Pork ham in the oven is cooked in whole, portioned, in spices, with different sauces. When baked in the oven, the meat retains its natural juiciness, “envelops” with a crisp. The meat is optionally supplemented with layers of dough and vegetables.

Oven-baked pork ham in foil


  • ham - 0.7 kg;
  • sour cream, mayonnaise - 1 tbsp each;
  • mustard - 0.5 - 1 tablespoon;
  • garlic - 8 to 10 cloves (1 head);
  • spices.

Stages of preparation:

  1. A clean ham with a napkin is pierced with a long thin knife from all sides (to the middle of the piece).
  2. Gather salt on the finger, rubbing the punctures from the inside, stuffing the salted places with garlic (the latter should be evenly distributed inside the piece).
  3. Gruel is prepared from garlic: cut cloves, grind with salt, pepper, spices.
  4. Pour mayonnaise, sour cream, mustard into the pounded garlic, lightly beat with a fork.
  5. The meat is covered with a mixture, wrapped in a plastic wrap.
  6. In a warm (but not hot) room, the ham is saturated with sauce for 3 hours
  7. The next stage of pickling is 2 hours (without removing the film) in the refrigerator.
  8. After 5 hours of pickling, remove the cling film, put the pork on the foil, fold it in an envelope that will preserve the juices.
  9. Bake pork ham in 2 stages: the first 45 minutes. meat is baked at 220 ° C.
  10. The second 45 minutes meat is cooked at 180 ° C.
  11. The foil is removed from the finished meat and left at the same 180 ° C so that the crust “grabs” from above.
  12. The ham cannot be taken out of the turned-off cabinet for another 10 minutes.

If you bake the pork ham in the foil in a solid piece - this will preserve its juices. Baked garlic gives a light aroma and flavor to meat. The rim of the spiced meat complements the core with a natural taste.Serve the dish immediately from the oven, warm, chilled, or use as a preparation for other dishes.

Unusual recipe in the test


  • ham - 0.9 - 1, 2 kg;
  • butter (in the dough) - 170 g;
  • flour - 0.4 kg;
  • butter (for coating) - 40 g;
  • egg - 1 (only yolk);
  • salt, tarragon, other spices;
  • mustard (strong) - 1.5 tbsp.
  • warm water.

Stages of preparation:

  1. They put the oven at 210 ° С.
  2. Pork is folded in the form of a roll (a thin piece is rolled up several times).
  3. To fix the resulting form, wrap a piece of strong thread (rope).
  4. Knead the oil, cover it with pork, which is wrapped in foil (the latter should tightly cover all the meat so that aromas and juices do not come out).
  5. For baking until half cooked, leave ham for 25 minutes. in a hot oven.
  6. Triturate flour with warm butter until grains, pour in heated (not hot) water, knead. The dough should stand for at least an hour.
  7. The oven is turned off, but the meat is allowed to warm for another 10 minutes.
  8. The workpiece is sprinkled with spices and salt, left to cool, and the threads are removed.
  9. Roll out a cake that is enough to cover all the meat.
  10. Cover the tortilla with mustard, leaving “clean” edges to connect.
  11. In the center lay tarragon leaves, on top - pork, which is covered with dough, fastening the edges.
  12. Make 5 - 6 punctures with a fork over the entire surface of the roll, grease with yolk.
  13. After 40 minutes check - the dish is ready.
  14. Immediately from the oven, the dough is placed in foil or in a towel so that it does not become hard to steam out.

This is a French way to cook pork. The dough can be replaced with a yeast, puff pastry. The meat can be wrapped in a raw, but thinner piece, so that it can be baked. Bake immediately from the oven.

Cooking in portions


  • pork - 2 kg;
  • pickled mushrooms - 0.25 kg;
  • starch - 30 g (1 full tablespoon);
  • wine (any) and broth - 0.2 l each;
  • cream - 0.2 l;
  • vegetable oil - by eye (for frying onions);
  • onions - 2 medium;
  • paprika, spices, salt.

Stages of preparation:

  1. Washed, dry meat, cut into large slices, fried to “grab” the crust.
  2. Onion is poured into the melted hot fat, mixed with spices, paprika, and fried for 30 seconds.
  3. Salt, flour are introduced, cooked over high heat for 1 minute, making sure that the frying is not burnt.
  4. Pour into a mixture of liquid (broth, wine), after 3 - 5 minutes. - cream.
  5. The sauce is ready if it resembles a liquid jelly (with stirring, a clean trace of the scapula is visible, which disappears after 1 - 2 seconds).
  6. The meat is sprinkled with mushrooms (without marinade), poured with dressing.
  7. The meat should be cooked in the sauce for 40 minutes, the temperature is chosen average - 170 ° C.

The ingredients of the dish are a classic addition to meat. Stewing softens pork, makes it juicy, creamy-tender. Creamy mushroom gravy and meat are combined with neutral cereals (rice, couscous) or vermicelli.

How to bake pork ham with potatoes in the sleeve


  • ham - 0.5 kg;
  • potatoes - 0.5 kg;
  • salt, garlic, herbs, paprika and other spices;
  • a pinch of sugar;
  • kefir, tomato juice, water (strong broth) - 0.5 tbsp.
  1. Prepare the ham: cut off excess fat, wash, dry.
  2. Peeled potatoes (young can be cooked unpeeled) are cut into several large pieces.
  3. Mix meat with potatoes, cover with spices, salt, herbs, garlic and sugar.
  4. Pour potatoes and meat with sauce of tomato juice, water (broth), kefir, mix.
  5. Fill the sleeve with a blank, tie it, leaving a little space on both sides (the sleeve is inflated).
  6. The sleeve can be pierced a couple of times so that the steam does not tear the film.
  7. In an hour (at 180 ° С) the dish will be ready.
  8. You can bake the crust by piercing and cutting the sleeve in 5 minutes. before turning off the cabinet.

The sleeve is used to make pork especially juicy. Potatoes will be tender as butter, and the meat will be “filled” with sauce and spices. The dish is “freshened up” with juicy greens, served with salad.

Juicy meat in soya mustard marinade


  • ham - 0.5 kg;

For spicy sauce:

  • dried spices (garlic, savory, pepper, basil) - a pinch;
  • cumin, paprika, oregano, marjoram;
  • ready mustard (in grains) - 2 tbsp .;
  • part 1 hot pepper (chopped, with or without seeds) - optional;
  • soy sauce - always 2 times more mustard.

Stages of preparation:

  1. Knead the marinade: soy sauce, all spices, mustard, sweeten (if necessary).
  2. To quickly bake the ham, cut it into flat pieces (1 - 2 cm).
  3. Pork must be aged in the sauce for 1 hour.
  4. Prepared in an oven heated to 200 ° C for 20 minutes. (can be wrapped in foil, sleeve).

This is a simple version of baked meat. The secret of the dish is in a spicy sauce with mustard peas, which burst in the mouth. The marinade has a strong taste, but it does not interrupt the special aroma of pork. Marinade can be slightly sweetened with a few drops of fruit syrup, honey or just sugar. Ham is served in rice sauce, vermicelli, couscous or tomato salad.

In mayonnaise sauce


For 0.5 kg of ham (with a small fat layer) you need:

  • ground pepper - 5 g (at the tip of a teaspoon);
  • salt - 10 g;
  • mayonnaise (non-greasy) - 6 tbsp;
  • dry garlic, paprika - optional;
  • hard cheese (optional) - 50 g.

Stages of preparation:

  1. Set the oven at 170 ° C.
  2. Pure moisture-dried pork is divided into plates (2 cm), pierced several times (for better pickling).
  3. The pieces are mixed with pepper (spices) and mayonnaise, allowed to stand in the room for 2 hours (preferably a day).
  4. Place the meat in a baking sheet (you can sprinkle cheese on top).
  5. After 40 minutes baking dish can be removed and served, sprinkled with herbs.

Baked pork leg in mayonnaise sauce, served with golden onion rings, baked potatoes, fresh salad. Juicy meat breaks well into fibers. Thanks to the mayonnaise, the texture becomes softer and the taste more piquant.

Oven breaded pork leg


For 1 kg of ham:

  • crackers - 0.2 kg;
  • liquid oil (melted butter or vegetable) - 150 ml;
  • spicy herbs (basil, different types of peppers, thyme) - 2 tbsp. (total weight).
  • salt.

Stages of preparation:

  1. Choose a temperature of 200 ° C in the oven.
  2. The washed, dry portioned slices of ham are seasoned with pepper and salt on all sides.
  3. For breading, pour butter with herbs and salt into the breadcrumbs.
  4. The meat is evenly covered with a layer of breading, put on a baking sheet in the oven.
  5. After 30 minutes take out the ready-made ham, and after another 10 minutes. - it can be cut (a very hot crust is badly cut).
  6. Raw pink layers are dangerous in pork, so the meat must be cooked completely.
  7. The temperature inside the finished pork meat is above 75 ° C (recognize it with a kitchen thermometer).

Crispy crust with spices envelops juicy meat. In the oven, the product is slightly marinated, but the main taste of spices will remain in the crust. Meat “in the heat of the heat” is eaten with various side dishes - mashed vegetables, cereals, salads.

Baked pork is one of the fastest, proven dishes for meat lovers. Changing marinades for meat, spices, additives to your taste, you can improve the recipes for you.