Some diseases can be eliminated only with the use of special medications - antibiotics. These are means that are able to destroy pathogenic microorganisms in a short time, which leads to a quick recovery. Such medicines include Amoxicillin tablets. This is an inexpensive and highly effective antibiotic, but it can only be used after consultation with a doctor.
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The composition of the drug
"Amoxicillin" is designed to eliminate the main source of inflammation - bacteria. The effect is achieved due to the presence of amoxicillin in the active ingredient, which gave the name to the drug. This compound belongs to the group of penicillins of semisynthetic origin and has an antimicrobial effect. It works thanks to the ability to disrupt the processes of bacterial reproduction.
Pathogenic microorganisms die, because the drug negatively affects their cell walls. It is noteworthy that this antibiotic has a wide spectrum of action and destroys bacteria of various types, including streptococci, staphylococci, E. coli.
The composition of the tablets also includes additional ingredients, including substances that support the form of the product, as well as ensuring its safety over the expiration date.
What diseases are prescribed Amoxicillin tablets
The drug is considered universal and is used in the treatment of pathologies of various organ systems. It is valued for its ability to quickly alleviate the symptoms of diseases.
The medicine specifically affects the cause of the disease, so after the course is completed, a final recovery occurs.
The list of main indications for prescribing an antibiotic includes several conditions:
- Urogenital diseases. Tablets are appropriate for the treatment of cystitis - inflammation on the walls of the bladder. They help with a more serious pathology - pyelonephritis, when bacteria rise higher and penetrate the kidneys. For men, such a medicine will be relevant for urethritis - inflammation of the urethra.
- Complicated respiratory infections. Pills will help if the cause of sore throat, cough, fever and fever is the activity of pathogenic bacteria that can form colonies on the mucous membranes of the throat or in lung tissues. The medicine is prescribed for sinusitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis and similar pathologies.
- Therapy of skin infections. Amoxicillin tablets are taken for such a pathology as erysipelas. This is a recurrent inflammation of the upper layers of the epidermis associated with the activity of streptococci. The drug also helps in the treatment of impetigo, an epidermal disease associated with the appearance of purulent sores on its surface.
- Meningitis. This is a formidable disease in which the membranes of the brain undergo inflammation. With his therapy, antibiotics are prescribed on an emergency basis.
- Intestinal infections. Amoxicillin is indispensable in the treatment of salmonellosis, typhoid fever and dysentery, which have a similar clinical picture. With such diseases, patients suffer from digestive disorders and abdominal pain.
- Other infections. Amoxicillin helps with borreliosis and leptospirosis.
Separately, the use of an antibiotic is considered in order to destroy Helicobacter pylori bacteria, which penetrate the gastrointestinal tract and provoke inflammation on the mucous membranes.
A similar situation is observed with gastritis and peptic ulcer. The treatment regimen for such pathologies is complex, just “Amoxicillin” will not be enough, especially if the symptoms of the disease are pronounced. Additionally, a second drug with an antimicrobial effect is prescribed, for example, Clarithromycin.
Instructions for use for adults and children
For each disease, the doctor selects his dosage of the drug, but the general regimen will be similar.
Methods of administration and dosage regimen of tablets 250, 500, 1000 mg
The drug is taken orally in a dosage strictly defined by the doctor. In pharmacies, you can purchase packaging with a tool of different sizes. The maximum is 500 mg, but a number of diseases require an increase in dose. This means that the patient should take 2 or 3 tablets of 500 mg per day. The total daily dose will be 1000 mg or 1500 mg.
In the uncomplicated course of the disease, patients are prescribed Amoxicillin 500 mg tablets, which are divided into 2 doses. An alternative is to purchase a drug with a minimum dosage (250 mg).
Special instructions for taking the antibiotic
Eating does not affect the absorption of the drug, so you should not try to drink tablets strictly before or after eating. It does not matter. It is only important to drink the dragee with a small amount of water. Chewing it is not recommended.
"Amoxicillin" for adults is prescribed in standard dosages, while for a child the daily amount should be reduced. Usually, Amoxicillin is given to children as a suspension. Tablets are used when reaching the age of 12 in the same amount as for adults.
The duration of treatment may depend on various factors, but usually it is determined by the diagnosis. The minimum course of antibiotic therapy is 5 days, the maximum is 2 weeks.Improvements, as a rule, are observed much earlier, already on 3-4 days, subject to dosages.
During pregnancy and lactation
The body of a woman who is expecting a baby is exposed to the negative effects of pathogenic bacteria. If the doctor diagnoses the infection, it is necessary to immediately begin treatment so that the microbes do not reach the fetus and do not provoke pathologies of its development.
The active substance of the antibiotic is able to cross the placental barrier, so use tablets with caution. However, there is no absolute prohibition.
Doctors often prescribe Amoxicillin for pregnant women if they see tangible benefits in its use.
With lactation, on the contrary, it is better to refrain from taking pills, since the drug will inevitably accumulate in breast milk. If there is an urgent need for an antibiotic, then lactation is temporarily stopped so as not to harm the baby.
Amoxicillin Alcohol Compatibility
Doctors always warn of the dangers of taking antibiotics and alcohol at the same time. It is proved that many body systems will suffer from such a combination.
- The main load falls on the liver. It is this body that will intensely remove both the products of the metabolism of ethyl alcohol, which are highly toxic, and the spent medicine. This can provoke a deterioration of the liver, in particular, the destruction of part of the cells of the gland, which often initiates inflammatory processes.
- Alcohol always increases the risk of side effects from the use of the drug, so it is likely that during the course of treatment the patient will feel worse several times.
- The doctor will not be able to guarantee the achievement of a positive result of treatment if the patient begins to drink alcohol. In this case, the effectiveness of the antibiotic can be significantly reduced.
The listed reasons serve as weighty arguments in favor of refusing alcohol during treatment with any antibiotics, in particular, Amoxicillin.
Drug interaction
The antibiotic is effective in itself, but its effect can be further enhanced by adding a special chemical compound - clavulanic acid. A similar combination of active substances is observed in the improved preparation of the new generation Amoxiclav. It is his doctors who prescribe for acute symptoms of a bacterial infection.
It is important to consider that when used in parallel with certain groups of drugs, antibiotic adsorption decreases. The list of such funds includes:
- medicines with a laxative effect;
- aminoglycosides;
- antacids.
Studies have been conducted confirming that Amoxicillin is able to reduce the effectiveness of oral contraceptives.
Therefore, a reasonable solution would be to use other methods of protection against unwanted conception during the period of therapy with this drug.
Contraindications, side effects and overdose
"Amoxicillin" is often used in medical practice, as it is an inexpensive, but effective tool. However, there are a number of contraindications in which you need to choose other medicines.
This list includes:
- asthma;
- hay fever;
- viral diseases;
- hypersensitivity to the penicillin group;
- lymphocytic leukemia;
- allergic reactions;
- mononucleosis.
In some cases, a medicine can trigger side effects.
Most often it is:
- manifestations of allergic reactions - edema, skin itching, rash on the body;
- development of drug resistance - bacteria do not die, but develop resistance;
- reactions from the digestive tract - constipation, alternating with diarrhea, bloating, nausea;
- negative effects on the central nervous system with prolonged treatment - headaches in the patient, convulsions, depressive states.
The main side effect of any antibiotics is the development of dysbiosis.This is possible, since the medicine will destroy all bacteria, including beneficial ones that inhabit the final sections of the digestive tract.
To prevent the development of a digestive disorder, doctors advise taking probiotics - Linex, Bifiform in parallel with the antibiotic.
These drugs stimulate the development of normal microflora in the intestine.
Antibiotic Analogs
For the treatment of bacterial infections, you can choose an effective analogue of the tablets. Many drugs work in the same way and quickly destroy pathogenic microbes.
The list of the closest analogues includes:
- Amoxisar
- Amoxin
- "Amoxicillin trihydrate";
- Ecobol.
In some cases, doctors decide on the appointment of drugs with other active substances. Such a step is necessary if a sensitivity analysis shows that the bacteria present in the body are resistant to penicillins. In other cases, Amoxicillin tablets will be an excellent assistant in the treatment of infections caused by microbes.