It is believed that testosterone is a purely male hormone. However, it is also found in the weaker sex, affecting the physical and mental health of lovely ladies. What happens if the amount of testosterone in women is not normal? We’ll talk about this.

The value of testosterone in women

Testosterone is a well-known androgen responsible for the formation of male characteristics and the appearance inherent in a stronger sex.

In the female body, this hormone also performs a number of important tasks:

  • takes part in muscle formation;
  • promotes the growth of mammary glands and hips;
  • determines the structure of bones;
  • affects the nervous system and brain activity;
  • affects memory and thought processes;
  • serves as the basis for the production of estrogen - a hormone responsible for female libido and reproductive function;
  • participates in the work of the ovaries to form follicles;
  • involved in protein synthesis;
  • determines nitrogen and forced metabolism;
  • regulates the condition of the heart and blood vessels;
  • normalizes the amount of sugar in the blood;
  • responsible for a good mood.

In women, testosterone is produced in the ovaries and adrenal cortex.

Norm according to age

The amount of the hormone is variable. Changes are due to many factors:

  • age;
  • menstrual cycle;
  • individual characteristics;
  • time of day
  • Lifestyle.

The norm of testosterone in women is determined by age:

  • girls under 11 years old - from 0.49 to 1.82;
  • from 11 to 15 years old - from 0.84 to 4.46;
  • girls from 15 to 18 years old - from 1.36 to 4.73;
  • women from 18 to 50 years old - from 0.31 to 3.78;
  • the period after menopause is from 0.42 to 2.60.

The substance level is measured in nanograms per deciliter of blood.

From the above data it is seen that in childbearing age the amount of the hormone is maximum. And during menopause, it decreases sharply.

In addition, an increase in testosterone is observed in the morning. By evening, it is noticeably reduced. The indicators are influenced by physical activity and sports, contributing to a greater production of male hormone. A sharp surge in the substance occurs during the bearing of the child.

What is affected by increased and decreased levels of the hormone

The first thing that catches your eye with increased testosterone in women is the male type of figure. However, this is far from all transformations. The behavior and attitude towards life are fundamentally changing. Quarrels with friends become more frequent, fading into beauty salons fade into the background, an unusual hardness of character and uncompromisingness appear, including conflicts at work and in the family.

The second important sign is a change in voice. Delicate feminine timbre takes on rough outlines with notes of hoarseness.

The third symptom is an increase in hairline. The “vegetation” on the body of a barely noticeable gun becomes stiff, black and long. They begin to grow on the face, manifesting in the form of a mustache with a beard.

Another point is the change in the smell of sweat.

A similar phenomenon affects the nature of body fat. If with a standard indicator of the hormone, fat is localized in the area of ​​the hips, buttocks and bust, then if it increases, the focus of unsightly clusters passes to the abdomen.

Menstruation is disturbed. The discharge becomes scarce with increased soreness. In the absence of timely intervention, infertility can occur.

The skin is covered with acne.

If the level of testosterone falls, this also affects both the menstrual cycle and the skin. But this time the face is cleared of rashes.

Other symptoms of a hormonal disorder with a minus sign are a decrease in muscle mass and muscle sagging, excessive sweating, decreased sex drive, apathy and susceptibility to depression.

Diagnosis of disorders

To identify violations, it is necessary to undergo an analysis for the content of male sex hormone. According to the standard, it is done on about 7-10 days of the cycle. It is believed that during this period the level of the substance is as stable as possible. If there are delays, the date of the check is determined by the doctor, based on the nature of the discharge and the averaged data on the cycle.

In order to obtain reliable data, it is necessary to refuse hormonal drugs, alcohol, as well as intimate relationships a day before blood donation.

In addition, it is undesirable on the eve to engage in sports, eat fatty and very spicy food.

Before the procedure, you need to get enough sleep and try to stay calm.

The analysis is carried out only in the morning on an empty stomach. Before that, it is allowed to drink plain water.

How to normalize indicators

Treatment should be prescribed by a doctor based on the individual patient's indicators. Incorrectly selected therapy can aggravate the condition.

However, there are some tricks that help to align the hormonal background.

To raise testosterone, it is important to adhere to a balanced diet, eliminating strict diets. This implies a decrease in sugar and an increase in foods rich in proteins, zinc, fats and other useful elements (nuts, herbs, avocados, fish, cereals, eggs, milk and its derivatives).

Regular training helps as a result of which increases muscle mass and burns excess fat reserves.

Proper sleep is an important factor in regulating the hormonal system. Some experts are convinced that if a person does not rest for 8 hours, then his testosterone drops by 10%.

Exclusion of stressful situations. If possible, annoying “beacons” should be removed from life.

Sometimes it is even recommended to make love in the morning, not in the evening. This recommendation is related to the fact that at this time the concentration of testosterone is maximum, and, therefore, its costs will not be so noticeable.

It is worth reviewing the composition and effect of medicines in a home medicine cabinet. There are drugs that can reduce hormone release.

Traditional medicine will also come to the rescue. Some medicinal herbs increase the male hormone, for example, ginseng, highlander multiflorum, nettle and others. However, before using them, you should consult a doctor. Plant "helpers" have many contraindications.

Reducing free testosterone can be achieved by taking hormones prescribed by a specialist after research.

It is important to review your diet, excluding from the diet or restricting the use of eggs, nuts, red wine.

Fresh vegetables, fruits, honey are especially useful. Doctors often advise, at elevated rates, to refrain from physical activity aimed at increasing muscle. Among the sporting events, it is better to give preference to yoga, dancing, light aerobics.

Hormonal balance is critical to a woman’s overall health. Any failure in this system affects the whole quality of life. Therefore, it is very important to identify the violation in a timely manner and consult a specialist to eliminate it.