A mysterious, bewitching belly dance always attracts the attention of spectators. The guria dancer leads them to an unknown country of unearthly beauty and heavenly pleasures. Every woman dreams of becoming the same charming for her man. This can be easily learned. After all, there is nothing complicated - naturalness, emancipation, femininity and a little charm.

History and origin of the direction

Belly dance is as ancient as our human world itself, dance art. He came to us from the temple ordinances of India and Egypt, dedicated to the female energies of the universe. In the East, this dance of life was usually performed at weddings, but exclusively in the female half of the house.

Today, this bright, graceful and sensual dance is not only a colorful stage performance, but also one of the types of fitness.

Here are some interesting facts from his story:

  1. Belly dance is not only female, but also male. This variety of it was known in the Ottoman Empire. It still exists both in Turkey and in Egypt.
  2. Stage belly dance appeared at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, when oriental dancers began to demonstrate their art on the stage of Europe and the USA.
  3. In the middle of the last century, Hollywood drew attention to belly dance, but its interpretation was seriously different from the original. However, professional dancers from the East supported the idea and included elements of Western style in their arsenal.

What is useful belly dance

Belly dance has a beneficial effect on the female body.Hip movements, especially shaking, help to relax tightened muscles and tone internal organs.

In fact, this is a kind of massage of the internal organs, which enhances blood circulation in the pelvic area.

And besides:

  • This is a wonderful prevention of female diseases, elimination of adhesions, good preparation for childbirth.
  • Belly dance helps to develop a beautiful and proper posture, prevents diseases of the spine.
  • Dance promotes weight loss, helps in the fight against cellulite. The figure will become slimmer, more feminine, unwanted fat folds on the hips will gradually go away. Since muscle tension in belly dance is combined with relaxation, excessive physical activity is excluded. They do not always lead to weight loss, they only provoke a stressful state of the body, which can cause an exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • Like any dance, this one makes the dancer breathe more actively, enriching the blood with oxygen. It trains the cardiovascular system and respiratory system.
  • Pleasant smooth movements, the pleasure that the dancer receives from her work, increase her mood. Psychological stress and insomnia gradually go away, the woman begins to feel calm, balanced. Self-confidence and charm come.
  • A woman acquires a flying gait, beautiful and accurate gestures, grace. And not only on stage, but also in real life. The body begins to listen better and becomes flexible.

All this allows you to reveal your inner potential, feel your feminine energy, learn how to manage it.

However, belly dance has its own contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • cholecystitis, especially if there are stones in the bile ducts;
  • tumor processes;
  • inflammatory process of the ovaries, cysts, fibroids;
  • serious diseases of the spine, such as intervertebral hernia, vertebral fissures;
  • Chronical bronchitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • serious kidney disease and urolithiasis;

If varicose veins and chronic heart disease are present, you should consult your doctor before starting classes.

Types of Belly dance

Any dance direction is divided into certain types or styles. Belly dance, which has two main trends - classical dance and folk dance, is no exception.

The classical style, in turn, is divided into different types, more than fifty of them. In total, there are 8 main schools of belly dance, not counting smaller ones: Egyptian, Turkish, Jordanian, Pakistani, Aden, Thai, Bhutan and Botswana.

The belly dance that is most widespread around the world is the work of Turkish and Egyptian schools.

However, each dancer brings something individual, unique to her art. Even within the framework of some of the traditional schools, it can fantasize from the heart, complement it. Dancers usually do not adhere to strict style frames. The main thing is to express your feelings in the dance movements and get a vivid audience response.


The classic Arabic style can demonstrate the dance that is performed by women in Saudi Arabia. However, the art of professional dancers is prohibited in this country. Sharia law does not allow such liberties. Therefore, women have fun expressing themselves in a dance exclusively on their own half of the house. Arabic belly dancing can only be shown to women guests and household members. This, in general, is a vivid mixture of oriental dance techniques with a characteristic movement of the arms and hips. It is complemented by beautiful waves of long hair.

Among other schools that can be attributed to the Arabic style, one can distinguish the Persian-Iranian direction. It is seriously different from the traditional belly dance of women in Arabia. Here, the dancers demonstrate a sliding step, characteristic movements of the hips and chest.Also consistent waved hands and head with flying long hair. In general, the dance is performed very feminine and neat.


A variation of Turkish belly dance is a vibrant, fun and lively action. Here the emphasis is on the smooth movement of the hands and the special technique performed by the hips, which is called "deep drop".

The accompaniment is of great importance in the Turkish Belly Dance, as the musicians work with the dancer in pairs. The main musical instrument in this case is a special kind of drums.


This is a vibrant dance, where the emphasis is on the movement of the hips. It is performed relaxed, the dancer as if soars on stage, demonstrating confidence in her own female irresistibility. Musical accompaniment - orchestral, using the vibrant rhythm of the drums. This style is characterized by a very clear statement of hands, simple combinations of their movements. Shaking and beautiful penetrations are also used.

Tutorials for beginners

You can try to start practicing at home. Take advantage of video tutorials that are easy to find on the Internet. Before the start of the lesson, you should let go of the problems of today, forget about worries for a while, and devote the next half hour or an hour only to yourself.

This dance is akin to meditation, you need to tune in, focus on the pleasant sensations. Feel your whole body, communicate with it, merge your soul with a beautiful melody.

Here is a small step-by-step instruction:

  1. First you need to remember and play the simplest movements, which are basic. Music for belly dancing should be slow. Try to get in time. Only legs, hips and hands should be involved. All other parts of the body must be kept static, motionless.
  2. To master the movement of the hips is easy. You need to put your hands on the belt and part your elbows. Put your feet shoulder width apart. Bend your knees slightly. Then try to raise and lower each hip in turn, while you can not move your shoulders. They should remain in line. The feet should also not be lifted; the soles should constantly touch the floor. First, the movements are performed very slowly, then gradually increase their frequency, leading to shaking. After mastering this simple movement, you can proceed to the more complex one - try hips rotation, "draw" a figure eight in the air. The combination of two mastered movements already gives rise to a beautiful dance.
  3. Hands should be connected to the dance only after the movement of the hips is well mastered. They can be raised and put apart. The main thing is to learn to act in concert with both hands and the lower part of the body. To do this, remember the rule - when the right thigh rises, the hands should move to the left and vice versa. The hands perform beautiful circular movements.

Belly dance for beginners is not too complicated. The main thing here is to learn the basics so well that you can easily build a clear picture from them. Only after this can you move on and take on more complex ligaments and movements.

Where to buy costumes for oriental dances

Clothing for belly dancing should emphasize every movement of the dancer. She focuses the attention of the audience on a dance gesture, either wrapping herself around the body, or flying around like wings.

A successful suit is 50% success, because it favorably highlights all the advantages of the figure and hides the flaws.

  • Skirts come in different styles - straight, with cuts or a silhouette of a "fish". A wide, flared “sun” or “half sun”. The waist can be either overpriced or understated.
  • Harem pants are wide, usually choose a low landing, it is possible with cuts on the sides and always picked up at the ankles.
  • The bodice is open, tight, embroidered with brilliant accessories - beads, sequins, sparkles, rhinestones. It should fit very tightly to the body, form a beautiful bust shape. Fringe is also used, both short and long, sometimes hiding the stomach.
  • Shoes are optional, belly dancing is usually performed barefoot. However, its modern options, sometimes, can be decorated with beautiful high-heeled shoes.

Traditionally, the stomach remains free, open. There are types of dance in which a veil covers this part of the body. Sometimes the whole dress is also sewn.

One of the important elements of the costume is a scarf or belt embroidered with sparkling coins, sometimes a long fringe. The scarf is tied tightly, and the belt is sewn on the basis of an elastic band to sit on the hips without moving out. The scarf is triangular or rectangular, more like a scarf. Movement of the hips causes the sound of coins. They scatter, sparkle and attract attention to a particular dance technique.

The fabrics from which the costume is sewn should be light, bright, flying. They complement the dance pattern, visually enhance the amplitude of the dancer's movements. Therefore, you need to choose them very carefully.

Various attributes are used during the performance - canes, candelabra, numerous bracelets assembled in a cascade, fans, a saber. All these items give particular importance to the dance performed. A saber, for example, is a symbol of a woman’s rebellion.

For a novice dancer, a luxurious costume is not required. She needs tight leggings so she can clearly see the movements of her hips and knees. You will need a comfortable bodice, a bra that does not constrain movements, does not interfere with proper breathing. If the floor in the rehearsal room is covered with carpet, then you can dance just in socks. When special coating is not provided, you need to purchase lightweight soft shoes with non-slip soles.

A scarf or belt with coins during training is not necessary. You can do without it.

You can buy a stage costume for oriental dance on the Internet by contacting the famous Chinese online stores. Specialized ateliers also sew custom-made clothes for belly dancing. Almost every such studio has its own representation on the World Wide Web.

Of course, you can try to make a costume for belly dance yourself, but only if there are good patterns, patterns. Otherwise, you can only spoil the fabric, because creating your own stage costume is not easy. Even if the dance is beautiful and the performer’s mastery is on top, a bad costume can ruin the impression.