This Central Asian dish is a very large dumplings. They are 3-4 times more than the usual semi-finished products. To make the dish really tasty, first of all you need to properly prepare the dough for manti.
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Classic dough for manti in Uzbek
Ingredients: 1 tbsp. filtered water, 2.5 tbsp. high-grade flour, a third is small. tablespoons of salt.
- The liquid will be used chilled. Salt is dissolved in it.
- Further, you can gradually start pouring flour into the water, having previously sieved it a couple of times through the smallest sieve.
- The components are well mixed with a wide spoon. Then you can proceed to manual kneading. The process should continue for a long time so that the dough has time to be saturated with oxygen and become as flexible as possible. Otherwise, the manti will burst during cooking.
- Next, you need to "forget" about the mass for about half an hour.
It remains from the dough for manti in Uzbek to form blanks with the selected filling.
On kefir
Ingredients: 360 ml of medium-fat kefir, 620-720 g of high-grade flour (how much dough will take), 1 tsp fine salt, a table egg.
- Starting to cook dough for manti, the first thing you need to do is flour. One cup of the product is sifted through the smallest sieve from a high distance into a deep container. An egg breaks into the middle of the resulting slide.
- First, the ingredients are shaken with a fork, and then a non-cold fermented milk product is poured into them in small portions. It is necessary to actively mix the components in any convenient way to eliminate lumps.
- The remaining flour is added to the adhesive composition. Next, a non-sticky mass is kneaded with hands.
After about half an hour of rest of the dough, you can roll it into bundles, cut into thick slices and form products.
Boiled Choux
Ingredients: 25 ml of refined oil, 1 tbsp. filtered water, 8 g of fine salt, a small egg, 620-640 g of high-grade flour.
- The egg is whipped with butter and salt. It is advisable that all products are not cold.
- Flour is sprinkled into the resulting mixture a little. The bulk product must first be sieved a couple of times.
- When the ingredients are well mixed and without lumps, you can pour freshly boiled water into the container. This also needs to be done gradually.
- Of all these ingredients, a choux dough for manti is kneaded, which will not stick to the fingers.
The mass under the cling film will “rest” for about 40-45 minutes.
In milk
Ingredients: a pound of high-grade white flour, 1 tbsp. fat milk (excellent if homemade is at hand), 1 tsp table salt, 2 large tablespoons of refined oil, 2 tablespoons.
Read also: classic dough recipe
- First, milk and vegetable oil are mixed. You can take the olive component. The resulting mixture is poured eggs, slightly beaten with salt.
- The flour is first sifted at least 2 times so that it is saturated with oxygen. After that, you can pour the previously obtained milk mixture to it.
- First, future dough is mixed with a spoon, then - with your hands.
In cling film, the mass will rest for about half an hour. Next, you can form the product.
Yeast Dough Recipe
Ingredients: 1.5 tbsp. filtered water, 45 g of live yeast, a pound of fine flour, small. a spoonful of granulated sugar, 2 large spoons of vegetable oil.
- Yeast is bred as directed on the packaging. To do this, crumble them, pour purified purified warm water, sprinkle with sugar. Lean oil is immediately sent to the same mixture. You can add any favorite seasoning to your taste. It is advisable to combine with the meat used in the filling.
- Leaving yeast is not necessary. Pre-sifted flour is immediately poured into the mass. You need to add it in minimal portions.
- It remains at least two times to knead the dough thoroughly, cover it with a towel made of natural fabric and leave to fit until it increases in size by about 2 times.
- After this, the mass is crushed, once again kneaded and rolled.
Typically, for preparations from this dough, a filling is prepared, which includes minced lamb and a large amount of coarsely chopped onions.
On mineral water
Ingredients: 4 tbsp. pre-sifted fine wheat flour, 1 tbsp. sparkling mineral water, large chicken egg, 4 large spoons of refined oil, ½ small. tablespoons of salt and granulated sugar.
- To properly prepare the dough for manti according to the specified recipe, the first thing to do is to combine the liquid components - not cold water and oil. The mineral water does not need to be heated, it is enough just to remove it from the refrigerator in advance. It is advisable that it be highly carbonated from a freshly opened bottle.
- Dry components are poured into the resulting mixture, in addition to flour, an egg is driven in. The components are well mixed.
- A little sifted flour is poured into the future dough. When the mass begins to thicken, you can continue to knead not with a spoon, but with your hands.
- It is advisable that before modeling blanks with filling, the dough rested for about half an hour.
You can put his bag and put it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. If there is no time, then it is allowed to immediately mold manti from the finished dough.
Manti dough on sour cream
Ingredients: 3 standard glasses of high-grade flour, 1 glass of highly carbonated mineral water, a table egg, 120 ml of fat sour cream (best homemade), a pinch of salt.
- It is on a mineral water that it is possible to prepare the best dough for manti, which does not break during the cooking process and perfectly tolerates prolonged freezing. And to make it even more delicious sour cream will help. Great if you can use a home product. First of all, sour cream is beaten with an egg.
- The mass is salted to taste. The ingredients are mixed again.
- A highly carbonated mineral water from a freshly opened bottle is poured into a container for other products.
- Gradually flour is poured into the future dough. It is very important to sift it through 1-2 times the smallest sieve. In extreme cases, you can use a colander for this purpose.
- Kneading should last 12-15 minutes. Even after such a lengthy kneading procedure, the mass will be quite sticky. But it normal.
- The dough is transferred to the oiled dishes, covered with a lid or a clean towel and left for an hour.
- After the specified time, the mass will become stiffer and slightly increase in volume.
Then you can begin to sculpt blanks for future products.
How to cook in a bread machine?
Ingredients: a very large chicken egg, a faceted glass of fat cow's milk, a tablespoon of refined oil, a pound of fine flour, 1 tsp. rock salt.
- If there is a bread machine in the house, then it is definitely worth using it to prepare a different dough. The device will perform the perfect correct kneading of all components, which will greatly facilitate the work of the hostess.
- First of all, a large egg, slightly beaten with a fork, is poured into the bowl of the device used.
- Fat milk is poured on top. You can use both home and purchased. The main thing is to preheat a little dairy product in advance.
- Salt is sent to the egg-milk mixture and immediately refined oil.
- It remains to deal with flour. It is sifted a couple of times through the smallest sieve and poured into the capacity of the bread machine for the rest of the products.
- You need to select a special mode for kneading the dough and set it for 14 minutes. If after this the hostess noticed that there is too much unused flour left at the bottom of the device, you just need to add a small spoonful of vegetable oil to the components.
The resulting dough is transferred to the bag and left to rest for about half an hour.
With egg and vegetable oil
Ingredients: 3 very large chicken eggs, 65-75 ml of refined oil, 1.5 tbsp. filtered water, 110 ml of milk fat, salt, a mixture of peppers to taste.
- In a capacious metal dish, milk and refined butter are first mixed. Liquids should not be cold. Therefore, all products noted in the recipe should be removed from the refrigerator in advance.
- Salt is dissolved in water. The resulting liquid, along with the eggs, is sent to the components from the first step.
- The components are thoroughly mixed with a wide spoon.
- Next, you can begin to add wheat flour to the future dough.
- When the mass becomes homogeneous and fairly dense, it rolls into a ball.
The dough will rest in the refrigerator for about a quarter of an hour.
Secrets of the perfect test
Experienced chefs note that manti dough should always be done independently. Do not use a ready-made store product. With such a basis, it is unlikely to be able to cook the perfect dish.
It is very important to roll out the dough as thin as possible. This will make manti really tender.
So that the base does not tear during the rolling process, it is left to rest for at least half an hour in the refrigerator. And it is better to increase this time to an hour.
There is one more secret of the ideal test for the dish under discussion - you need to mix two types of wheat flour - first and second grade. They are taken in equal amounts. Also, experts advise always to observe the correct proportions of liquid and dry components - 1 to 2. This will achieve elasticity of the test. And, of course, you can’t add more than 2 eggs per 1 kg of the finished product.