Convulsive contractions of the calf muscles can occur in people of any age, but the older generation is most affected. In fact, cramping is not an independent pathology. They only indicate the presence of certain violations in the body. What are the causes and treatment of what brings legs down at night? What to do in such situations and how to help the patient?
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Reasons to bring legs at night
The phenomenon under consideration can occur with many pathological conditions, the most likely of which are the following diseases:
- violation of the water-electrolyte balance;
- prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position (muscles swell and blood circulation is disturbed);
- flat feet;
- phlebeurysm;
- high concentration of caffeine and nicotine in the blood;
- pathological processes affecting the patient's brain;
- osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernias, accompanied by infringement of the nerves innervating the lower extremities;
- physical stress during the day;
- hyperthermia;
- dehydration.
From the foregoing, it can be understood that most of the conditions that cause seizures are a serious pathology requiring qualified medical care and not subject to independent treatment.
Note: it is generally accepted that the legs cramp with a lack of magnesium ions in the body. Recent research by the Israeli Clalit Institute suggests that this view is not true. The role of magnesium compounds in the formation of convulsive phenomena is vanishingly small (publication dated 02.28.2017).
Causes of the disease and treatment in children
In childhood, spasms of the calf muscles are most often caused by a significant increase in body temperature (38.5 ° C and above). In this case, the correction of the condition is carried out by combating hyperthermia. Regardless of whether the seizures are generalized or affect only the legs, the child is prescribed anti-inflammatory and antipyretic drugs (paracetamol), analgesics (analgin), antispasmodics (papaverine). With severe muscle contractions, 25% magnesium sulfate can be used in a dose of 5-10 ml (anticonvulsant effect).
The second cause of seizures that may occur in a child is flat feet. Improper foot structure leads to disturbances in the work of the spine, which manifests itself in the form of infringement of the nerve trunks responsible for the work of the legs. Correction of the condition consists in conducting therapeutic exercises, the use of muscle relaxants (midcalm), competent general therapy of the underlying disease.
Seizures in the elderly: causes
The answer to the question of why calves the legs in older people requires the most detailed answer. The fact is that the bulk of the pathological conditions described in the first section of this article are found in old people. The most common problem is the presence of severe osteochondrosis, a destructive process that results in the destruction of the intervertebral discs and the clamping of nerve trunks by bone structures. Treatment - antispasmodics, muscle relaxants, chondroprotectors. Unfortunately, complete restoration of the vertebral structures is not possible. The goal of therapy is the elimination of clinical symptoms (including seizures) and improving the patient's quality of life.
The second common cause is varicose veins. Affected vessels cannot provide the tissues of the legs with an adequate supply of oxygen and nutrients. Convulsive contractions - the reaction of muscles to hypoxia and a lack of protein molecules. Correct the situation by applying antiplatelet agents and venotonics. In severe cases, surgical treatment may be required in which the affected vessel is completely removed. In this case, the bloodstream goes through collateral vessels.
Treatment for seizures with drugs
The treatment of seizures with the help of drugs is performed not only in the cases described above. Uncontrolled muscle contractions in adult patients, caused by electrolyte imbalance, also require medical correction. Ideally, the correction is carried out after receiving the analysis for KShchS and electrolytes. The result of this study allows the doctor to purposefully influence the cause of the disease. With a lack of calcium, a patient may be prescribed such a drug as “calcium-d3-nycomed” or “calcium citrate”. Hypokalemia requires the use of potassium iodide, potassium orotate. You should also make a correction of nutrition by adding foods rich in the necessary component to the diet.
Drug therapy may also require intoxication with nicotine or caffeine. At the same time, xenobiotics are excreted by using a large amount of clean drinking water in combination with activated carbon or other sorbents. In severe cases, intravenous infusion therapy and intravenous sorbent agents (unitiol) are used.
Note: all of the above medicines should be used only as directed by a doctor. The independent use of drugs, even if it is made in accordance with the requirements of the annotation, can cause serious complications.
Folk remedies for what brings legs together
Folk remedies intended for the relief of seizures can be used in situations where the pathological process is caused by overstrain of the muscle layers or a long stay of the patient in one position.
To stop involuntary calf contractions, the following methods of exposure are used:
- grinding with warming compounds (natural wax and vegetable oil in a ratio of 1: 1);
- rinsing your feet with cold water before bedtime;
- light massage of the limbs in those places where muscle contractions were noted.
As a folk remedy for correcting the water-electrolyte balance, you can use salted water. To prepare it, you should take ¼ teaspoon of sea salt, dissolve it in the required amount of water (usually 200-250 ml) and drink. In order to saturate the body with vitamins, squeezed lemon or coconut juice can be added to the cocktail.
Contrast procedures to improve blood circulation
Contrast temperature effects on the limbs improve blood flow in them and stop cramps, if the latter are caused by a prolonged stay in one position. To carry out the procedure, you should sit down or go to the bathroom and pour your feet alternately with warm and cool water. In this case, the temperature of hot water should be 40 ° C, cold - 15 ° C. The duration of the pouring cycle is 1 minute, the time of exposure to heat and cold is divided equally (30 seconds). For one procedure, 3-4 cycles are carried out.
Treatment of ailment during pregnancy
Involuntary muscle contractions in pregnant women can be caused by two reasons: insufficient amount of electrolytes in the blood and partial compression of the inferior vena cava, which leads to a violation of the venous outflow. The concentration of electrolytes is increased mainly due to nutrition. In the diet of women include a large number of cereals, hard cheeses, meat, nuts. Vascular compression by the pregnant uterus is not subject to correction. To reduce unpleasant phenomena, it is recommended to massage the feet and warming ointments. It makes sense to sleep with raised legs (a pillow under the heels).
As already mentioned, convulsions are not an independent pathology. They only indicate certain violations in the body. If this phenomenon recurs regularly, you should visit a doctor and undergo a complete clinical examination. Single or rare cramps can be corrected using traditional methods of treatment.