Dumplings are one of the common and favorite dishes for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Not all housewives strive to cook them on their own, because creating a test often seems an impossible task. To always have tasty and original preparations in the freezer, you should consider all the ways to create dough for dumplings.
Material Content:
Classic Dumpling Dough Recipe
To prepare delicious dumplings without unnecessary costs and efforts, use the classic recipe for dumplings.
To do this, you need the following products:
- 500 mg of flour;
- 2 eggs;
- 0.5 tbsp. l salts;
- 0.5 tbsp. purified water.
Step-by-step cooking instructions:
- Thoroughly mix the yolk of one egg, 1 whole egg, water and salt.
- Beat the whites of the remaining egg with a whisk or fork.
- Pour the sown flour of the highest grade. Pour the resulting liquid mixture into the pit of the hill.
- Carefully stir the protein into the flour composition.
- Knead the dough for 10-15 minutes.
- Sprinkle the finished flour lump with dough and cover with a towel. Insist 20-25 minutes.
- Before making dumplings, roll out the dough with a rolling pin.
The readiness of the test is determined by pinching it. When the form holds, you can begin to roll out.
Cooking in boiled water in boiling water
Choux pastry is considered an excellent alternative to the classic recipe if the dumplings crawl during cooking or roll out heavily.
For cooking you need to use:
- egg - 1 pc.;
- sunflower oil - 2 tsp;
- hot water - 1 cup;
- flour - 3 tbsp .;
- salt.
- Beat eggs thoroughly with salt. Mix with sifted flour and butter.
- In the obtained flour composition gradually pour boiling water.
- First knead the dough with a spoon, then with your hands.
- If necessary, add a little flour.
- Ready lump leave to rest for about 30 minutes.
- Roll thinly, cut out circles. It's time to sculpt homemade dumplings with flavorful filling.
Thanks to the eggs, the dough for dumplings in boiling water turns out to be quite elastic and durable. Due to this, you can put a lot of fillings in each dumpling.
In cooking, there is a lean recipe for making dough in a custard way, which is suitable not only for dumplings, but also for noodles, and for dumplings with different types of fillings.
Nessesary to use:
- flour - 2 tbsp .;
- boiling water - 1 glass;
- refined oil - 4 tsp;
- 1⁄2 Art. l salt.
Step-by-step cooking instructions:
- Pour oil into boiling water.
- Pour a little flour and salt into the liquid.
- Mix all components with a mixer until smooth.
- Knead the dough, gradually adding the remaining flour.
For smoothness and elasticity, it is recommended to wrap the resulting lump with cling film or bag and leave to rest for 20-30 minutes.
How to make in a bread machine
To make rolling and sculpting easier, you need to prepare the dough with the highest quality. You can simplify this process if you use a bread machine.
Essential Ingredients:
- 0.19 l of water;
- 1 egg
- 0.5 tbsp. l salts;
- 0.45 kg of wheat flour.
Step-by-step preparation:
- Pour water into a special container of the bread maker and drive in an egg, salt.
- Sift flour, pour it into a bread machine.
- Set a special program for kneading dough.
- Take out the finished dough. If necessary, add a little flour to your hands. You can roll and sculpt dumplings.
Stuffed dumplings dumplings on water and eggs
To get an elastic dough, you can use the usual ingredients for the recipe.
It is recommended to follow the basic rules of kneading:
- use the first grade of flour;
- sift the flour carefully, preventing the formation of lumps;
- monitor the temperature regime;
- knead the mass thoroughly;
- leave the dough to infuse and ripen before the process of rolling and sculpting.
For the test you will need:
- 2 tsp melted butter;
- 2 medium sized chicken eggs;
- 0.5 kg of flour;
- 0.5 cup of water;
- a pinch of salt.
Stages of cooking:
- Mix eggs and water.
- Pour the mixture into flour.
- When kneading, add oil. After dipping for half an hour, the dough will be ready to roll.
- Make the filling to taste and do the modeling of delicate and elastic dumplings.
It is interesting:dumplings
On mineral water
Soda helps to saturate the mass with oxygen, so that the composition is gentle, airy and obedient to use.
The following ingredients are used for cooking:
- mineral water - 200 ml;
- 1 chicken egg;
- 1⁄2 tsp granulated sugar;
- sunflower oil - 5 tbsp. l .;
- 500 g of flour.
Step-by-step instruction:
- In one bowl, mix all the ingredients without flour.
- Sift the sifted flour into the mass gradually.
- Knead the dough manually.
The finished dough on mineral water is elastic and shiny, it does not stick to your hands.
When mixing dough with mineral water, it is allowed to add sour cream.
For this recipe you will need the following components:
- 0.1 l of mineral sparkling water;
- 0.1 l sour cream;
- 0.8 kg of flour;
- 1 egg
- 0.5 tbsp. l salt.
Step-by-step preparation:
- Mix the egg and sour cream thoroughly until smooth.
- To salt.
- Pour soda into the resulting composition.
- Gradually add flour and knead. The result should be a soft, soft dough.
- Leave to insist for 15-20 minutes.
- Roll and sculpt dumplings.
Sour cream can be used with any percentage of fat content. Juicy filling will not fall out of the air test.
How to do without eggs
Lack of eggs at home is not a problem. In this case, we prepare the dough without eggs in vegetable oil, sour cream, carbonated or ordinary purified water.
To prepare a dumplings mass according to a basic recipe without the use of eggs, ingredients such as:
- 3 tbsp. flour;
- 0.5 tbsp. l salts;
- 1 tbsp. warm water.
Stages of creation:
- Bring to dissolve the salt in a heated liquid.
- Pour the sifted flour into a deep bowl.
- Pour salted water into a hole in a hill of flour.
- Knead the dough, adding flour if necessary.
- Wrap in cling film or place in a bag. Leave to infuse for about 20 minutes. During this period, gluten swells quite well, which makes it easy to sculpt dumplings that will not decay during cooking.
Dumplings in milk
Due to the presence of milk, the dough turns out to be airy, easily rolled out, lends itself to modeling, does not lose shape when cooking.
The following ingredients are used to sculpt more than 120 dumplings:
- 1/2 kg of wheat flour;
- 1 tbsp. milk;
- 1 tsp salts;
- 2 chicken eggs;
- 2 tsp refined oil.
The recipe is performed step by step:
- Sift flour with a sieve.
- Mix dry ingredients, form a slide.
- Pour oil into a depression in the center of the slide.
- Beat eggs with slightly warmed milk until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.
- Pour the egg mixture into the overall composition.
- Knead the dough with a spatula, then knead it with your hands.
- When the result is a lump of dough that does not stick to your hands, knead it on the countertop.
- Cover with a towel and insist 30-35 minutes in the room.
- Turn the dough into a sausage shape, divide into 4 parts, each of them should be rolled out with a thin layer.
- Squeeze out circles with a glass. Put cooked pre-filling. Form neat dumplings of the same shape.
- Cook according to the classic recipe in salted water.
Kefir base variant
There are several recipes on how to cook dumplings dough with the main component - kefir, due to which the result is an obedient air mass.
For a simple recipe you will need:
- 0.35 kg of flour;
- 0.2 l kefir.
Step by step cooking:
- Pour kefir into a large bowl.
- Gradually pour out the sifted dry ingredient and mix thoroughly with a fork for convenience.
- Leave to infuse the finished mass for half an hour at room temperature.
- Roll out the dough for modeling in a thin layer.
The dough is strong enough and is well preserved when frozen. After defrosting, it needs to add a small amount of flour. When using eggs, the flour mass may come out denser. Despite the fact that sour-milk dough is not as plastic as the previous product manufacturing options, it is very durable and does not break up.
Recommendations when creating a test based on kefir:
- kefir is used at room temperature;
- for a better mixing of the mass, salt should be dissolved to taste in the main liquid component;
- it is allowed to replace kefir with natural yogurt or whey; if the consistency is too thick, it can be diluted with a small amount of purified water;
- for the splendor of the mass, experienced housewives advise using soda, which is also best pre-dissolved in kefir.
To prepare a universal test for kefir, use:
- 1 egg
- 5 tbsp. flour;
- 0.5 l of kefir;
- 0.5 tbsp. l granulated sugar;
- 0.5 tbsp. l salts;
- 1⁄2 tsp soda.
Stages of cooking:
- Lightly warm the kefir.
- Dissolve salt and soda in a liquid.
- Sift the flour.
- Beat the egg with sugar.
- Pour the egg mixture into a bowl with sifted flour.
- Add kefir, mix thoroughly. You may need to add a little flour to achieve an optimal consistency.
- Roll out the rested elastic mass in a thin layer.
The edges of this test perfectly stick together during cooking, without opening when boiling in boiling water. The filling retains juiciness and taste. If desired, you can use a mixture of wheat and buckwheat flour in a ratio of 1: 1.
Thanks to such a large number of recipes, each housewife will choose the one that suits the taste preferences of her household.