The most magnificent and delicious pies are obtained on fat yogurt. Ideally, use a home-made home-made dairy product, but the store version is also quite suitable for this purpose. Kefir dough for pies perfectly combines with absolutely any filling - sweet, fresh, salty.

Kefir yeast dough for pies, in the oven

It is unlikely that anyone will refuse a hot pie. Therefore, it is worthwhile to please loved ones with pastries on a delicious kefir-yeast dough. It is prepared from: 1 tbsp. fat yogurt, 1 tsp salt, 3 tbsp. flour, half a glass of vegetable oil, 10 g of dry high-speed yeast, 1 tbsp. Sahara.

  1. You will have to spend at least half an hour kneading the dough, but the result is worth it. To begin with, in an enameled bowl, kefir is slightly heated. He should not burn his fingers.
  2. Salt, vegetable oil, granulated sugar are added to the heated dairy product. All products are thoroughly kneaded. Spice grains should completely dissolve.
  3. Flour is sifted into a separate cup. Yeast spills out to her.
  4. Liquid kefir-oil base is poured into the resulting dry mass.
  5. In the process of kneading, the dough should stop sticking to the fingers. Only after that it is left under cellophane near a heat source for lifting.

It must be remembered that in too hot a place the mass can simply be welded. Therefore, you do not need to leave it, for example, in the oven (even minimally warmed up).

Egg-free recipe

This is the simplest budget recipe for those situations when there are practically no products left in the house and guests are on the doorstep. In addition to 450 ml of kefir (whey), the hostess needs to use: a pinch of salt, 500-550 g of white flour, 1 tsp. soda.

  1. Dairy product at room temperature sprinkled with soda.After mixing, the mass is left for some time (5-6 minutes) for extinction. Vinegar is not used.
  2. The liquid mixture is portioned with flour sifted with fine salt.
  3. The finished mass should not be too steep.

From the described test, you can sculpt pies right away. This is another important advantage.

No yeast

Appetizing pies can be made even without quick or raw yeast. This recipe for the test will help in this cookery. It includes: 480 ml of medium-fat kefir, a large pinch of salt, soda and granulated sugar, 650-750 g of high-quality white flour, egg, 4 tbsp. oils.

  1. The flour is sieved in a deep bowl with salt and soda.
  2. A small depression is made in the resulting slide. Right in it you need to carefully beat the egg.
  3. Next, kefir and any vegetable oil are poured into the future dough.
  4. After adding granulated sugar, the kneading of kefir dough for pies without yeast begins.
  5. After 12-15 minutes, thoroughly kneading with your fingers, it will cease to be sticky.
  6. Then you can start sculpting baking.

Pies from this dough are prepared both in a frying pan and in the oven (on additionally oiled parchment).

Universal recipe with sour cream

Tender sour cream will add tenderness to kefir dough. You can use the store or home. In addition to sour cream (60 g of 20% of the product), you will need to take: 2 fresh eggs, a pinch of quick baking soda, 45 ml of refined oil, 550 ml of kefir, 750-850 g of white flour. Features of the preparation of sour cream-kefir dough are described below.

  1. Soda is mixed with kefir and infused until foam appears on the surface of the mass. This means that the product has been extinguished.
  2. Sour cream, eggs, slightly whipped with a whisk, flows into the same bowl. It remains to salt and sweeten the base.
  3. Next, oil is added to the mass and flour is slowly poured in small portions.
  4. First, the dough is kneaded with a spoon in a bowl, and then with your fingers on the countertop.
  5. A properly cooked mass will be soft and supple.

You can make pies right away without insisting the dough in heat or cold.

Quick dough for kefir pies

Read also: quick dough for pies in 15 minutes

This is a simple and quick kefir yeast dough. His recipe will be clear even to novice housewives. For the batch will be used: ½ kg of white flour, a pinch of salt and sugar, a standard bag of baking powder, 3.5 tbsp. kefir of medium calorie content, 2 chicken eggs, 11 g of fast dry yeast.

  1. 1/3 of the whole kefir is slightly warmed up, mixed with quick yeast and sugar.
  2. In a separate bowl, the dairy product at room temperature is beaten with eggs. Flour is gradually introduced into this mass. As a result, it should turn out to be as homogeneous as possible.
  3. Next, the kefir-yeast mixture is poured into the dough, the baking powder is poured, and the products are thoroughly mixed again.
  4. If you overdo it with flour, baking will not work magnificent. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor the consistency of the test.
  5. The finished mass will be suitable in warmth for about half an hour.

While the dough is “warming”, you can do the cooking of the filling. Their options are discussed below.

Butter pastry

This is the perfect batter for sweet buns, pretzels and pies. It includes: 1 tbsp. low fat kefir, 10 g of salt, 3 tbsp. with a hill of wheat flour, 25 g sugar, half a glass of non-aromatic oil, a standard package of instant yeast.

  1. In a deep bowl, double-sifted white flour and mixed with all the loose ingredients from the recipe.
  2. In a separate container, kefir is poured with vegetable oil.
  3. The liquid mixture is slightly heated in the microwave and poured into dry products.
  4. First, the mass is kneaded with a spoon, then - with your fingers.
  5. After thorough kneading, the dough is cleaned for half an hour under a clean towel.

The finished mass is suitable even for making thick pizza.

The most delicious toppings for pies

Sometimes it’s possible to prepare a tasty filling from the most unexpected products. For example, pumpkin, rhubarb, sorrel and carrots.But the most popular are still meat options, which are especially popular with the stronger sex.


You can fill the pies with slices of ham or sausage mixed with grated cheese, any minced meat with chopped onions or even pieces of meat stewed with mushrooms in sour cream. Meat fillings with vegetables and eggs go well. A very popular recipe for such an addition of minced pork with hard-boiled chicken eggs and green onions. Perfectly complements kefir dough, fried cabbage with hunting sausages.

Among the sweet fillings are any jam and jam, as well as fresh fruits and berries. Pies with finely chopped apples stewed with sugar and ground cinnamon are very tasty. Such a filling gives a delicious appetizing aroma to the treat.

It is definitely worth trying to stuff pies with grated cheese with garlic, boiled red fish, minced with onions or mushrooms fried with carrots.

In general, you can prepare toppings for baking from almost any product in the refrigerator. From the remnants of chicken and any assorted vegetables (passivated), a juicy and satisfying filling for pies is obtained. In this matter, you can include fantasy and feel free to experiment.