Sleep disturbance is a common problem in many people, regardless of age. This condition negatively affects not only the health, but also the ability to work of patients. Pills for insomnia will help restore normal night rest, a large assortment of which is offered by a network of pharmacies.
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How to choose a remedy for insomnia
Insomnia is such a condition when a person has the following disturbances of nighttime rest for a month or more:
- problems falling asleep - the patient cannot fall asleep while lying in bed for one or several hours;
- multiple night awakenings - the slightest noise leads to interruption of sleep, after which there is difficulty falling asleep;
- systematic early awakening - it does not depend on the time of going to bed.
Such problems that arise over a long period, contributes to the development of pathological processes in different body systems, leading to depletion of the central nervous system. Therefore, the sooner treatment of insomnia is started, the faster the improvement in the condition will occur.
Drugs with hypnotic effect can be dispensed in the pharmacy network, both on prescription and without it. Typically, these medicines are potent drugs that have side effects and are also addictive. They are prescribed only by a doctor and for certain indications.
But there are a number of drugs that restore normal sleep, which have a mild sedative and hypnotic effect, while not addictive. Such funds are dispensed without a prescription. They can be on a natural basis or combined, that is, combine both plant and chemical components in their composition.
List of the best sleeping pills
The most effective, giving a positive result in the fight against insomnia, are medications, some of which are indicated for use even by pregnant women.
These include:
- Melaxen
- Persen;
- Novopassit;
- Dormiplant;
- Glycine;
- Valerian.
Treatment of insomnia should be started as early as possible, using means that have a mild effect on the central nervous system. Such drugs give a soothing and easy sleeping pill, relieve internal stress and anxiety, and restore heart rate.
The elimination of the problem is initially carried out with the use of light medications. A correctly selected medicine with an appropriate course of treatment will give a positive result in restoring lost sleep. But a prerequisite is compliance with all recommendations for the reception of the prescribed funds.
Important! Independent use of drugs with sleeping pills is possible only with episodic sleep disturbances. Frequent and prolonged night rest disorders require compulsory consultation and treatment by a specialist.
No-addiction insomnia pills
It is possible to purchase sleep pills in a pharmacy and begin self-medication, but the recommendations of a doctor in this case are definitely necessary. It will help to choose a drug taking into account the individual characteristics of the body and the reasons for the development of insomnia. With the unconditional observance of all instructions for taking sleeping pills, treatment will give a positive result, and addiction will not occur.
This group of drugs eliminates problems with falling asleep and waking up at night. Medicines improve the quality of rest and do not cause daytime sleepiness, headaches and dissatisfaction with sleep.
These tools are:
- Dormiplant - contains extracts of valerian root and lemon balm. The medicine has a pronounced sedative effect, eliminates sleep disturbance, and also gently reduces increased irritability. Morning awakening is accompanied by a feeling of quality rest. The drug does not slow down the reaction, therefore, it can be recommended for use by patients whose work is associated with increased concentration of attention;
- Persen - the active principle is an extract of valerian root, lemon balm and peppermint. The result of the drug is based on sedative and antispasmodic effects. It has a positive effect on the process of falling asleep, eliminates the feeling of anxiety, irritability, emotional outburst. It gives a good effect with paroxysms of vegetative-vascular dystonia. Awakening after a good night's rest is not accompanied by a side effect in the form of sleepiness during the day;
- Novo-Passit is a preparation containing a complex of plant components. Provides removal of increased excitability, anxiety, rapid falling asleep. The tool has an antispasmodic effect, and also helps to improve cardiac activity;
- Melaxen - a drug that is an analogue of the natural sleep hormone melatonin, is recognized as the best way to level insomnia. Manifested by a sedative effect. Promotes rapid falling asleep, eliminates nightmares, frequent night awakenings. The drug provides quality rest and daytime activity, eliminates lethargy, apathy, fatigue;
- Donormil - a drug with sleeping pills, promotes rapid falling asleep, increasing the duration of sleep.
Recommendations for choosing a medicine should be given by a specialist.Reception of funds for insomnia cannot be more than 7-10 days. If it is not possible to cope with the violation after passing the course of treatment, a second consultation of the doctor is required to determine further tactics for the treatment of the disease.
Many sleep pills, which are dispensed without a doctor’s prescription, contain active botanicals that have a positive effect on the nervous system, eliminating sleep disturbance. Such drugs are well tolerated by patients and have virtually no side effects.
The most commonly used sleeping pills are:
- Sonmil is a medication used for sleep disturbance. Its main component was doxylamine succinate. With an active effect, it causes rapid falling asleep, high-quality and long night rest, while maintaining the physiological phases of sleep. It does not adversely affect performance;
- Glycine is an amino acid that activates the processes of inhibition in the central nervous system and has a positive effect on the normalization of sleep. The drug is used as a means of relieving emotional tension and increasing brain activity. This medication is actively used in neurological and pediatric practice;
- Vita-Melatonin - the medicine is an analogue of melaxen. The combination of such an active component with a vitamin complex not only gives a pronounced effect in solving problems with sleep disturbance, but also has a positive result in psycho-emotional phenomena. The drug is part of complex therapy in the treatment of stage 1-2 hypertension;
- Corvalol is a popular drug that incorporates phenobarbital, but in small quantities. Effectively affects the process of falling asleep, and is also used for functional disorders of the cardiac activity. In addition, the drug has a calming property with emotional stress, neurotic conditions.
Acceptance of any medication dispensed in the pharmacy network and contributing to the relief of nighttime rest disorders should be carried out in accordance with the attached instructions.
Herbal preparations
The safest means used to treat insomnia are substances synthesized from plant materials. Such drugs have practically no contraindications, therefore, they are indicated for a wide range of patients, including children of any age and pregnant women.
Herbal preparations are the most common medications that solve sleep problems.
These include:
- Valerian - the drug has a mild effect on the central nervous system, enhancing the inhibition processes in the cerebral cortex, thereby achieving a sedative effect. The tool speeds up falling asleep, and also improves the quality of sleep. It does not have side effects after waking up. Relieves paroxysms with vascular dystonia;
- Motherwort - made in the form of tablets or tinctures, gives a positive result for the correction of insomnia. With a calming effect, it copes well with emotional instability, functional disorders of cardiac activity;
- Peony - dispensed in the form of tincture, is a tool that not only helps to eliminate sleep disorders, but is also used as a drug that gives a lasting positive effect with neurotic manifestations;
- Palora is a herbal medicine whose active principle is passionflower extract. The course medication helps to fall asleep faster and sleep longer, relieves anxiety and stress. Sedation after treatment persists, resulting in a significant improvement.
The use of herbal preparations is carried out in a course of at least 4 weeks, followed by a break.
For the elderly
Insomnia in old age often develops due to a number of reasons.Such patients have various chronic pathologies of the internal organs, joints, heart and blood vessels. This pathology is most often accompanied by pain, which causes them to wake up at night several times.
In addition, in the elderly, the level of production of the sleep hormone melatonin decreases. All these negative phenomena contribute to the development of problems with night rest in older patients, for whom the best drugs for sleep correction are:
- Melaxen
- Persen;
- Valerian;
- Motherwort;
- Novo-Passit.
Self-treatment of insomnia by elderly patients requires mandatory coordination with a specialist who will give recommendations on the necessary drugs that will be included in the complex therapy of the underlying disease.
Effective remedies for children
Sleep disturbance develops not only in adult patients, but also in children, which can be observed at any age. If in adult patients, insomnia can be relieved by self-medication, then the appointment of sleeping pills for children occurs strictly by the pediatrician and in the presence of certain indications.
As a rule, safe herbal medicines are prescribed, which act soothingly and normalize sleep.
These drugs include:
- syrup "Little Bunny" - it contains only herbs. The medicine can be used as a food supplement;
- Glycine;
- Tenoten for children;
- Sonilyuks;
- Alora;
- Phytosedan.
Most often, children under 3 years of age with sleep disturbance require non-pharmacological treatment in the form of massage, warm baths with the addition of mint or lemon balm, motherwort. With insomnia, a child can prepare herbal teas from the same plant materials for consumption in the form of drinks.
Treatment of insomnia in babies by natural means must be carried out under the supervision and on the recommendation of a pediatrician.
The feasibility of using sleeping pills
Since the violation of night rest and its insufficiency to restore strength act in a destructive way on the body. It is necessary to treat insomnia without fail! If it is difficult to fall asleep or anxious, with frequent awakenings, a dream is noted periodically, you can limit yourself to your own choice, buying sleeping pills in a pharmacy without a prescription, using medicines according to the instructions.
If the positive effect of therapy has not been achieved or insomnia becomes protracted, it is necessary to consult a specialist with an explanation of the cause of the disease. Based on the results of the examination, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate comprehensive treatment.
It is impossible to prevent the passage of episodic insomnia into a chronic form, fraught with the appearance of health problems. Therefore, the use of sleeping pills for sleep disorders is always appropriate and justified.