Homemade pies are the pride of any housewife. We offer options for both real pies from dough on yeast dough, and whip recipes. Here are collected the best culinary achievements in the preparation and kneading of dough for pie for every taste and from various ingredients.
Material Content:
Shortcrust pastry for pie
• two glasses of flour;
• half a glass of sugar;
• two hundred grams of fat (butter or margarine);
• egg;
• salt.
Cooking method:
1. The butter is ground with sugar.
2. Drive the egg into the mixture, mix until smooth.
3. Pour flour and knead crumbly dough with your hands. After 1-2 minutes, the dough is cut.
Puff pastry base
• 0.25 kilograms of wheat flour;
• half a glass of cold water;
• half an egg or an egg yolk;
• half a teaspoon of salt;
• some citric acid;
• a pack of butter.
Cooking method:
1. Salt and citric acid are combined with water.First, less than half a glass of water is poured into the container, then eggs are driven in and flour is poured.
2. Knead the dough by adding the rest of the water.
3. The dough is covered with a napkin and left for 30 minutes to swell.
4. Cold oil is mixed with flour and a rectangular layer is formed from the oil mass.
5. Roll out the finished dough so that the edges are slightly thinner than the middle.
6. In the center put the prepared oil mass mixed with flour, wrap in the form of an envelope.
7. Roll out one centimeter thick, making the edges a little thinner.
8. Fold in four. Leave to lie for half an hour.
9. The cold dough is rolled out again, rolled up four times and again put in the refrigerator for half an hour.
10. Then it is rolled out again, folded already three times and again in the cold.
11. After forty minutes, the dough is rolled out and rolled up three times. It is no longer cooled, but immediately butchered for baking.
12. The dough for the puff pastry pie is ready.
Lenten Recipe
• one art. sweetener spoon;
• half a liter of warm water;
• three tablespoons of vegetable oil;
• kilogram of sifted flour;
• salt;
• thirty grams of yeast.
Cooking method:
1. Pour water into a bowl, add yeast and a little flour. Allow the dough to stand.
2. Then add salt, sugar or a substitute (optional), sunflower oil.
3. Slowly pour out flour and knead a non-sticky dough.
4. Leave the lean dough warm to increase in volume. When it suits, you can get to work.
Yeast dough for pies
• a pound of flour (soft);
• yeast (20 g);
• 250 ml of milk;
• two tbsp. l fat
• one egg;
• two to three tbsp. l Sahara;
• salt;
• lemon peel;
• vanillin.
Cooking method:
1. In a pan mix yeast and sugar.
2. Add to the mixture 50 grams of flour and half a glass of milk.
3. The resulting dough is left to ferment in the warmth.
4. Then add sugar, flour, warm fat to it.
5. Eggs are driven into milk, mixed with a whisk and added to the rest of the mixture.
6. Knead the soft dough.
Mistress note
1. If molded from the dough will remain for a long time, they can lose their shape and not rise to the desired volume. Therefore, half an hour is enough for proofing.
2. Before baking, some products are punctured in several places, otherwise they are severely deformed.
Cooking on sour cream
• flour (half a kilo);
• granulated sugar (100 g);
• butter or margarine (100 g);
• chicken egg (C 2);
• sour cream of dense consistency (100 g);
• salt and soda.
Cooking method:
1. Sift the flour.
2. Combine the flour with sour cream and sugar.
3. Whisk the eggs with a whisk, add them to the flour mixture.
4. Salt, add soda.
5. Combine with soft butter or margarine.
6. Knead the dough.
Mistress note
1. Instead of sour cream, you can add yogurt, kefir or any dairy product.
2. Sheets and forms for greasy dough are not greased. When baking a drier dough, they are greased and sprinkled with breadcrumbs.
3. The dough is rolled out on a floured board, easily, without pressing the rolling pin and with a wide knife periodically separating it from the board. Better use a rolling pin.
Based on kefir
• half a liter of kefir (instead of yeast);
• kilogram of pancake flour;
• 150 g of sugar;
• two eggs;
• salt.
Cooking method:
1. Knead dough (when used instead of yeast) knead and cut quickly.
2. Eggs are beaten into kefir at room temperature or slightly warm, sugar is added, and whisk is mixed.
3. Gradually pour pancake flour, knead the dough.
4. Quickly cut and immediately put in the oven.
5. Kefir dough is ready!
More materials:kefir dough for pie
Quick dough for any pie
• one hundred sixty grams of flour;
• sour cream - a glass;
• half a pack of butter;
• salt.
Cooking method:
one.Sift the flour on a board with a slide, make a recess in the center and put sour cream, salt and mashed butter in it.
2. Quickly mix, roll into a ball, cover with a towel.
3. Put in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
Mistress note
1. This dough can be used as a puff for pizza, pies, pies with mushrooms, meat, fish, cabbage and sweet fillings.
2. Any dough should be wrinkled easily, not pressed to the board, constantly turning so that the fat is evenly distributed in it.
Yeast-free base
• a pound of flour (soft);
• pack of butter (butter);
• 140 g of sugar;
• 4 yolks or 2 eggs;
• vanilla.
Cooking method:
1. Sift flour mixed with baking powder on the board.
2. Add sugar, sliced butter, beat eggs, mix.
3. Pour milk, knead a smooth dough, which is then divided into several parts and cut depending on the type of baking.
Mistress note
1. Each hostess should have this yeast-free recipe for making pastry. It is relevant when there is very little time for kneading the dough.
2. The surface of the products is smeared with a beaten egg or one protein. Sometimes they are lubricated only with milk or water. The damp surface of the product ensures that the evaporated carbon dioxide does not tear it and it remains smooth. However, the edges of the products should not be lubricated, as they harden during leakage, which impairs the rise of the dough.
3. Products that are sprinkled with sugar should not be greased with an egg mixed with water; sugar dissolves in water and when baked, the product takes on an unattractive appearance.
4. To prevent cracks, the product is also pricked with a fork.
A simple option in milk
• half a kilogram of (wheat) flour;
• two egg yolks;
• milk - a glass;
• one hundred grams of sugar;
• yeast (50 g);
• one hundred grams of fat (butter or margarine);
• half a teaspoon of salt;
• vanillin.
Cooking method:
1. Yeast is diluted in warm milk, combined with sugar and allowed to wander.
2. Then pour into a bowl with flour, add melted fat, yolks, crushed with sugar, salt, vanillin.
3. Knead lush dough.
4. Cover with a napkin and put in a warm place to fit.
5. Butcher for the desired products.
Mistress note
1. For breeding yeast, it is always necessary to use a warm liquid.
2. Before kneading the dough, the flour should be sifted, even if its appearance does not require it.
3. Put the dough for fermentation in a warm, but not in a hot place.
For jellied cake
• one glass of flour (with top);
• ¾ cup of granulated sugar;
• 7 eggs.
Cooking method:
1. Yolks are separated from proteins, combined with sugar and worked out with a mixer. The mass should double.
2. Squirrels beat in another bowl, they should increase fourfold.
3. The whipped mixture of yolks and sugar is quickly mixed with sifted flour.
4. Stirring, inject proteins. The dough is ready.
On mayonnaise
• oil (100 g);
• mayonnaise (100 g);
• two (chicken) eggs;
• half a lemon;
• flour (premium) - 400 grams;
• a quarter cup of granulated sugar.
Cooking method:
1. Rub the oil, add mayonnaise and eggs to it, sprinkled with lemon juice.
2. Gradually pour flour, continuing to grind.
3. Knead the dough, put in the cold.
4. If the dough will be used for cakes, add ¼ cup sugar to the butter crushed with mayonnaise.
Mistress note
Fats should always be introduced into the dough melted (the consistency of thick sour cream) and only after all the previously placed muffins are well mixed with the dough.
Cream Recipe
• butter (cream) or margarine (table) - one pack;
• glasses of cream;
• two glasses of flour (premium);
• a third of a pack of yeast;
• egg.
Cooking method:
1. Cut the butter with a knife along with flour.
2. The cream is mixed with salt and crushed yeast.
3.Mix with butter and flour mass.
4. Roll out the dough.
Dough esm em
• two hundred grams of sour cream and margarine;
• baking powder;
• flour (wheat) - 350 g.
Cooking method:
1. Softened margarine is slowly combined with sour cream.
2. Gradually pour flour.
3. Add baking powder.
4. Knead the dough.
5. Clean for an hour in the refrigerator, then cut, rolling up to 3 mm.
Mistress note
1. Allow the decorated product to move to baking, that is, keep it in a warm place where there is no draft.
2. When mixing any dough, observe the correct ratio of liquid, flour, yeast, and muffin indicated in the recipe.
Liquid base for baking
• half a kilogram of flour;
• 100 g granulated sugar;
• 100 g of fat;
• two yolks;
• yeast (30 g);
• salt;
• half a liter of cow's milk.
Cooking method:
1. In a bowl, ground the yeast with sugar, add half a glass of milk and a little flour. Leave the dough to roam.
2. Then add sugar, flour, warm fat. Combine with eggs whipped in milk and salt.
3. Cut the batter, which is then put to taste almonds, candied fruit, orange zest or raisins.
4. The dough is poured onto a greased and sprinkled baking sheet or in a baking dish. Put for half an hour in a warm place to rise.
5. Then put the mold in a well-heated oven and bake for about 45 minutes, lowering the temperature after 15-20 minutes
Curd dough
• cottage cheese (grainy) - two hundred grams;
• flour (premium) - two hundred grams;
• half a pack of butter (cream) or margarine (table);
• salt;
• caraway seeds;
• protein or egg for lubrication.
Cooking method:
1. Rubbed cottage cheese is combined with cold butter.
2. Add the sifted flour.
3. If the cottage cheese is very dry, pour a little milk.
4. A rolled layer of dough sprinkled with salt, caraway seeds or grated cheese.
Mistress note
1. For the best consistency of cottage cheese dough, cottage cheese is wiped through a sieve, or passed through a meat grinder, watery - dried in gauze or a piece of linen cloth.
2. If the cottage cheese is oily, it is necessary to reduce the amount of margarine or butter.