Testosterone is produced in the female body in doses necessary for sexual health, follicular maturation, pregnancy, and prenatal development of the child. The ovaries and the adrenal cortex are the two main organs that are called to be responsible for the production of androgen in the female body. The question of what is the norm of testosterone in women should be in first place for people who want to live a full life and maintain their female health.
Material Content:
Table: testosterone norm in women by age
The mood and behavior of a woman noticeably changes if there is a noticeable jump in testosterone in the blood (deviations from the norm). Shortage will lead to hyperactivity, to unbalanced behavior, to uncontrolled actions. Excess, for example, is a manifestation of male features in appearance: facial hair growth, nape baldness.
Processes that are affected by testosterone:
- the absorption of trace elements, for example, calcium;
- prevention of osteoporosis;
- regulation of metabolism (for example, proteins, lipids);
- stress control;
- maintaining blood glucose levels.
The female body needs this hormone (androgen) no less than the male one. To determine the abnormalities, the doctor evaluates the presence of testosterone in two possible conditions - free and general.
What is free testosterone, the norm in women in the blood? It does not enter into a protein compound, is independently capable of performing the assigned function. Measured in nanomoles per liter. The norm in the blood of women is not constant: it varies depending on age.For each age category, its own value is shown below in the table.
Age years | under 39 | 40-59 | 60 and older |
The norm of the hormone, nmol / l | 0,12-3,1 | 0,12- 2,6 | 0,12-1,7 |
Total testosterone includes an indicator of the amount of not only free, but also associated with a protein compound. In adults, its value is from 0.24 to 2.7 nmol / L. Both indicators (free and total) are taken into account in a laboratory study, as a result of which a diagnosis is made.
Proper preparation for blood test
Having chosen a laboratory for blood donation, you should make sure that it determines the norm of testosterone in two values (not exclusively in general). Favorable time for passing the analysis is morning. In the evening, the hormone level drops significantly, the result of the study is distorted. But the season also affects the coefficient: in autumn it will be higher. To pass the analysis, you should prepare in advance.
Note. The study is carried out for 6-7 days of the cycle.
The preparation algorithm includes the following:
- avoid physical activity on the eve;
- eliminate stressful situations;
- do not drink alcohol;
- no smoking;
- Do not limit yourself in food (those who adhered to the diet are obliged to refuse it before delivery for 14 days).
Before you go to the laboratory, you should make sure that the body temperature is normal. A boost can distort the results.
Note. Blood sampling is carried out on an empty stomach.
Signs of increasing and decreasing hormone levels
An increase in testosterone in the body of a woman is manifested in such conditions:
- fast weight gain;
- hair loss on the back of the head, stratification of nails;
- increased oily skin, cystic acne (mainly the chin suffers);
- constant change of mood;
- frequent depression;
- irritability;
- drowsiness.
Lowering the hormone is the first sign of aging and withering of the female body. And this is not always due to the fact that the ovaries and adrenal cortex ceased to produce it in smaller quantities than before. The reason is the natural aging process.
What are the reasons for a drop in testosterone beyond age?
They can be divided into 2 groups:
1. Internal:
- hereditary factor;
- Down syndrome;
- disruption of the pituitary gland;
- renal failure;
- seals, tumors in the ovaries;
- violation of the endocrine system;
- removal of the ovaries / adrenal glands.
2. External factors include:
- the introduction into the diet of undesirable foods enriched with zinc, magnesium;
- improper, exhausting diets;
- passion for sweet confectionery;
- alcohol use, addiction to drugs or cigarettes;
- uncontrolled doses of medications;
- the use of oral contraceptives;
- lack of vitamin D;
- lack of physical activity;
- lack of sex life;
- constant depression, stress;
- the appearance of diabetes mellitus, osteoporosis.
Note. If a woman does not have enough lubrication during intercourse - the first sign of a lack of testosterone, which disappears at the level of psychological stress.
How to increase testosterone
Decreased testosterone does not occur abruptly. His norm falls gradually, hidden. Timely deviations from the norm can only be noted with the help of laboratory tests.
There are several methods to increase testosterone in the female body:
- hormonal drugs;
- intramuscular injections of testosterone;
- proper nutrition;
- lack of stress.
Basically, when the diagnosis is established, doctors prescribe a comprehensive treatment. In addition to diet, a healthy lifestyle, hormone-containing drugs are prescribed.
Testosterone can be introduced into the body in various ways:
- orally - taking methyltestosterone tablets;
- injection - "Testosterone Propionate";
- transdermally - using adhesive patches, rubbing the gels "Androderm", "Androgel".
Note. Treatment is prescribed exclusively by a doctor. Hormone therapy has many side effects.Before prescribing drugs, you should undergo a general examination.
How to lower performance
The male sex hormone - testosterone - can not only decrease in the female body, but also increase in quantity. Excess, as a deviation from the norm, can be the root cause of menstrual irregularities, may be the reason for the development of other hormonal ailments. It is worthwhile to establish the cause of the increase in the hormone. The gynecologist is required to schedule an examination, to find out whether the woman was taking anticonvulsants or not, whether there were tumors in the ovaries, or was subjected to stress recently. Elimination of the cause contributes to the rapid restoration of the hormone within normal limits.
Significantly lower the level of testosterone in the female body will help medication, proper nutrition, avoiding stress, playing sports.
To reduce the hormone, the most effective drugs are Cyproterone, Dexamethasone, Androcur. Oral contraceptive is prescribed exclusively by a doctor.
Is hormone-free treatment possible?
The lack of testosterone in the absence of pathological abnormalities can be increased not only with hormonal drugs, but also without them. It is necessary to carefully approach a proper and balanced diet. Introduce into your diet those foods that contribute to the synthesis of the hormone.
These products include:
- eggs
- milk products;
- seeds and nuts;
- fish, seafood;
- fruits and vegetables;
- meat;
- porridge.
Zinc is a chemical element that is part of the molecules of testosterone. The introduction of cholesterol into food is necessary for the secretion of the hormone in the female body. It’s worth adding foods rich in zinc to your diet.
Significantly lower the level of testosterone in the female body will help:
- peppermint tea (add 250 teaspoons of water to add 1 tsp. dry grass, let it brew for 15 minutes, drink a glass before meals for 7 days);
- jelly from steamed flax seeds (pour 1 tbsp. of seeds to the top with boiling water, leave overnight, drink jelly on an empty stomach in the morning).
It is very important to exclude products containing zinc and animal protein during treatment. Increased training and active sex life will help to achieve the desired effect in a short time.