body of a man. Lack of this hormone, as well as its oversupply, can cause serious damage to the reproductive function of the genital organs. That is why it is so important not only to a woman, but also to a man to monitor the hormonal background of his own body in order to prevent an imbalance and subsequent violations of the reproductive system.
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What is testosterone?
Testosterone is a hormone of the steroid group of androgens, in the production of which the testes and adrenal cortex are involved. The production process is under the control of the pituitary and hypothalamus - the main components of the human endocrine system.
It is testosterone that contributes to the formation of male reproductive organs at the initial stage of development, and then affects the changes in secondary sexual characteristics in the process of adolescence. Natural coarsening of the voice, the appearance of new hair on the body and an increase in the size of the penis - all of these modifications occur under the direct influence of steroid hormones.
In addition, the level of testosterone determines the amount of body fat in the male body, and also plays a crucial role in gaining muscle mass. This hormone is involved in the synthesis of male germ cells - sperm, the viability and activity of which determines the subsequent possibility of fertilization of the female egg.
Value for the body of a man
A sufficient number of androgens has a beneficial effect not only on the ability to have children, but also on the sexual function of the penis. Lack of testosterone is one of the main reasons for the development of early impotence, against the background of which a man has many serious complexes and discontent with his own intimate life.
In the male body, a quantitative indicator of this hormone affects the following vital functions:
- Promotes genital growth. At the stage of adolescence, the human reproductive system undergoes a number of age-related changes. The total size of the penis, as well as all the fundamental functions of this organ, will depend on the amount of testosterone in the body.
- It affects the intensity of hair growth of the skin. A visible sign of a high level of testosterone is the presence of an impressive amount of hair on the body of a man. However, an excess of the hormone, as a rule, has the opposite effect and provokes premature androgenic alopecia.
- Participates in the development of muscle and bone tissue. The structure of the male body has its own characteristics. In men, the shoulders and upper chest are much wider than the hip, while in women the figure develops in the opposite way.
- Normalizes metabolic processes. Due to the intense metabolism in the male body, extra pounds are burned much faster, which means that the risk of developing obesity is minimized.
- Lowers cholesterol. It is a high cholesterol that contributes to the formation of atherosclerosis. Testosterone reduces the concentration of this substance and prevents the violation of lipid and protein metabolism.
In addition, the normal level of testosterone in the male body allows you to deal with excessive nervous overwork, anxiety, stress and depressive syndrome. Also, the hormone regulates the sexual desire of a person, thereby affecting the erectile function of the genital organ.
Level and norm in men
The quantitative indicator of the hormone changes throughout life. If in a small child the norm is no more than 1.7 ng / ml, then in an adult, during the period of greatest activity, the upper limit reaches 150 ng / ml. The greatest digital value is noted during the period of adolescence, when the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics is noted in a teenager.
On a note: the norm of testosterone in men aged 18 to 50 years is 250-1100 ng / dl (nanograms of substance per 1 deciliter of plasma).
Starting at the age of thirty, the digital indicator of total testosterone slowly but surely begins to decline to the level of 90-890 ng / dl. It is worth noting that in the process of laboratory tests, the specialist determines the amount of free hormone and associated with proteins.
At the same time, the amount of free testosterone does not exceed 2%, and the remaining 98% is due to the hormone associated with amino acids. At the initial stage of the examination, the level of total testosterone is determined. In case of any violations, additional tests are taken to determine the SHBG in the blood.
Reasons for Testosterone Decrease
Testosterone deficiency is diagnosed in two cases: if the body has abnormalities of the endocrine system, as well as against the background of the consequences caused by an improper lifestyle.
The following factors are identified that affect the quantitative content of the hormone in the blood:
- Sedentary lifestyle. If a few centuries ago a man had to have incredible strength and endurance in order to be able to protect his family from external aggressors, in the modern world, a strong half of humanity does not need to lead a medieval lifestyle of their ancestors. Increasingly, men prefer sedentary work that does not require high activity, as a result of which the optimal level of male hormones is significantly reduced.
- Lack of a balanced diet. The abuse of harmful fatty foods with a high content of cholesterol leads not only to gain weight, but also to a decrease in the level of testosterone in the blood. The daily diet should contain a balanced amount of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, as well as saturate the body's cells with necessary vitamins and minerals.
- Bad habits. It's no secret that alcohol and smoking adversely affect the reproductive function of both women and men. Alcoholic beverages disrupt the normal functioning of the endocrine system, thereby blocking the production of a sufficient amount of androgens.
- Unstable emotional state. Nervous stress contributes to the formation of cortisol. An increased amount of this stress hormone reduces the functionality of testosterone, converting it into an absolutely useless substance.
Signs and symptoms of low hormone levels
The main symptom that indicates the likelihood of a decrease in testosterone is prostate dysfunction. The problems that arise in this case hinder the normal sex life of the two partners. A man has a decrease in sexual desire for his partner, serious erectile dysfunction appears, which leads to subsequent psychological problems.
Also, specialist assistance is needed if:
- For a long time it is not possible to conceive a child;
- irritability and chronic fatigue are observed;
- body weight decreases;
- excessive production of sweat glands is activated;
- the intensity of the hair decreases;
- fat deposition occurs in the female type.
How to boost in natural ways
The question regarding how to increase testosterone in men arises most often in those cases when there are problems with the functionality of the prostate gland. However, it is important to understand that potency is not always caused solely by a deficiency of male hormones.
In some cases, the main causes of male impotence are not associated with a quantitative indicator of androgens. And yet, maintaining a natural level of testosterone is a prerequisite, thanks to which the work of the whole body improves.
First of all, a man needs:
- exclude fatty fried foods and fast food from your daily diet;
- get rid of extra pounds through active physical activity in the gym;
- consume enough zinc and vitamin D;
- avoid overwork and emotional outbursts;
- minimize the amount of sugar consumed.
Among the products that increase testosterone, it is worth highlighting poultry, legumes, cereals, as well as seafood, oily fish and natural oils.
Testosterone boosting drugs
Drug treatment is indicated for men in old age, when natural methods of increasing the concentration of the hormone are not able to demonstrate a pronounced therapeutic effect. However, drinking testosterone in tablets or using other dosage forms of drugs is necessary only after preliminary passing all the relevant tests. If clinical studies confirm the lack of androgen, the following hormonal drugs are prescribed to the patient:
- Andriol - the active component is testosterone undecanoate, which does not have any detrimental effect on liver health. The optimal dose of the drug is established based on the individual characteristics of a particular organism. If you believe the reviews, the tool helps to restore the functionality of the male genital organ.
- Androgel - gel for external use. A small amount of the product is applied to the inside of the forearms or stomach. The maximum daily dosage is 10 g.
- Nebido - the drug is injected into the body. The active substance is the same testosterone undecanoate, which has an androgenic and protein-anabolic effect. The optimal frequency of use is 1 injection in 10-14 weeks.
Any of the drugs is allowed to be used only after consultation with the doctor. Only in this case can we count on positive dynamics.