The modern pharmaceutical industry produces a wide range of products that help improve digestive activity. But not all of them are affordable and suitable for everyone. We will tell in today's article about Pancreatin tablets filled with natural ingredients.
Material Content:
Composition of Pancreatin
As part of the enzyme drug trypsin, amylase with lipase and protease, which are natural components of the pancreas. Reception of Pancreatin helps to improve the functionality of this body and even completely replace its work.
Additional components are gelatin with milk sugar, starch (potato) with calcium stearate, cellulosephate with titanium dioxide, liquid paraffin with polysorbate and dye azorubine.
The tablets on top have an intestinal dissolving membrane. Available in blisters, packs of cardboard, dark glass jars or polymer bottles.
Pharmacists in the production of drugs take the pancreas from animals such as pigs, cows or other cattle.
Pharmacological properties and pharmacokinetics
Thanks to trypsin, the enzyme activity of the gland, which occurs naturally, is suppressed in the composition of the drug, while also providing analgesic effect. In addition, the drug relieves swelling and inflammatory processes.
Important: the dissolution of the tablet begins only in the alkaline intestinal environment.The upper shell provides protection from hydrochloric acid, so the medicine must be swallowed whole without chewing beforehand.
The drug acts on the body as follows:
- It breaks down proteins into amino acids, and fats into fatty acids and glycerin.
- Turns starch into dextrins with monosaccharides.
Taking the drug not only improves the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, filling the lack of enzymes, but also proteolytically, aminolytically, and also lipolytically affects the body.
The release of enzymes, and, as a result, their therapeutic effect begins 30-40 minutes after the food enters the intestines.
Why is the drug prescribed?
The main purpose of the drug is the fight against pancreatic pathologies (cholecystitis). But this is not the only disease with which it copes.
Pancreatin is indicated:
- with flatulence and similar symptoms symptoms;
- before carrying out diagnostic measures of the digestive tract, due to the ability of the drug to accelerate food processing and reduce gas formation;
- with gastritis, as it improves digestion processes and increases the secretion of gastric juice;
- the ability to maintain intestinal health allows it to be prescribed for colitis and gastroenteritis of a non-infectious nature;
- with cystic fibrosis, due to the fact that pancreatitis protects against the development of malnutrition;
- with dyspepsia, being an additional tool in the therapeutic complex;
- with duodenitis, protecting the duodenum from inflammatory processes and various injuries, improving digestion;
- if exocrine hyperfunction is diagnosed or the gall bladder is removed;
- the medicine is prescribed after surgery on the stomach and with inhibition of the pancreas to maintain the organ;
- with problems with the absorption of nutrients, breaking down proteins and thereby improving the absorption of food;
- with gastrocardial syndrome and pancreatic insufficiency.
Before conducting a study using x-ray or ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, Pancreatin is also prescribed.
Instructions for use and dosage
This medicine is taken only during a meal or immediately after a meal with water.
For adults
Pancreatin for adults is prescribed by a doctor at a dosage of 150,000 units / day - this is the average value. If there is a severe pancreatic insufficiency, the amount of the drug increases to 400,000, which is the daily required dose for an adult human lipase. For 1 kg of weight per day, you can drink up to 15,000 units.
A dosage of 25 units is also used for overweight people, as it improves metabolic processes in the body.
For children
For children up to one and a half years, the amount of medication per day is 50,000, at an older age, the dose increases by 2 times. The course can last from a few days to months and years. This happens when the need for permanent replacement therapy is prescribed.
Can I take pancreatin during pregnancy and lactation?
The responsible periods in the life of any woman are pregnancy and breastfeeding, when she should be more careful about her health. Therefore, before you start taking any medications, you need to find out its safety.
Pregnancy in many women is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms - heartburn, nausea, bloating and various intestinal disorders.
The effectiveness of pancreatin is aimed at eliminating dyspepsia. In the annotation to the drug, you can read that it is not known how it will affect the well-being and health of mothers and babies. But according to the research of pharmacists, information has been received that the main component negatively affects the embryo, which puts a ban on its reception in the first trimester of pregnancy.
In the subsequent period of bearing a child, the use of Pancreatin is allowed, but only with the permission of the attending physician and in case of emergency.
Important: you can not drink the drug if pancreatitis is diagnosed in acute form and during an exacerbation of the disease.
It is not recommended to systematically take this medicine - but 1-2 tablets will not cause any harm when overeating.
Since clinical studies of the drug for safety in relation to breast milk have not been conducted, there is no necessary information about its safety. Therefore, without serious reason and without consulting a doctor, you should not take it.
If there is an urgent need for a single dose during lactation, it is better to skip feeding. And when prescribing a full therapeutic course with the drug, it will be possible to feed the baby after it is completed.
Drug interaction
With the simultaneous use of Pancreatin with iron-containing agents and with the presence of folates, the absorption of the latter decreases.
Antacids, tannins and preparations containing alcohol in the composition, together with Pancreatin, reduce the effect of the drug.
Contraindications, side effects and overdose
It is not allowed to drink Pancreatin for people who have intolerance to the components in the composition, if the pancreas is inflamed (acute stage), with problems with intestinal obstruction and children under 2 years of age.
Side effects from this at first glance of a harmless drug can also be:
- Constipation occurs if you have to take the medicine often.
- An allergic reaction to the skin in the form of rashes.
- Increased uric acid in urine and blood tests.
If at least one of the listed symptoms appears, you must stop taking it and visit a doctor.
Due to the availability of the drug to anyone without a doctor’s prescription, many people think that it can be used immensely at every opportunity, for example, before meals to improve digestion. This erroneous opinion - unsystematic and excessive leads to dire consequences - nausea with vomiting, pain in the stomach, constipation, intestinal obstruction, allergic manifestations and even Quincke's edema.
The safety of the medicine is guaranteed only with proper admission - self-medication is contraindicated.
If we talk about analogues of the drug, then you should pay attention to them in the absence of the original in pharmacies, or there are other reasons associated with the components in the composition.
The following drugs that are found on the shelves of pharmaceutical outlets serve as a replacement for Pancreatin:
- in case of problems with the pancreas, you can drink Creon, suitable for both adults and children;
- Mezim is very popular among the population of our country. It is filled with herbal ingredients and serves as a prophylactic;
- and another drug - Festal, prescribed for eating disorders, chronic pancreatitis and intestinal irritation.
Before choosing one or another medicine, the first one is to consult with a specialist, and the second is to find time and read reviews about it on the Internet. And not always an imported drug, which means high-quality. Domestic analogues are no worse, but more affordable at a price. Health to you and your loved ones!