The best gift for the fair sex is a piece of jewelry. There is no woman in the world who would remain indifferent to a ring, bracelet or earrings. But if problems rarely arise with the selection of the latter, then the jewelry that will be worn on the finger should ideally fit the owner in size. How to find out the size of the ring so as not to make a mistake with the purchase?

Table: how to discreetly find out the size of a ring on a girl’s finger

The easiest method is to ask about it directly or choose the appropriate jewelry by visiting a store with the girl. But if you want to make a surprise, you have to go for a trick. It is necessary to take measurements so that the girl does not guess about anything. How this can be done, we will consider below, and now we will pay a little attention to the calculation.

The size of the ring is determined by the size of the circumference of the finger. You will need to measure it, and then use the table of ring sizes.

Ring sizeCircumference (mm)

Another way to calculate the size is by the diameter of the finger. As we know from school, to find out this value, it is necessary to divide the circumference by 3.14. The result will be consistent with the size.

Ring sizeDiameter of a finger, mm

Attention! Do not take measurements with a centimeter tape. It is better to take a thin lace, measure the circumference of the finger with it, then attach the resulting segment to the ruler and fix the result.

How to determine using another ring?

In order not to be mistaken, you can take the ring that the girl wears on the corresponding finger, and, comparing with it, pick up a suitable gift in the store.

If you don’t have the opportunity to “steal” the jewelry for a while, but at the same time have access to the box in which it is stored, you can cast a ring on some soft material, such as plasticine, and then calmly make the necessary measurements.

School ruler for measuring

Even if a girl removes jewelry only by taking a shower or cleaning, you still have time to carry out all the necessary manipulations. This will help the usual school ruler.

It is enough to measure the inner diameter of the decoration, its value in millimeters and will correspond to the size. For example, if the result is 1.6 cm, then the ring corresponds to 16 sizes.

But what if the girl does not part with the decoration and does not remove it? In this case, the task is complicated, but still it is feasible. Wait until your girlfriend falls asleep, and take measurements in one of the ways listed below.

How to determine the width of the finger?

This is the most primitive and less reliable way to measure, it should be used only as a last resort, when there are no other options. You will need to measure the width of the finger at its very base. The resulting value will correspond to the desired size.

For example, if the finger width is 17.3 mm, this is 17 size. When the value turned out to be intermediate, it is better to round it up, since reducing the size of the ring if necessary is much easier than increasing it.

How to identify using a strip of paper?

If you need to discreetly know the size, to take measurements you will need a strip of paper, approximately the width of which corresponds to the selected product. Wrap the prepared section around the finger and mark in the right place. Then it remains only to measure it and find out the size using the table.

Attention! It is important to consider that the ring should freely pass through the joint, which is slightly wider than the base of the finger, and acquire a product with a small margin.

How to measure thread size

Another option for inconspicuous measurements is the use of thread. It should be quite dense and twisted from natural fibers, sliding synthetic materials will not work.

You will need to do the following:

  1. Wrap the finger in the right place with thread 5 times. However, it should pass freely through the joint.
  2. Carefully remove the winding, cut off the excess and unroll the thread.
  3. Measure the resulting segment with a centimeter tape or ruler, and then divide the resulting figure by 15.7. The result will fit the size.

On a note. Ring sizes are always a multiple of 0.5. If, as a result of the calculations, the number 16.2 is obtained, it is worth rounding it and purchasing an ornament corresponding to a size of 16.5.

Other ways to find out ring size

If none of the above methods are suitable for you, you should not despair, you can try a few more options:

  1. Ask the girlfriend of the girl to find out her ring size, without causing suspicion.
  2. Under any pretext, take the product that a friend wears on her ring finger and try it on her little finger. If your fingers are wide, and the jewelry does not fit on them completely, you will need to make a mark with a pen or felt-tip pen in the place where it "sits" tightly, and select a ring in the store, trying on it for yourself.
  3. Pay attention to the size of the girl’s clothes. This is not the most reliable way, but in this way you can calculate the parameters of the ring at least approximately. If the letter S is marked on the label, the size of the jewelry will range from 15.5 to 16.5, M from 16.5 to 17.5, L from 17.5 to 18.5, XL from 18.5 to 19 ,5. A girl wearing clothes marked XXL or XXXL will need jewelry from size 20 to 22.

However, the latter method is not very reliable, as often slender and miniature girls often have wide fingers, and the hands of the "pyshechek" are small and thin.

It is interesting:how to translate US shoe size into Russian

Subtleties and nuances

When measuring a finger and choosing a jewelry, several important points must be taken into account:

  • if the jewelry is intended to be worn on the right hand, the finger should be measured on it, since the left will be slightly thinner (this rule applies to the right-handed person, the left-handed person has thinner fingers on the right hand);
  • fingers on the hands have the peculiarity of swelling in hot weather, with colds or during menstruation, this must be taken into account when taking measurements;
  • it’s best to take measurements at noon.


Guided by the above rules and doing everything exactly according to the instructions, you can pick up a ring of the right size for your girl and avoid annoying mistakes.