Cavinton tablets are a safe, effective pharmaceutical product from the group of nootropic medications that favorably affect the work of the brain and the nervous system as a whole. The therapeutic effect of the drug is expressed in a significant improvement in blood supply and metabolic processes in the cerebral tissues and their protection from the harmful effects of toxins, hypoxia, excess free radicals, as well as maintaining normal blood flow. It has a moderate antispasmodic effect.
Material Content:
The composition of the drug
The medicine is produced by a Hungarian pharmaceutical company in the form of round white tablets labeled CAVINTON. The treating substance is vinpocetine, which is a plant alkaloid.
Each tablet contains 5 mg of vinpocetine and additional inactive ingredients for preservation and morphogenesis. In a paper bundle, 20, 30 or 50 tablets are placed in cell packages.
Pharmacological action, pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
Due to the therapeutic properties of vinpocetine, the medication demonstrates the following therapeutic effects:
- improves blood circulation in cerebral vessels, selectively increasing blood flow in viable foci of the brain affected by ischemia (insufficient blood supply), that is, it does not have the effect of "robbing";
- increases the resistance of nerve cells to oxygen starvation by enhancing the process of absorption and assimilation of oxygen, metabolism and transportation of glucose to the brain;
- enhances the resistance of nerve cells to the toxic effects of amino acids and other pathogenic factors;
- counteracts the clumping of blood cells (platelets) into clots, preventing thrombosis and normalizing the flowing properties of blood;
- increases the content of ATP nucleotide - an energy source of biochemical processes in brain tissues;
- normalizes emotional fluctuations, improves mood, relieves depression by stimulating the metabolism of norepinephrine and serotonin;
- reduces the resistance of blood vessels to blood flow, without changing the indicators of blood pressure, heart rate and its minute volume.
The treating substance is actively absorbed in the intestine and after 45-60 minutes demonstrates peak values of concentration in the blood, after 2-4 hours - in the brain tissue.
The time after which half the dose is removed from the body is 5–7 hours. Together with urine, a large part (60%) of the drug is excreted, the rest is removed through the intestines.
What helps tablets Cavinton
Cavinton helps in the treatment of various diseases in neurology, ophthalmology, otorhinolaryngology. Pharmaceuticals are indicated for the following pathological conditions:
- circulatory failure in brain tissues in acute and chronic form (including transient ischemic attack, stroke, conditions after cerebral infarction),
- progressive fading of mental activity due to damage to the cerebral vessels (vascular dementia);
- atherosclerotic changes in cerebral vessels;
- impaired functioning of the brain after injuries, infections and inflammations, against the background of hypertension (encephalopathy);
- cerebrovascular spasm;
- vertebrobasilar arterial system syndrome - neurological disorders as a result of weakened blood flow in the basilar or vertebral arteries;
- neuropsychiatric disorders against the background of worsening vascular functions in the brain tissues (including impaired memory, dizziness, speech disorders, movements);
- eye diseases caused by vascular damage - sclerotic changes in the retina, vascular spasm, degeneration of the retina or macula, secondary glaucoma;
- cochlear neuritis (inflammation of the auditory nerve), hearing impairment caused by age-related changes, drug poisoning;
- Meniere's disease, dizziness (labyrinthine origin).
In addition, a gynecologist and a neurologist can prescribe Cavinton for painful manifestations against the background of menopausal syndrome. Pharmaceuticals will weaken the severity and frequency of hot flashes, dizziness, headaches, bouts of depression and nervousness.
Instructions for use and dosage
Cavinton is to be taken orally by adults from the age of 18 after eating. The standard application regimen provides for 3 single doses of 1 tablet, in severe cases - 2 tablets. But the total amount of vinpocetine that a patient can receive in 24 hours should not be more than 30 mg.
At the beginning of treatment, it is desirable to limit the daily dosage to 15 mg. The therapeutic effect becomes noticeable after about 7 days from the start of the medication.
A full therapeutic effect is manifested after 4-12 weeks of use. The long-term Cavinton effect is considered a significant advantage. Since even with a long course of therapy, the treating substance does not accumulate in the tissues, minimizing the risk of overdose and enabling safe use in patients with moderate manifestations of renal hepatic failure.
It is necessary to stop taking the tablets by reducing the dose for 3-4 days to avoid manifestations of the "withdrawal syndrome" and worsening of the condition.
The composition of the drug includes lactose, which must be taken into account with intolerance to this substance.
If you experience dizziness, drowsiness while taking Cavinton, you should avoid driving.
Instructions for use prohibit the use of Cavinton in patients under 18 years of age on the basis of a lack of research and reliable data on the safety of the drug. But children's neurologists often prescribe vinpocetine to infants from 3 months with vascular damage to the brain, after intrauterine hypoxia, and even more often in older and adolescent years. In this case, the appointment of Cavinton is allowed only with the permission of the pediatrician.
During pregnancy and lactation
Cavinton and other medications with vinpocetine are prohibited for pregnant and lactating patients. The treating substance penetrates both the fetal blood and breast milk (approximately a quarter of the dosage received by the mother). Complications such as miscarriages, placental abruption, and bleeding are possible. If the pharmaceutical product is indicated for a nursing mother, the infant should be transferred to artificial mixtures.
Contraindications, side effects and overdose
The drug to improve blood circulation in the brain, despite its effectiveness, has a small list of absolute contraindications:
- intolerance to the treating substance or any component of Cavinton, acute reaction to lactose (for tablets);
- hemorrhagic stroke;
- hemophilia, low blood coagulability, a tendency to hemorrhage;
- severe ischemia and cardiac arrhythmias;
- the period of gestation and breastfeeding.
Relative contraindications include an age limit of 18 years (no studies of the effect of the drug on children of the teenage category have been conducted). Most specialists actively prescribe a medication from the age of 14.
Restrictions on the appointment of Cavinton apply:
- on patients receiving medications to lower blood pressure with alkaloids Vinca minor, for example, Vincamine, Vincapan, and on persons with special sensitivity to them;
- on persons taking medications that increase the QT interval (including amiodarone, dofetilide, thioridazine, clarithromycin, erythromycin, chlorpromazine, haloperidol, amitriptyline);
- in patients with liver failure.
Among the side effects of vinpocetine are:
- 1–10 patients out of 1000 have nausea, heartburn, dry mouth, headache, dizziness, weakness, decreased pressure;
- 1-10 patients out of 10 thousand have itching, rash, flushing, drowsiness, nervousness, constipation or diarrhea, thrombophlebitis, decreased appetite, sleep disturbance, taste, hearing, increased heart rate or decreased heart rate;
- in single patients - diabetes mellitus, myocardial ischemia, angina pectoris, anemia, overexcitation, depression, spasmodic muscle contractions, redness of the eye mucosa, atrial fibrillation, dermatitis, weight gain.
There are no reliable and complete data on the overdose of Cavinton, but, according to experts, with a single or long-term use of elevated doses, the appearance or intensification of adverse reactions characteristic of vinpocetine should be expected.
Drug interaction
Cavinton is treated with caution, combining its use with antiarrhythmic medications and anticoagulants (Warfarin, Warfarex, Heparin), controlling blood coagulation (possibly prolonging bleeding time).
Concurrent administration with methyldopa may be accompanied by a decrease in blood pressure.
Cavinton analogs
The main analogues of Cavinton in tablets containing the identical treatment substance:
Cavinton Comfort, Bravinton, Cavinton forte, Vinpocetine, Telektol, Corsavin, Vinpoton.
Among other pharmaceutical products with a similar therapeutic effect, but containing other treating substances, doctors distinguish: Sermion (nicergoline), Cerepro (choline alfoscerat), Vazobral (dihydroergocriptine), Cinnarizine, Omaron, NooCam, Dimephosphone, and also herbal medicines based on Tan , Memoplant, Bilobil Forte.
Analog preparations with another active component or a combination of them have an additional list of indications, contraindications, specifics of use for specific diseases. Therefore, only a doctor is able to choose the right medicine from Cavinton's analogues, which will help the patient with the greatest efficiency.