In the warmer months, the activity of insects, including bloodsucking ones, is very high. But if there is no particular harm from mosquitoes, then ticks and fleas can cause significant harm to the health of the pet. On the modern market there are many varieties of products that can cope with this problem: drops, sprays, collars and more. This article is about dog tick pills.

The mechanism of action of tablets from ticks for dogs

Veterinary preparations in the form of chewable tablets have been used relatively recently.

The mechanism of their action looks like this:

  1. After taking the pill, its active substances enter the bloodstream through the walls of the stomach.
  2. The components quickly spread throughout the body through the activity of the circulatory system.
  3. Reduced intoxication resulting from the ingress of pathogenic microorganisms that penetrated the saliva of parasites during a bite.
  4. Malicious bacteria are excreted from the animal.

Thus, pathogenic microflora is neutralized by the active substances of therapeutic agents, protecting the body of the pet. In this case, a flea or tick that has bitten an animal after taking a veterinary preparation quickly dies. This is due to the detrimental effect on the body of the pest of the dominant component. The parasites are unable to develop immunity to the compound.

In addition, the tablets have a very low toxicity, and do not harm the body of the animal. Most of them are suitable for all breeds of dogs.

Attention! The components that make up the preparations can cause allergic reactions. Therefore, when appointing a veterinarian, a specialist should be notified if the animal has a tendency to such manifestations.

How to choose the right tool

It is better when a specialist deals with the selection of funds from ticks and fleas, taking into account all the features of a particular animal.

When choosing veterinarians are guided by the following criteria:

  1. The composition of the tool. It is important to choose a drug with such active components that will not harm the body of the animal. But at the same time they must be highly effective against parasites.
  2. The weight of the dog. Most therapeutic agents in tablet form are not allowed to be taken by individuals whose weight has not reached 2 kg. Prescribing is possible, but the dosage is selected individually to avoid intoxication and negative effects on the digestive organs of the animal.
  3. Age and individual characteristics of the dog. Many veterinary drugs designed to combat parasites are not suitable for puppies younger than 2 months old. And also most of them are prohibited for use by pets whose body is weakened.
  4. Types of drugs taken in parallel. If due to health reasons the animal still needs some other means, it is important to consider their features. The active substances of flea and tick tablets used in conjunction with other medicinal formulations can cause undesirable effects.
  5. The presence of allergies. If such reactions have been observed in the animal, it is worth prescribing a drug that is unable to provoke them, or the likelihood of their occurrence is extremely low. But if the dog has an individual intolerance to a specific substance that is part of any veterinary drug, it should be replaced by another.

Tip. In addition to these factors, it is worth paying attention to the taste and smell of the pill.

Many manufacturers take into account that not every animal is able to swallow a vile taste, unpleasantly smelling pill, and create them with aromas that are attractive to dogs, which are worth buying. Most often, parasite pills have the aroma and taste of meat.

Advantages and disadvantages of popular drugs

Despite the fact that tablet formulations are considered a relative innovation in the market, many varieties have already appeared. Consider the most common means of the middle price category.

Bravecto Pills

The active ingredient of “Bravecto” tablets from ticks is the substance fluralaner. It can destroy parasites without harming the animal.

The compound blocks certain areas in the body of blood-sucking insects, due to which paralysis occurs, and subsequently the pest dies. The drug acts quickly, while in the cells it does not accumulate and is excreted in the feces and urine.

Another advantage of the medical composition is that the effect of the application lasts up to 3 months. In addition, it can be prescribed to pregnant and lactating dogs.

The lack of funds can be called an age restriction. It is forbidden to give puppies up to 2 months and individuals whose weight is less than 2 kg.

Front Line Neksgard

The effectiveness of the drug composition is provided by the afoxolaner compound. Not being toxic in itself, it adversely affects harmful insects. Nexguard begins to act in 30 minutes and is able to affect 8 species of ticks and 2 species of fleas.

It can be used in the treatment of dogs of any breed, including during pregnancy and feeding. But in such a situation, it is advisable to see a veterinarian.

The disadvantages include the fact that animals with body weight less than 4 kg do not tolerate tablets from Front Line ticks. They need an individual dosage, exceeding which can lead to very unpleasant consequences.

The drug Comfortis

The composition of the veterinary means "Comfortis" includes spinosad. This substance leads to impaired transmission of nerve impulses in the cells of the parasites, which is why various disorders develop in their body, leading to death. In this case, the dog tolerates treatment well, the risk of side effects is minimal.

One of the significant advantages of the drug is that it is available in several dosages. This makes it convenient to use it for the treatment of both large and small breeds. The veterinary medicine begins to act after 30 minutes, and is excreted from the body after 48 hours. And also, unlike other similar drugs, it can be used when injuries are present on the skin of an animal.

The disadvantages include the presence of a number of contraindications. In addition to the fact that "Comfortis" is not prescribed for puppies up to 3-4 months, it is prohibited for use during pregnancy and feeding. And also it is forbidden to give it to dogs suffering from diseases of the nervous system and epilepsy.

Zoetis Simparika

These chewable tablets contain sarolaner. This compound is safe for animals, and side effects from the use of the drug are extremely rare.

On ticks, the composition begins to act 7 to 8 hours after ingestion, while fleas die after a significantly shorter time. As a rule, it takes no more than 3 hours.

In addition, the drug provides lasting protection against parasites for a month.

In addition, Symparika tablets are used in the treatment of dermatitis caused by insect bites, as well as in the treatment of sarcoptosis and demodecosis. It can be prescribed to animals when their weight exceeds 1.3 kg.

The minuses include contraindications for use in puppies who have not reached the age of 2 months, as well as the inability to use for protection of sick and weakened animals.

How to give pills to a pet

Parasite pills are used in accordance with the instructions, the features of which depend on the type of product and the recommendations of the veterinarian. But there are general principles that should be followed during treatment.


  • prescribe medication for puppies under two months of age;
  • give chewable tablets to dogs on an empty stomach;
  • exceed the recommended dosage.

And also it is worth monitoring the condition of the animal during the treatment process.

Undesirable effects may appear, which include:

  • loss of appetite;
  • profuse salivation;
  • vomiting
  • coordination disorder;
  • stool disorders;
  • change the color of the selection;
  • apathy and general deterioration of health.

Attention! If such symptoms are found, the animal should be shown to the veterinarian.


The list of contraindications, as well as recommendations for use, depend on the type of drug chosen.

In addition to age restrictions, most tablets are forbidden to give in such cases:

  • with an animal weighing less than 2 kg;
  • in cases of serious illness and general weakening of the body;
  • with individual intolerance to the components of the composition.

Separate therapeutic agents are contraindicated for pregnant and lactating dogs, however, in modern veterinary medicine there are not so many of them.

In order not to risk the health of the animal, it is better to entrust the choice of a suitable veterinary preparation to a specialist. He will take into account all the features of the pet, which will allow you to choose the most effective and safe tool.