What could be tastier than juicy crispy pasties on the bubble dough from the popular cheburek? Only a homemade snack prepared by loving caring hands. To make the treat really tasty, you need to properly prepare the dough for pasties with bubbles.
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Dough for pasties with bubbles - a classic recipe
According to the classic recipe, the dough is cooked in water. Therefore, it turns out budget and affordable for everyone. In addition to water (1 tbsp.), You need to take: 280 g of flour, 20 ml of any vegetable oil, a teaspoon of salt. The following describes how to make dough for pasties on the water.
- A slightly warm liquid is poured into a deep container. Wheat flour is poured into it in small portions. The latter is better to sift a couple of times in advance.
- Salt and oil are added to the bowl.
- The ingredients are thoroughly mixed with a spoon or spatula until a viscous homogeneous mass is obtained.
- Next, the mixture is laid out on a surface with a thin layer of flour.
- Knead the dough well with your hands so that it practically stops sticking to your fingers.
- When the mass becomes sufficiently elastic, it can be transferred to the bag and sent to the cold for half an hour.
All that remains is to wait for time and begin to fry the delicious pasties.
Kefir recipe
If the house has kefir, then you can cook pasties on its basis. This recipe is also simple and understandable even for beginner cooks. It includes the following products: 1 tbsp. low-fat kefir and water, 60 ml odorless sunflower oil, egg, 4 tbsp. premium flour, a pinch of salt and sugar.
- Water is poured into the pan, salt, sugar and butter are added there.
- The container is sent to the fire, and its contents are brought to a boil.
- A little less than half a glass of flour is poured into the liquid in minimal portions. The mass is thoroughly stirred and cooled.
- When the mixture reaches room temperature, you can beat an egg into it and pour kefir.
- After thoroughly mixing, the remaining flour is introduced into the dough. It should be very elastic.
Choux pastry for pasties on kefir is covered with a clean towel and left for the preparation of the filling.
Choux pastry for pasties
Crispy custard dough for pasties does not include eggs.
It combines not only meat, but also, for example, potato filling. In addition to 350 ml of water, it is used: 2 tbsp. flavourless oil (vegetable), 650 g of high-quality flour, a pinch of salt.
- Salted water is brought to a boil. Immediately after the appearance of the first bubbles, oil is poured into it.
- A glass of flour with a slide is poured into boiling liquid, the mass is quickly mixed, and the fire turns off. The future dough should cool down to the point where it will be able to touch it painlessly with a hand.
- Next, you can pour the remaining flour, and knead a steep mass, which will not stick to your fingers.
- The dough rolls into a lump, wraps itself in a film and puts it in the refrigerator. You can leave him there all night.
If there is no such amount of time, it is allowed to start the formation of pasties in an hour. In any case, the dish will turn out crispy.
Cooking on a mineral water with bubbles
For this test, you can use any mineral water. The main thing is that it be very carbonated. A salty drink is also suitable. In addition to mineral water (350 ml), will be used: 4 tbsp. wheat flour, a pinch of salt and sugar, 3 tbsp. olive oil.
- In a volumetric bowl, salt and sugar are poured with a mineral water with bubbles. Preliminary release of gases from the drink is not required. Salt and sugar crystals should be completely dissolved in water.
- Flour is carefully sieved in the same container in small portions. This will make the dough more airy.
- When the mass becomes similar in consistency to homemade sour cream, oil can be poured into it.
- Next, the remaining flour is added, and the dough is kneaded by hands until maximum elasticity.
After 45 minutes, you can cook delicious chebureks from the resulting mass.
Puff pastry
Puff pastry pasties are especially good with minced chicken. For juiciness, a small amount of fatty kefir is added to the filling. And for the test used: 3-4 cups of good wheat flour, 1 tbsp. boiling water and a pinch of salt.
Tasty recipe:delicious crispy pastry for pasties
- Salt is completely dissolved in boiling water.
- Then ¼ part of the whole flour is poured into the mass.
- It remains to gradually add the remaining flour to the warm dough, sifting each individual portion.
- A very steep dense mass is mixed, which must be left for a short time at room temperature. During this time, the dough settles down and completely cools down.
The finished mass is perfectly rolled to the minimum thickness and does not tear. The result is the most delicate crunchy chebureks. To taste, the dough will be similar to the usual puffs.
Egg Dough Recipe
For this recipe, the ingredients are measured in eggshell. To do this, a hole is made at the top of the egg (for example, with a knife), and liquid is released through it into the bowl. The resulting empty container is convenient to measure the number of products. For the egg test will be used: 7-8 shells of clean drinking water and 1 any vegetable oil (it is better to take olive), 4 eggs, flour, how much will take the dough, 120 ml of vodka, a pinch of salt.
- Water is mixed with vegetable oil and salted to taste. Spice grains should completely dissolve in the liquid.
- All eggs are broken into the water, and the mass is slightly beaten with a fork until smooth.
- Next, vegetable oil and vodka are added to the liquid.
- It remains to work with flour. In the future dough, it is filled in small portions after sifting.There should be enough flour to make the dough not too sticky, but not too tight.
- When the mass is sufficiently thickened, it is better to shift it to the table and continue to knead with your hands.
- The resulting cheburek dough is sent to the cold for 2.5 hours. Previously, it is wrapped in cling film or a clean towel.
When sculpting chebureks, it is convenient to wet your fingers with vegetable oil so as not to use additional flour.
Dough with vodka - as in cheburechnaya
The dough for pasties with vodka is found in various variations. The recipe described below is most often used in large cheburek. But each mistress, if desired, can slightly change it, redoing it for herself. For such a recipe, the following products are needed: an egg, a glass of boiled water, 1 tbsp. alcoholic drink, 2 tbsp. oil (vegetable), 430 g of flour, a pinch of salt.
- Beat the egg slightly with a fork and salt to taste. Do not use a mixer.
- Boiled water, vegetable oil and vodka are introduced into the salty egg mass.
- After thorough mixing in the liquid, you can begin to gradually pour flour. This is best done in minimal portions.
- Hands knead a smooth plastic dough, which is covered with a clean towel and left to rest for 12-15 minutes.
The exact amount of flour is difficult to indicate. When mixing the mass, a little more or less may be required depending on the gluten of the product.