Initially, shoes were invented by humans to protect the feet from environmental damage. Primitive people began to wrap their feet in pieces of animal skin to protect themselves from cuts and wounds. The story went ahead. People developed, and living conditions improved along with them. Although ... perfection has not penetrated into all spheres of life. More precisely, in some areas it was slightly perverted.

The evolution of women's shoes that went the wrong way

A good example of this is the women's shoes. If men's shoes have evolved according to the criteria of convenience and comfort, then as for women's shoes, their goal, in addition to protection from street surfaces, has become external attractiveness. And also the complete lack of convenience that accompanies it. And this is despite the fact that there is no cardinal difference between the female and male feet.

Today we have compiled a collection of the strangest women's shoes. Besides the fact that many of these models are hardly possible to wear, these shoes look extremely unusual. So such shoes, rather, a place in the museum than on women's legs.

Shoes called "Garden party." They were released by Ashbury Skies. Retail price - about $ 250.

Pair of forest shoes

These shoes were inspired. Hawaiian mood. We do not argue - they are very beautiful. But they are clearly not meant to be worn.

Hawaiian mood
Heels are made in the form of figures of smart islanders
The maximum that can be done in these shoes is to take a picture

High-tech shoes designed by architect Zaha Hadid in collaboration with United Nude.

Techno-minimalism, penetrating all spheres

Definitely a gloomy model.

These shoes, perhaps, would be liked only by representatives of the ready-made subculture.
Skull Heels

And the next pair of shoes is more cheerful. But how to walk with pineapple instead of heel - remains a mystery.

Fun but impractical design

Anyone who for some reason did not like the pineapple can opt for Mickey Mouse.

For the "eternal girls"

Well, or in extreme cases, poodle figures.By the way, the straps are a bit like a leash.

Poodle supporting foot like pillar
Side view

While the children of Africa are starving, the well-fed West does not know what else to amuse themselves with.

Here, the role of the backup is performed by Santa Claus
As an artifact, these shoes are, of course, beautiful. But is it worth it to refine yourself? ..

Perhaps the strangest heels in the world. The initial idea of ​​the designers was to have shoes in the form of chairs on their feet. But for some reason, these shoes also slightly resemble stilts for the elderly. Maybe this is such a subtle hint - you walk on such heels and you have to lean on a gurney for the rest of your life?

It is not clear what the designers wanted to portray - a chair or a gurney for the elderly

Hybrid kitchen washcloths and shoes.

When at home there were a few extra dishwashing sponges

One of the few models in this gallery that does not cripple the leg. The creation of these shoes was inspired ... sanitary pads.


Another not harmful model for the feet. But from this - no less exotic.

For lovers to walk on the green grass

Fish slippers.

Spanking, apparently, was created to relax on the shore of the pond

For real zombies.

Bloodthirsty buds flowers on boots. Very cute
Another zombie option

Vinyl "Transylvania".

In such boots - or for the witches' sabbath, or for a walk in the Transylvanian Forest
Candy and candy motifs
Gothic shoes decorated with roses and lace

Punk duck.

Looking at the figure of this duck, it becomes a little sorry for her - well, they put it on a leash; but could you at least not pierce the beak? ..

It occurred to someone to cross shoes with dice.

Someone had the incredible idea of ​​making dice heels.
The same model. Red only

Strange designs, vaguely reminiscent of the shape of shoes.

It is unlikely that you can go far in such shoes
This is mainly hindered by massive heels.

For fans of marine motives.

Octopus tentacle shoes

There is also black color - for those who in childhood were more impressed by the villain Ursula than the little mermaid Ariel.

Option in black

What? Ken's heads placed on a transparent platform?

What designers wanted to say by this remains unclear

Tea set right on your feet. For "Alice in Wonderland", which really survived out of her mind.

For fans of "Alice in Wonderland"
Judging by the internal plot of the small figures, these low shoes on a giant platform are also dedicated to the creation of Lewis Carroll

When dreams rule people, and such appears. Well, hopefully these shoes serve as interior decoration, not worn by girls.

Nice shoes. True, wearing them will not work. Better to just admire

Shoes of the Jurassic period.

Who are these dinosaur heels trying to intimidate? Maybe sneaking behind cats?

These are crazy shoes. Have you come across something similar? Share in the comments.