Steroids have firmly established themselves in bodybuilding as an effective tool for gaining muscle mass. The use of these drugs allows athletes to achieve excellent performance as soon as possible. One of the most popular and sought after drugs is Testosterone Enanthate.
Material Content:
Anabolic Steroid Composition
The tool is a yellowish oily mass. The active ingredient is an ester of natural testosterone dissolved in oil. The chemical formula of this compound is C7H14O2.
The tool is produced by various pharmaceutical companies. The most popular and popular drug is Testoviron Depot (Galenika). The steroid is available in ampoules, regardless of the manufacturer, the dosage is one - 250 mg of ether in 1 ml of suspension for injection.
This form of male hormone has a long lasting effect. The ether is slowly absorbed into the blood from the injection site, providing an even supply of free testosterone over a long period. This form was developed specifically in order to reduce the frequency of injections by increasing the duration of the drug. As a result, the injections are active for 3-4 days, and then the concentration of the steroid slowly declines, so it is enough to inject the drug 2 times a week.
As a rule, most manufacturers produce a drug of 5 or 10 ampoules in one package.
Testosterone preparations are widely represented in pharmacy chains, but they can only be purchased with a prescription.
Indications for the appointment of Testosterone Enanthate
The tool has a pronounced androgenic effect, therefore it is used in the treatment of diseases associated with a lack of its own hormone. The main indication for the use of all testosterone preparations is hypogonadism or testicular insufficiency. However, in such cases, the medicine is used exclusively as directed by the doctor. It is important to choose the right dosage and make the optimal treatment regimen.
The second purpose of the steroid is to increase physical performance in professional athletes. It is for this Testosterone Enanthate that is used most often.
Bodybuilders resort to injections to quickly increase lean muscle mass and increase stamina.
Injections of this steroid provide fluid retention. The male sex hormone is responsible for the harmonious development of muscles and increases strength.
Instructions for use and dosage
Take Testosterone Enanthate for the correction of hormonal levels with hypogonadism is possible only as directed by a doctor. In these cases, complex therapy is indicated.
Athletes are recommended to administer 1-4 ampoules of the drug per week. The injection must be done intramuscularly. A steroid is used solo to gain muscle mass; other steroid drugs are not needed during the course of the course.
An injection of an oily solution is done in the gluteus muscle. Due to the dense consistency of the drug, it is necessary to use long needles. The product remains under the skin for a short time, forming a small tubercle. After the injection, it is recommended to massage this place so that the drug “accelerates” throughout the body faster.
The first injections can be quite painful, which is explained by the specific consistency of the solution.
Depending on the dosage chosen, injections are given 1 to 4 times a week. Maximum allowed to use 1 ml of the drug per day. Beginners in bodybuilding are recommended to start with 1-2 ampoules per week. Experienced athletes can increase the dosage to 500-1000 mg of ethanate, that is, 2-4 ampoules per week.
When using the drug Testosterone Enanthate, the course of therapy is 10 weeks, and then long-term post-cycle therapy (PCT) begins, aimed at maintaining the result of the injections.
PCT after a course of Testosterone Enanthate begins 2-3 weeks after the end of hormone therapy. This part is very important and cannot be ignored.
FCT objectives:
- restoration of the normal hormonal background of a man;
- preservation of the achieved results;
- prevention of the development of the "rollback phenomenon";
- prevention of dangerous side effects arising from the abolition of steroids - gynecomastia, testicular atrophy, etc.
Post-cycle therapy consists in taking antiestrogens (Tamoxifen, Letrozole), chorionic gonadotropin - these drugs reduce the risk of hormone imbalance, testicular atrophy and breast hypertrophy.
At the same time apply:
- testosterone boosters - to normalize the production of your own hormone;
- hepatoprotectors - to restore the liver and reduce the load on the organ;
- growth hormone (growth hormone) - to maintain the amount of muscle mass accumulated on the course;
- sports supplements (vitamin C, BCAA, protein) - to prevent muscle breakdown and maintain relief.
Restorative therapy takes about another month.
Only after completing the full course can you evaluate the results.
Drug interaction
Inducers of hepatic enzymes reduce the effectiveness of the steroid, the metabolism of which is carried out by the liver. Concomitant use with barbiturates, carbamazepine, rifampicin is not recommended.
Testosterone preparations increase the activity of hypoglycemic agents and anticoagulants, so it is advisable to consider the possibility of reducing the dosages of these drugs.
In order to avoid negative consequences, athletes are advised to consult a doctor before starting the course. Particular attention should be paid to the condition of the liver and cardiovascular system.
Contraindications and side effects
Injections are contraindicated in the following cases:
- individual intolerance to the drug;
- adenoma and prostate cancer;
- atherosclerosis of blood vessels;
- pathology of the liver and kidneys;
- liver failure;
- myocardial infarction;
- diabetes;
- peripheral edema;
- heart failure;
- hypercalcemia.
The drug is prescribed to women only as part of the treatment of uterine fibroids, breast cancer and osteoporosis. Dosages are determined by the doctor individually, the drug is used with great care.
Side effects (for men):
- increased libido, frequent erection;
- disturbances in the work of the prostate (including the development of adenoma in men older than 40 years);
- decrease in the amount of ejaculate;
- gynecomastia;
- rashes on the face, acne;
- androgenetic alopecia;
- increase in blood pressure;
- headache;
- insomnia;
- irritability and aggressiveness;
- fluid retention in the body.
Most severe side effects can be prevented by proper post-cycle therapy. Some drugs, for example, Anastrozole, begin to take every other day from the second week of injection, which can significantly reduce the number of side effects. According to most men, mood changes, irritability and aggressiveness remain throughout the course and are observed for several weeks after the cessation of injections.
Testosterone Enanthate is a specific form of male sex hormone that has no analogues. All anabolic steroids are various forms of male sex hormones, have the same effect and are based on testosterone. A distinctive feature of Enanthate is a longer action compared to other types of such drugs.
Injection solution can be purchased under the names Testoviron Depot, Testosterone Depot, Testoger E. The use of such drugs can only be prescribed by a doctor. Injecting women athletes is undesirable because of the risk of developing irreversible masculinization.