A rash with scarlet fever is one of the main symptoms of the disease. Papules are so specific that an experienced infectious disease specialist, when examined, will be able to diagnose the disease without problems. We will talk about what the rash looks like in today's article.
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Features of skin rashes
Scarlet fever is a common infectious disease. It occurs, as a rule, in children 3-10 years old. The initial signs of scarlet fever are very reminiscent of angina.
In the first day the patient observed:
- temperature increase to 38-39 degrees;
- runny nose;
- a sore throat;
- dry cough.
On the second or third day, a specific rash appears on the patient's skin. It is quite easy to confuse it with chickenpox, measles and rubella. That is why you need to see a doctor to make an accurate diagnosis immediately after its occurrence.
What is the peculiarity of a rash with scarlet fever:
- Papules appear gradually in different parts of the body. Mostly localized in the folds of the skin (armpits, femoral triangle, pubis).
- And also the rash abundantly covers the cheek area. Acne is so small that it merges into one large spot.
- Papules are quite bright, it is impossible not to notice them.
- In addition to the skin, acne appears on the mucous membranes. A small rash is visible in the larynx, tongue, tonsils, palate.
- The rash may cause slight itching.
Scarlet fever can cause serious complications. Therefore, self-medication is not worth it.
When a rash occurs with scarlet fever
A rash with scarlet fever in children usually appears 12 hours after the onset of the disease.With weakened immunity, the time is reduced to 6 hours.
Why does a rash appear? A kind of reaction of the body to an infection that actively spreads through the bloodstream.
Doctors call the rash with scarlet fever an exanthema. It is caused by a special toxin, which is secreted by streptococcus belonging to group A.
It is important to know that scarlet fever can occur without a rash.
This happens in the following cases:
- strong immunity in the patient;
- the disease occurs repeatedly;
- the disease passes in a mild form.
In this case, the main symptom is redness of the tonsils and a bright burgundy tongue with a characteristic plaque.
How it looks in children and adults
The rash with scarlet fever in children and adults is identical.
Experts describe it as follows:
- Pimples are small, with a diameter of 1-2 mm. The color is bright pink, sometimes scarlet. The center is brighter.
- Papules rise slightly above the skin. If you pass your hand over the rash, the dermis will be dry and rough, like sandpaper. This phenomenon is called “shagreen skin” in medicine.
- The skin around acne is highly inflamed, so its redness is observed. Sometimes it is so strong that the rash merges into one large spot.
- If you press the papule with your finger, the color will become brighter. If you do the same process, but with the palm of your hand, then for a few seconds the place where the rash is localized will turn white or become light yellow.
With scarlet fever, a rash in the body spreads as follows:
- cheeks and forehead (6-12 hours after the onset of the first signs of the disease);
- further, the neck and bends of the arms and legs;
- inguinal region, hips.
The face during the ailment is covered with a small bright red rash. In this case, the nasolabial zone remains clean, but the skin color in this area is pale or yellowish. Doctors call this symptom "Filatov's symptom."
Another distinguishing feature is the crimson stripes that appear in the folds of the skin. Do not be scared, this is how the vessels react. During illness, they become more fragile and brittle. Small subcutaneous hemorrhages occur.
With the appearance of the first acne on the body, the rash spreads to the oral mucosa. The patient's tongue becomes maroon. On the tonsils there are small acne that can merge into one large spot. And also rashes are localized on the gums and the upper palate.
Itchy or not
A rash with scarlet fever can cause severe itching. You can not comb pimples, otherwise the child may cause a bacterial infection. This will lead to serious complications (up to purulent lesions and sepsis).
To remove itching, doctors recommend taking antihistamines. Children can be given drops of "Fenistil", adults will take tablets "Agistam".
How many rashes last
Acne with scarlet fever lasts about 3 days. This largely depends on the nature of the rash. If there are a lot of papules, they merge into one big spot, then the healing process can take up to 5-7 days. Doctors in this case believe that scarlet fever is severe.
After the rash gradually begins to disappear, in the area of the palms and feet of children and adults, the process of peeling of the dermis begins. The skin comes off in small pieces starting at the fingertips. Large peeling is not observed on the body.
A rash with scarlet fever does not leave scars or scars on the skin, as well as pigmentation.
How to facilitate recovery
Scarlet fever is dangerous for its complications, so the doctor should prescribe the treatment regimen.
In most cases, specialists resort to the help of the following medications:
- Antibiotics. In this case, a special penicillin group is prescribed, for example, Azithromycin.
- Antipyretic drugs. Children are allowed to take Ibuprofen and Paracetamol. Adults can recommend Nise, Nimesil.
- Antihistamines.
- Vitamin complexes.
To alleviate the condition of the patient, hygiene measures must be observed:
- swimming in warm water;
- rejection of washcloths;
- the use of baby soap instead of aggressive cosmetics.
If the dermis is very dry, it can be lubricated with a moisturizer. This will speed up the process of exfoliating the skin.
Scarlet fever is an infectious disease. The disease occurs among children and adults. The disease is quite insidious. If treatment is not started on time, it can lead to serious complications. That is why it is important to know what the rash looks like with scarlet fever, and after its appearance, consult a doctor in a timely manner.