Manty is popularly called large dumplings. Dishes are really similar to each other, but differ in size. Manty is not only 3-4 times bigger than dumplings, but also begins not with meat rolled through a meat grinder, but chopped by hand, and a lot of onions. They can easily be prepared independently at home. The main thing is to choose the right recipe for dumplings in Uzbek.
Material Content:
Classic dough for manti in Uzbek
Ingredients: a kilo of high-grade flour, 2 chicken eggs, 40 ml of high-quality olive oil, 420 ml of filtered water, 1 tbsp. table salt.
- Flour is sifted into a deep container from a high distance. A recess is made in the middle of the embankment.
- Raw eggs break into the resulting hollow.
- Separately, salt and olive oil dissolve in water. Liquids are used cold.
- Water is gradually poured into flour. First a spoon, then hands knead the dough.
- The mass is wrapped in a bag and left for half an hour at room temperature.
Next, you can roll out the dough and cook manti in Uzbek with pre-prepared meat filling.
On kefir
Ingredients: 3-3.5 Art. high-grade flour, 2 tbsp. kefir of medium fat content, baking soda on the tip of a spoon, a pinch of salt.
- First, kefir is slightly heated, soda is poured into it.
- Immediately a sifted flour is introduced into the resulting mass in a thin stream.
- The elastic dough is kneaded.
- Under the film, the mass will be half an hour.
Next, the dough is completely ready for modeling manti.
Boiled Choux
Ingredients: a pound of high-grade flour, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of refined oil, a chicken egg, a standard glass of freshly boiled water, 1 hourtablespoon of salt.
- First, salt is dissolved in boiling water. All grains should disappear.
- In a separate bowl, an egg is driven into the oil.
- Flour is sifted at least 2 times. An egg-oil mixture is added to this bulk component.
- Then, salty boiling water is poured into the resulting mass with a thin stream. Kneading is very fast. As a result, a very dense, thick dough should appear in the bowl.
- First kneading can be done with a special mixer nozzle. When the mass has cooled, continue with your hands.
The resulting dough is put into a bag and left at room temperature for half an hour.
In milk
Ingredients: 2.5 standard glasses of fat milk, 2 tablespoons eggs, 1 teaspoon of salt, a kilo of high-grade flour.
- A capacious metal bowl is taken for kneading. First, a little warmed milk is poured into it. Salt, chicken eggs are added there. The ingredients are whipped with a mixer.
- Without stopping the mixer, a little flour is poured into the bowl. First you need to add not the entire product, but so much that the dough turns out to look like a pancake.
- The food bowl goes to the stove and heats up slightly. It is left on fire with constant stirring until the dough thickens sufficiently.
- When the mass has cooled slightly, you can pour the remaining flour into it.
- Mix the dough until you get a soft tender lump.
At room temperature, the mass wrapped in a bag should stand for half an hour.
Yeast Dough Recipe
Ingredients: 320 ml of purified water, 45 g of live yeast, a pound of fine flour, 1 tsp. granulated sugar, 2 tbsp. refined oil.
- Yeast crumbles and bred in non-cold water. Refined oil and granulated sugar are added there. You can choose a mixture of any spices suitable for meat.
- Sifted flour can be added little by little. The smallest sieve is used for this.
- After adding flour, the mass is mixed twice. Next, the dough is covered with a towel and left to fit at room temperature.
After about half an hour, you can begin to form manti.
On mineral water
Ingredients: 4 standard glasses of high-grade flour, 1 glass of mineral highly carbonated water, 0.5 tsp. granulated sugar, 4 tbsp. refined oil, a pinch of fine salt.
- All components indicated in the recipe are gradually mixed. First, salt and granulated sugar dissolve in the mineral water. Water needs to be taken highly carbonated.
- Refined oil is poured into the mass.
- Last of all, well-sifted flour is poured into the dough in advance. A little kneading the dough.
- As a result, the mass should be quite elastic and not stick to the surface.
After that, you can wrap it in a film and transfer it to heat for an hour, so that gluten swells, saturated with water. Without eggs, the dough is especially soft.
Manti dough on sour cream
Ingredients: 3 standard glasses of high-grade flour, 1 glass of highly carbonated water, chicken egg, 120 ml of fat sour cream, a pinch of salt.
- An egg breaks into a deep bowl. Sour cream is immediately laid out and salt is added. Together, the ingredients mix well. It is convenient to use a mixer for this at minimum speed.
- Mineral water is poured into the resulting mass.
- Gradually, pre-sifted flour is poured into the future dough. After each new serving, the products are thoroughly mixed. This will avoid the appearance of lumps in the mass.
As a result, the dough will be quite sticky. This is normal. Under the lid, the mass is left for about an hour, during which it will become more tight. If you do not withstand the specified time, then the dough will break when sculpting.
How to cook in a bread machine?
Ingredients: a pound of high-grade flour, 160 ml of purified water, 2 chicken eggs, a pinch of salt.
- Sifted flour and salt are poured into the appliance bowl.
- There eggs are broken and purified water flows in.
- Next, the “Dough” program is installed, and you can go on vacation.
- Depending on the model of the device, the entire batch process will take from 15 to 20 minutes.
It remains to roll out the dough and fill it with the filling.