One of the most popular treatments for such a delicate disease as hemorrhoids is rectal suppositories. They are quite effective, easy to use and act directly on the diseased organ. There are a lot of hemorrhoids suppositories with propolis for sale, so it will be useful to understand their varieties and modes of action.

List and instructions for the use of pharmacy products

Propolis is one of the most famous beekeeping products. This unique substance (bee glue) has a whole set of useful properties, which makes it possible to use it for the treatment of various diseases and pathologies.

The use of propolis-based candles has a lot of positive aspects, since they:

  • have a long-lasting analgesic effect (on a level with modern analgesics);
  • thanks to anti-inflammatory properties they contribute to the elimination of itching, burning, swelling, reduction of painful bumps and seals;
  • heal cracks and wounds, contribute to the rapid regeneration of skin tissues and mucous membranes;
  • have antibacterial substances that prevent the penetration of infection into affected areas.

In addition, they can be used at any stage of the disease. The therapeutic components in their composition are rapidly absorbed through the rectum directly into the blood, since the application occurs locally. The risk of allergies is minimal. Suppositories are the best option for the treatment of internal hemorrhoids, and with external it is better to use ointments.

Most candles are monocomponent. This means that in their composition there is only 1 active substance, in our case, it is propolis. Additional ingredients can be represented by any fatty base - lanolin, petroleum jelly or cocoa butter. Multicomponent suppositories contain several active substances that have a versatile positive effect on the affected organ.

Propolis with Cocoa Butter

The most commonly used candles are cocoa butter and propolis. There are two types of them: ordinary and with dimexidum (in the name there is the letter D). These drugs heal wounds well, anesthetize, and stimulate local immunity. Therapy is carried out in courses.


A unique preparation consists of many specially selected beekeeping products. This includes pollen, and pollen, and even royal jelly. The duration of use is 14-28 days.

Kyzyl May

Such propolis-based suppositories also have a long list of medicinal plants. This is lemon balm, sea buckthorn, St. John's wort, as well as licorice, thyme and wild rose. The minimum course of treatment is 10 days.

Tambukan Adonis

The drug in its composition, in addition to propolis, has exclusively natural components. This is an extract of healing mud, sea buckthorn oil, yarrow essences and other components.


This tool is indispensable for bleeding and the presence of large nodes. In the list of components, in addition to propolis, you can find cocoa butter, thuja and sea buckthorn, St. John's wort, ginkgo. The medicine heals lesions in a short time, reduces pain and discomfort.

Hemo Pro

This medication is considered homeopathic. It was created using a special technology, and all active substances are absorbed especially quickly. The tool strengthens capillaries, removes pain, itching, inflammation, heals micro-wounds. The course of treatment lasts from 1.5 to 4 weeks, depending on the severity of the disease.

The principle of action of these drugs is very simple. When ingested under the influence of body temperature, they begin to melt, while the active substances quickly penetrate into the blood. There are many small vessels in the rectum where the healing components freely enter.

The schedule of use is prescribed by the doctor. As a rule, suppositories are placed at night, in the morning (if possible) and after each act of defecation.

Before the procedure, you need to wash and dry your skin with a paper towel. It is most convenient to administer the medicine in a supine position, bending the legs at the knees and pressing them to the chest. It is not necessary to push it deeply: it must act specifically on the rectum. Before the procedure, it is advisable to lower the suppository for a couple of seconds in warm water so that it is easier to introduce.

Treatment in this way does not imply any restrictions. After the introduction of the candle, it is necessary to lie down for about 30 minutes, and then you can lead a normal lifestyle. The only caveat is that it is undesirable to go to the toilet within 1-1.2 hours after administration.

The oily component may leak from the anus and spoil the underwear, so in many cases it is advisable to use disposable pads.

Making candles at home

The medicine can be done with your own hands. The main thing is to dissolve the healing product in suitable fats in order to simplify the process of absorption into the mucous membrane. If you just insert a piece of solid propolis into the anus, it is clear that this will not work.

The ratio between propolis and fat should be 1:10 if these substances are used in pure form. When using extracts, the ratio changes - 1: 4.

The manufacturing process at home:

  1. Purify propolis from various impurities, cool and grind thoroughly in any convenient way. You can use a ready-made oil extract, it will be easier and faster.
  2. Calculate the amount of base and additional substances (for example, take 5 g of butter for 5 g of propolis).Combine everything by melting the components in a small container or grinding in a mortar (if they are dry).
  3. Pour the finished hot mass into molds. With a cold method, the resulting suspension must be rolled out on a glass board.
  4. Put the forms with the medicine in a cold place for solidification.

When melting the components, make sure that the mass does not boil. This will lead to a complete loss of all useful properties.

Molds can be made independently or use any suitable device for this. For rectal suppositories, a diameter of 8 mm is optimal, the length can vary from 3 to 4.5 cm. In this case, one tip should be slightly pointed: this facilitates insertion into the rectum.

Store finished products only in a cool and dark place. The instruction is simple: you need to enter 1 product at night. If the tool does not help, then it must be replaced by another.

Options for complex candles:

  • chopped propolis, pollen, bee bread, honey - take only 5 g each;
  • beeswax - 30 g;
  • cocoa butter and lanolin - 100 g each.

All of the above bee products have unique healing properties. Lanolin can optionally be replaced with marigold, sea buckthorn, pumpkin seeds and butter.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Hemorrhoids in expectant and nursing mothers are not uncommon, and you have to look for a way out of this situation, since you can not hesitate with treatment. Suppositories with propolis during pregnancy or during lactation are used quite often. They are made on a natural basis, from natural components, the treatment is not dangerous for mom and baby. But still, the choice of the drug is best entrusted to the doctor.

Contraindications and side effects

General contraindications to the use of medical products with propolis are pretty standard:

  • allergy to bee products;
  • children's age (such candles are allowed from 12 years old);
  • pregnancy and lactation (can be used with caution and only as directed by a doctor).

Medicines with dimexide can not be used for people with hypertension, glaucoma and cataracts, diseases of the heart and blood vessels. And also do not enter them at high temperature.

Side effects are rare. But a small proportion of patients still complain of itching, burning, rash, swelling, weakness or fever. Such manifestations should be immediately reported to the doctor. Most often, such symptoms occur in the presence of an allergic reaction. Therefore, it is advisable to conduct a small test before the first use: melt a small amount of the drug and apply on the wrist. If after a quarter of an hour there is no negative reaction, there is nothing to fear. Otherwise, you need to choose another tool.

The treatment of hemorrhoids must be comprehensive. The use of candles should be combined with a special diet and exercise. Only then will the effect be long and noticeable.