Only 2 out of 10 women do not experience a disease such as candidiasis during pregnancy. This is a fungal infection that occurs for many reasons, and you don’t need to be shy. When a whitish discharge, similar to cottage cheese, appears, it is necessary to arrive at the doctor's examination. Today we will find out why candles from thrush are used during pregnancy, and which of them can be used during this period.
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Causes of thrush
The disease is a consequence of the spread in the reproductive system of Candida fungus, hence the official name for thrush - candidiasis. The infection does not pose a danger to the woman and the child, but causes discomfort. In addition, she is able to be transmitted to the baby during its advancement through the birth canal, and later candida stomatitis may bother him.
Today there are effective and safe agents for the treatment of candidiasis, and women who have undergone the disease quickly get rid of it.
Symptoms of thrush:
- In the genital area, burning, itching, even soreness is felt.
- Vaginal discharge begins. They look like cottage cheese, can be either pure white or with a yellow tint. From them there is always the smell of sour milk (the popular name for candidiasis arose precisely because of this symptom).
The described conditions can indicate not only thrush, but also more serious diseases. The doctor will prescribe tests to identify the type of infection and prescribe the appropriate treatment for the results.
The fungus can be in the body for a long time without manifesting itself. Its carrier is not only women, but also men. With an exacerbation of the disease, candida "give out" itself as prescribed symptoms.
The causes of their occurrence in the body can be:
- hormonal imbalance, which is normal for women in an "interesting position";
- changes in the microflora of the vagina;
- weakening of the immune system, which is expected and explainable during pregnancy;
- excess sweet foods in the diet;
- the onset of fungus is often promoted by treatment with certain drugs (especially often candida is activated after taking antibiotics);
- physical injuries of the genitals;
- avitaminosis;
- chronic diseases of the urinary and reproductive systems;
- infection with unprotected intercourse;
- lack of hygiene.
Pregnancy candidiasis treatment is safe for a woman and her baby. But if the symptoms of the disease do not torment, then the course of the antifungal drug can be prescribed for the period after childbirth.
The disease is quite expected for expectant mothers, it does not need to be shy. Be sure to ask the doctor for a condition, he will help to cope with the problem.
Why candidiasis is treated with candles during pregnancy
Many women are interested in why the doctor prescribes suppositories, not pills.
There is no secret, everything is very simple:
- Candles begin to act quickly, immediately at the site of infection, so the disease can be eliminated in a shorter time.
- Suppository substances do not penetrate into the systemic circulation, which occurs when taking tablets. This ensures the safety of the fetus, because through the placental barrier harmful substances will not get to it, which is important in the early stages.
- Pills irritate the stomach, and their use for the treatment of pregnant women is highly discouraged by doctors. The digestive tract and so worries expectant mothers the entire period of bearing a baby, therefore there is no need to aggravate the situation.
In addition to everything described above, at any time the pregnant woman may suffer toxicosis, which turns into vomiting, and it is not a fact that the attack will not occur after taking the medicine. Introducing candles into the vagina, you can be completely sure of the effectiveness of therapy - all substances are absorbed into the affected tissue, freeing them from the fungus.
Overview of the best drugs for candidiasis
Vaginal suppositories differ not only in the active substance, but also in the recommended duration of use. The doctor will individually select the instruction, prescribing the appropriate drug.
Safe and effective suppositories for candidiasis are as follows:
- Livarol. The main active ingredient is ketoconazole.
- Betadine. The active substance is povidone iodine.
- Neo-Penotran. The active ingredient is metronidazole.
- Candles "Clotrimazole". The active substance is clotrimazole.
- Candles "Pimafucin." The main component is nitamycin.
- Hexicon. Contains chlorhexidine as the main component.
- Terzhinan. Ternidazole is the main substance.
Contraindication to each remedy is only individual intolerance to the components.
Side effects:
- allergic reactions;
- itching and burning in the area of administration;
- nausea;
- vomiting
- violation of the stool;
- inflammation and discomfort in the vagina.
As for an overdose of any of the means, then there is no information about it. If you feel the symptoms described above after using the suppository, then further use will need to be suspended, and continue only after consulting a doctor.
Treatment features
The course of therapy is prescribed only by the leading obstetrician-gynecologist. He will pick it up, depending on the course of the disease and the individual characteristics of the woman’s body. Consider the features of the procedures in each trimester.
1st trimester
The doctor can ignore the symptoms that are not disturbing, since often in the early stages, when the hormonal background is lost, the thrush goes away without medication. But in the case when candidiasis is too disturbing, causes discomfort, therapy will be applied.
Usually the course lasts from 3 to 6 days, then you will need to pass tests. If the drug does not help, a second treatment is prescribed after a week.
Suppositories from thrush during pregnancy in the first trimester are administered 1 time per day, preferably at night. Next, a woman needs peace.
How to carry out the procedure:
- Rinse hands thoroughly, perform all hygiene procedures, possibly douching.
- Enter the suppository deep into the vagina, at which time you need to lie.
Often, after 2 - 3 applications, the symptoms disappear, but you need to take the full prescribed course, otherwise relapse is possible.
2nd trimester
Treatment in the second trimester is not different from what is acceptable for the first. Suppositories, depending on the active component, are prescribed 1 to 2 times a day.
3rd trimester
There are no differences in the course, but in the last months of pregnancy, douching should not be used as hygiene procedures.
If the first course did not help, then the second one can be done in 10 days.
Sexual life during therapy is not prohibited, but the partner must also be tested for candidiasis.
If one is found, then he will have to undergo a course of treatment in order to avoid re-infection of the future mother. If the father of the child was not exposed to the disease, the use of barrier contraceptives is recommended during the act.
Is it possible to make candles from thrush yourself
There are many recipes for traditional medicine that will help get rid of candidiasis. But there are rules that must be observed before applying herbs.
First of all, we will get acquainted with them:
- Consult a doctor about the possibility of using homemade candles. Herbs can cause allergies, which will aggravate the course of the disease. Among other things, there are a number of plants dangerous for pregnancy and the fetus. Only an experienced specialist can recommend this or that collection.
- Do not self-medicate and use herbs in conjunction with the suppositories prescribed by your doctor. If the doctor did not talk about the possibility of diversifying therapy with alternative methods, then they are useless.
- Do not follow the advice of friends in misfortune, who claim that herbs are better than drugs. This is not true. Alternative recipes can only be assistants in general drug therapy, because suppositories are administered antifungal, based on antibiotics.
- Beware of allergies. During pregnancy, the immune system is greatly weakened, and any herb acting on the mucous membrane threatens with irritation, itching, and other unpleasant side effects. Begin to apply the infusions carefully, try them first on the skin of the wrist. After a day, if there were no negative reactions, apply for feminine hygiene. If this did not cause any discomfort, you can start making candles.
It is difficult to call home-made products candles. The word tampon is more suitable for them. It is necessary to prepare one of cotton wool or a cotton pad, wrap with gauze. Next, the swab should be moistened well in the prepared broth and inserted into the vagina for 20 minutes. After taking the bath, do not take it, hygiene procedures are carried out before the introduction of the swab, and this should be done at night.
The following folk remedies perfectly cope with thrush:
- sea buckthorn oil;
- birch buds;
- yarrow;
- Oak bark;
- celandine foliage;
- oregano;
- thyme;
- calendula.
Oil is used in pure form.
In the case of herbs, you need to prepare a decoction as follows:
- Mix the prescribed plants in equal parts (you can use only one of them).
- Pour a tablespoon of herbs with half a liter of boiling water, cook for 10 minutes.
- Insist composition in a thermos need 2 hours. Next, strain it through twice the folded cheesecloth, cool and apply.
Alternative methods should be used during pregnancy very carefully, so many obstetricians do not recommend such recipes to their wards. It is worth trying the remedies only if the medications do not help, or the recovery is delayed.
Never deviate from the course of treatment prescribed by the doctor. Do not listen to the recommendations of grandmothers and girlfriends - they do not have as much experience in pregnancy management as the obstetrician antenatal clinic. The main thing to remember is that it is not a shame to talk with a doctor about any problems, and thrush among them is almost the most common. But sometimes, under her guise, more serious diseases hide, the therapy of which should be started immediately.