Not all women have a smooth pregnancy. Almost every expectant mother is faced with health problems while bearing a child. Often during this period, the first hemorrhoidal nodes occur, which cause pain and discomfort. Many women are interested in which suppositories from hemorrhoids during pregnancy are allowed to be used to combat unpleasant symptoms.
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Can I use suppositories for hemorrhoids during pregnancy
If there is a sensation of a foreign object in the anus, itching, and pain, it is best to immediately contact a proctologist, register, and visit this doctor before the end of the term to monitor the condition. The doctor will determine the form of the disease, the degree of its neglect and give recommendations on the use of medicines.
Many medicines are contraindicated in expectant mothers. It is undesirable to take drugs in tablets, since the active substance, albeit in a small amount, will enter the organs and tissues of the child. Local funds are, in this sense, safer. They work directly in the focus of inflammation, their active components penetrate into the bloodstream in negligible amounts.
However, not all rectal suppositories are safe. Those products that contain antibiotics or hormonal components are extremely rarely prescribed to pregnant women.Also, with great care, medicines are used that cause contractions of the intestinal walls, which can provoke contractions and premature birth. For example, glycerin suppositories cause controversy in the medical environment. Some doctors consider them safe and even recommend using this tool to expectant mothers. However, there are those specialists who, based on statistics, do not exclude a possible relationship between the use of the drug and increased uterine tone.
Effective and inexpensive medicines
Effective and affordable suppositories for the treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy are those that contain natural components, herbal extracts.
Due to the natural composition, they do not cope with the symptoms of the disease as quickly as combined suppositories containing hormones and potent anesthetics. Nevertheless, subject to medical prescriptions, the necessary hygienic procedures, an increase in physical activity and the amount of water consumed, it is quite possible if the disease is not defeated, then the development of the pathological process is stopped.
These suppositories are not used to cope with the unpleasant symptoms of hemorrhoids, but as a means of normalizing the bowel movement. Often during gestation, the action of the hormone progesterone blocks intestinal motility, which causes constipation. A woman strains more during bowel movements, the pressure in the veins and vessels located in the pelvic region increases many times. As a result, the venous network is bent, the first nodules are formed.
If hemorrhoid cones fall out, blood is detected on paper or underwear, constipation should not be allowed. Glycerin suppositories will help to cope with this problem.
However, it is important to remember that this tool is strictly forbidden to use in the first trimester of gestation, as well as with uterine hypertonicity and an allergy to glycerin noted earlier.
Sea buckthorn
Sea-buckthorn suppositories for hemorrhoids during pregnancy are often prescribed by doctors, as they are natural and non-toxic. They can be used at different gestational periods without fear of side effects. The active ingredient of the product is sea buckthorn oil, which is known for its beneficial properties. Due to the vitamins and microelements included in the composition, it is used in the treatment of ulcerative lesions of the digestive tract, cervical erosion, upper respiratory tract diseases, immunodeficiency, skin diseases.
Before using the product during pregnancy, you need to make sure that there is no allergy to sea buckthorn. Candles not only help to cope with pain and inflammation of the nodes, they also contribute to the healing of damaged membranes, relieve anal fissures.
This drug is known for its hemostatic and anti-inflammatory properties. The active substance of the product is a natural polysaccharide obtained from algae, sodium alginate. It is actively used in the pharmaceutical industry. The composition of the substance includes hyaluronate, which has a stimulating effect, triggers repair processes in damaged tissues.
Suppositories "Natalsid" also have a pronounced immunomodelling effect, preventing the development of infectious lesions of the mucous membranes. The drug quickly begins to act, after seven days of regular use, the disappearance of pain and itching, inflammation stops, and the nodes are reduced in size. The constituents are safe, non-teratogenic and non-toxic. However, it is important to exclude the possible occurrence of an individual hypersensitivity reaction, after which treatment can begin.
This is a fairly popular tool that is used both for the treatment of hemorrhoids and damage to the rectal mucosa. The drug in a short time stops inflammation and related unpleasant sensations - soreness, itching, bleeding. Since a strong anesthetic is included in the composition of suppositories in addition to the venotonic substance, pregnant women are not recommended to use it for long courses.
In the acute course of the disease, it is possible to begin therapy with these candles, replacing them three days later with drugs with more sparing components.
Marigold candles
Candles with calendula have a natural composition and are homeopathic. Therefore, they do not begin to act immediately. If the doctor determined that the disease has not yet passed into the second stage, there is a feeling of discomfort, but until constant unpleasant companions of hemorrhoids have appeared - burning, irritation and itching - these suppositories will be effective.
The instructions for use for the tool indicate that it can be used by pregnant and lactating women if they are not allergic to any component of the composition. With advanced forms of the disease, calendula suppositories can be used as part of complex treatment if stronger drugs are present in the list of drugs.
The active substance of these candles is of a natural nature, it is obtained in the process of distillation of sedimentary rocks. Ichthyol is actively used as an external agent in the treatment of various dermatological problems, infections of the middle ear, gynecological diseases, and intestinal diseases.
Ichthyol suppositories, working directly in the focus of the pathological process, restore normal blood circulation in the affected area, reduce the intensity of unpleasant sensations, fight microbes. These suppositories are used at the first stage of hemorrhoids development; if the inflammatory process is started, they will be ineffective.
These popular candles with shark fat and cocoa butter are widely used to treat hemorrhoids and anal fissures. The composition of the tool contains several active substances that, complementing the actions of each other, quickly cope with edema, pain, pain and irritation. These suppositories have no systemic effect. However, they cannot be used for allergies to seafood and chocolate.
Instructions for use at different times
As you know, in the early stages of bearing a child it is better to refrain from taking any medications. Exceptions are vitamin complexes and enterosorbents recommended by the attending physician. If symptoms of hemorrhoids appear at this time, it is advisable to do with folk remedies - compresses with decoctions of medicinal herbs, soothing baths, homeopathic ointments. In the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy, you can use the recommended proctologist local preparations for hemorrhoids.
If you introduce candles, according to the instructions, observing all the rules, there is no discomfort.
- Suppositories are placed in the rectum after bowel movements and hygiene procedures.
- It is better to introduce them lying on its side.
- Candles are inserted, acting carefully and gently.
- After the manipulation, it is advisable not to get up for half an hour - so the tool will begin to work faster.
- Suppositories are administered in the morning after the toilet and at night.
The duration of the course is determined by the doctor. It usually takes seven to ten days to use the drug to relieve acute symptoms.
Prevention Products
To prevent the development of an unpleasant ailment, it is important to remember about the prevention of hemorrhoids. Normalization of the stool by taking mild laxatives, introducing fresh vegetables, fruits and fiber into the daily diet will help prevent injury and infection of already existing nodes. Performing special exercises and physical exercises will contribute to the normalization of blood circulation in the pelvic area.Wearing cotton underwear, replacing toilet paper with wet wipes will help relieve inflammation from the outside.
If we talk about drug prevention of the disease, then during pregnancy, Propolis DN suppositories and suppositories with sea buckthorn oil are suitable for this purpose. But it should be remembered that even authorized drugs during the bearing of a child can be used only after consulting a doctor.