Inexpensive and effective suppositories for hemorrhoids are quite available in pharmacies, they can always be used. However, it should be remembered that they are not used in very advanced conditions, when symptoms and manifestations can still be eliminated without surgical intervention.
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Indications for the use of suppositories from hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids are a serious disease that is accompanied by very unpleasant symptoms. It is significantly common among the population, as many people lead the wrong lifestyle. This is due to an unbalanced diet, a sedentary, sedentary lifestyle and injuries.
If you do not consult a specialist in time, then the acute stage of the disease may well become chronic. And this is fraught with aggravation of all the symptoms, which, at times, can only be eliminated by the surgical method.
A proctologist, after diagnosis, prescribes rectal suppositories to the patient in cases where:
- there are discomfort in the anus - itching, burning, pain;
- bleeding appears;
- the inflammatory process begins;
- cracks, hemorrhoids, scars, varicose veins, etc. appear;
- with spasms of the rectum, constant constipation.
Varieties of suppositories for the disease
Depending on the stage of the disease and those symptoms that manifest themselves most acutely, they also produce drugs that act in a certain way. They are able to act both locally and throughout the body, work in a “complex”, eliminating several problems at once, and at the same time be aimed at solving one or two of the most important. It all depends on the characteristics of the course of the disease, its manifestations.
These drugs can treat both existing manifestations of hemorrhoids and prevent its serious consequences, acting prophylactically.
Reducing the inflammatory process
Almost all rectal suppositories successfully relieve inflammation and eliminate its effects. This happens as a result of both direct and indirect effects on various symptoms caused by the disease. This can be the elimination of infection, the fight against microorganisms and fungi. And also the elimination of such consequences as cracks, hemorrhoids, scars, rectal spasms.
Substances that promote proper blood circulation, reduce blood clots, and improve vascular tone also indirectly relieve inflammation.
Stop bleeding
Suppositories, which include adrenaline, have hemostatic properties.
They constrict blood vessels and increase blood coagulation. They are used for bleeding the rectum.
At the same time, these suppositories help stop the inflammatory process and restore the body's natural immunity against infections.
During the use of these drugs, it must be remembered that the vasoconstrictor effect extends to the entire body. Therefore, it is necessary to be attentive to people with hypertension and heart disease. They need to consult a doctor before using them.
Such drugs include Anuzol and Rectobelol.
Relieving pain and cramping
Anesthetics are a group of drugs that can quickly eliminate the pain and spasm of the rectum. They include anesthetic and relaxing substances. Almost all suppositories include similar components of both natural and artificial origin.
These are candles with novocaine, Anestezol, Relief Advance, Anuzol, Olestesin, sea buckthorn and many others.
Improving the tone of blood vessels and veins
Such drugs are called venotonic. They improve the microcirculation of capillaries, increase the tone of blood vessels and veins, strengthen their walls, and contribute to the rapid healing of bleeding wounds.
Even with a serious lesion, they are able to effectively affect the affected areas, including varicose veins and blood vessels. In addition, venotonics protect the circulatory system from free radicals and stagnation.
They include horse chestnut, rutin, bioflavonoids. This is, for example, Ginko Procto,
Thrombosis reducing
This group of drugs has the general name "anticoagulants." They usually include heparin. It helps to eliminate clots with venous stasis in the dilated vessels, eliminates swelling.
Anticoagulants help improve blood circulation, reduce blood coagulation, due to which blood clots are significantly reduced. As an additional effect - increase the tone of the walls of blood vessels.
One of the most commonly prescribed drugs to reduce blood clots is Hepatrombin G.
Suppositories from hemorrhoids are inexpensive and effective: list, composition of drugs
Even cheap suppositories for hemorrhoids are quite effective and are able to eliminate the main symptoms of hemorrhoids quickly enough. The main part of them has a complex effect, combats several manifestations of the disease at once.Some are aimed more at solving one or two serious problems.
The complex effect preparation “Procto-glivenol” consists of several important components. The main ones are lidocaine, tribenoside, and additional - vitepsol.
- Lidocaine has an anesthetic effect, quickly eliminates pain.
- Tribenoside tones veins, improves microcirculation of capillaries precisely at the site of the main lesion of the rectum.
Due to the use of the drug, venous congestion is eliminated, vascular permeability decreases. All this positively affects the patient's condition, as bleeding stops, pain and inflammation go away.
Relief Advance, Ultra
The drug "Relief Advance" has two forms of release - ointment and rectal suppositories. Its main components are benzocaine and hydrocortisone (in Relief Advance Ultra), and the auxiliary components are cocoa butter, shark fat.
Thanks to the tool, pain is quickly stopped, inflammation, allergic reactions are eliminated. Additionally, Relief Advance Ultra has strong astringent properties. This helps to dry cracks and injured areas of the mucous membrane. The medicine stops a very serious inflammation in the hemorrhoid cones.
The drug complex effects "Anuzol" is used to treat all types of hemorrhoids.
It consists of:
- zinc sulfate;
- belladonna extract;
- xeroform.
These substances:
- They help to quickly eliminate pain.
- Destroy pathogenic microflora.
- They stop inflammation and prevent it from spreading to a large area.
- Stop bleeding.
- Relieve itching and irritation due to drying, astringent effects.
- They help restore the mucous membrane when cracks appear.
- Relieve spasm of the rectum, supporting its function.
Natalsid is used:
- when chronic bleeding occurs;
- to help treat chronic cracks in the anus;
- with inflammation, including the sigmoid colon;
- after surgery in the rectum.
Sometimes Natalsid is used for intestinal infections, colitis, causing unpleasant symptoms and even bleeding.
The main substance that has a therapeutic effect is alginate. It is a component of natural origin that does not cause serious side effects.
Proctosedyl M
Candles "Proctosedyl M" have a multidisciplinary effect.
- Hydrocortisone, which is part of it, immediately relieves itching, swelling and inflammation, as it has antihistamine and anti-inflammatory properties.
- The composition of this drug includes horse chestnut extract, which tones and strengthens the walls of the veins. This relieves swelling of the affected mucosa, helps fight inflammation.
- Framycetin destroys pathogenic bacteria, quickly resists a number of infections - from Escherichia coli to Staphylococcus aureus, which can cause suppuration.
- Anesthetics benzocaine and butamben eliminate pain.
Typically, these suppositories are prescribed for the appearance of cracks, the development of proctitis, for the treatment of hemorrhoids that occurs after surgery and childbirth.
"Olestesin" consists of several components that have a complex effect on the affected tissue.
- It includes anesthesin, which eliminates pain symptoms.
- At the same time, etazole sodium is actively fighting the inflammatory process.
- Sea buckthorn oil has a number of positive properties - antioxidant, anti-inflammatory. The main one is stopping bleeding.
It is successfully used at all stages of hemorrhoid development. It helps to cope not only with cracks, but also with fistulas in the rectum, treats inflammation of the sigmoid colon, and fights prostatitis.
Hepatrombin G
"Hepatrombin G" is available in the form of suppositories and ointments.Its main component is heparin, which restores blood microcirculation. Suppositories are used to reduce nodes, venous congestion, blood clots in the vessels, because the drug reduces blood coagulation in the place where it comes into contact with the mucosa. It significantly reduces the amount of fluid that is formed during inflammation, which means it eliminates puffiness, reduces inflammation and helps rapid regeneration.
As a result of drug therapy, all the unpleasant symptoms that accompany the disease pass. This is itching, pain, burning.
The composition of the drug includes prednisone - a corticosteroid hormone. It helps eliminate allergic reactions.
Propolis Candles
The main component of these candles is a wonderful beekeeping product - propolis. Cocoa butter is used as a fat filler. In addition, suppositories may contain dimexide, and in some drugs - Tambukan therapeutic mud. These components enhance and complement the therapeutic effect.
- First of all, propolis has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.
- It destroys pathological microflora, including various fungi and even Trichomonas. In this case, the vital activity of beneficial microorganisms is not disturbed.
- In addition, propolis helps to remove various toxic substances from the cells, which significantly increases the rate of tissue regeneration.
- Suppositories with propolis have an antitumor effect, reduce the risk of neoplasms.
- Normalize the process of blood coagulation, which helps to reduce bleeding and at the same time resists thrombosis.
- When healing the affected tissues, scars of a very small size are formed.
- In addition, propolis stimulates peristalsis - constipation disappears, and with them the pain accompanying hemorrhoids.
Ichthyol oil has a natural origin, it is produced from oil shale. This is one of the most effective and, at the same time, cheap medicines known to medicine for more than 100 years. It has a positive effect on inflamed skin and mucous membranes.
Its main feature is that the substance ichthammol, which is part of the oil, affects only the affected areas. It is not absorbed into the blood. Therefore, suppositories with ichthyol have a local anesthetic effect. The pain goes away quickly, as the irritability of the nerve endings decreases.
- Oil is a powerful antiseptic, quickly relieves inflammation and inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacteria. This allows tissues to recover in a shorter period of time.
- Ichthyol promotes the growth of new layers of healthy tissue at the site of the affected disease. With its help, the upper layers of cells are easily and gently exfoliated.
- Blood circulation of the mucous membrane improves, vascular tone increases, due to which the rate of regeneration increases.
Sea buckthorn
The main component of these candles is sea buckthorn oil. It has an extensive positive effect, since it contains many vitamins, trace elements and fatty acids.
Sea-buckthorn suppositories from hemorrhoids have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.
- As a result of such therapy, all unpleasant syndromes go away - pain, swelling, itching. This is facilitated by the high content of vitamins E and C.
- Sea buckthorn oil also quickly stops bleeding with the help of vitamin K, which is involved in the formation of blood proteins. There is, accordingly, active tissue repair, healing.
- The antibacterial effect of sea buckthorn is manifested in the destruction of not only E. coli, but even staphylococcus. At the same time, the intestinal microflora does not suffer. In general, immunity increases.
- During treatment, scars resolve, the mucous membrane is well restored, which is facilitated by fatty acids.
- The antioxidant properties of the plant protect damaged tissues from malignant neoplasms.
- Intestinal motility improves, morning stool normalizes. As a result, the affected areas recover faster.
Heparin dilutes blood, its coagulability decreases. This substance prevents thrombosis. Heparin is part of many drugs, including those used in the treatment of stroke. In the treatment of hemorrhoids, he is able to reduce the number and size of hemorrhoids, moreover, quickly enough. The substance is easily absorbed and absorbed by the body.
Heparin suppositories also contain benzocaine, which relieves pain, and benzonicotinic acid - it can well support small vessels. As a result, the inflammation stops, and active tissue regeneration begins.
But most importantly, the risk of a repeated exacerbation of the disease is significantly reduced.
With belladonna
Belladonna, or belladonna, is a medicinal plant that can relieve spasms, greatly facilitating the course of the disease. With hemorrhoids, the rectum is often in a spasmodic state, which contributes to constipation. Most often, they are the cause of the disease.
The composition of candles with belladonna additionally includes substances that have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. Phenol "works" as a laxative.
The result of therapy is a significant improvement in the patient's condition. Healing of damaged tissues takes place, inflammation is relieved, pain disappears and constipation ceases.
With methyluracil
Suppositories with methyluracil are used for serious pathologies, which are accompanied by hemorrhoids, especially in advanced condition. The component is able to heal cracks, reduce scars, and relieve constipation.
Methyluracil is a substance that actively stimulates the metabolism, which means it improves the nutrition of damaged tissues. They recover faster - new cells appear, grow rapidly, the formation of epithelium, new blood vessels. Even the composition of the blood changes for the better, the number of red blood cells and white blood cells increases.
As a result of therapy:
- there is a regeneration of damaged sections of the rectum;
- tumors are reduced;
- scars become softer;
- pain goes away, especially with bowel movements;
- immunity is strengthened, the body is fighting inflammation and the bacteria that cause it.
With calendula
Calendula is a universal medicinal plant that can get rid of many diseases. In the treatment of hemorrhoids, it is very effective, because it contains substances of natural origin, which have a healing effect.
Essential oils kill pathogenic bacteria, coumarins relieve inflammation, and flavonoids strengthen the walls of blood vessels, including capillaries. Therefore, it is important to use candles with calendula at the moment when the disease is just beginning to develop. You can not only get rid of unpleasant symptoms, but completely remove inflammation in a short period of time, without translating the disease into a chronic stage.
Candles with calendula stop bleeding, remove pain and inflammation, tone vessels, and as a result, hemorrhoids become much smaller.
Suppositories for hemorrhoids during pregnancy and breastfeeding
During pregnancy, women experience serious changes in the body. They can be accompanied by constipation, as the fetus puts pressure on the intestines. The correct blood circulation in the lower part of the body is also disturbed, it does not reach the organs in the pelvic area. If a woman also moves little, then as a result hemorrhoids manifest themselves.
To treat this problem, you should use drugs that do not harm the health of the expectant mother and her child.
The most safe are candles with ichthyol. These drugs help relieve pain and other unpleasant sensations, have a good healing and antimicrobial effect.
Rectal remedies, which include papaverine, are best suited. It not only relieves pain, but also has a very important effect - it reduces the pressure that the fetus exerts on the internal organs.
This substance is a powerful antiseptic, removing inflammation not only directly in the rectum, but throughout the body as a whole. However, self-medication is not worth it, you must always consult a doctor.
Like any pharmaceutical drug, suppositories for hemorrhoids have their contraindications.
They can not be used for the following diseases:
- allergic reactions to substances that make up the preparations;
- active tuberculosis;
- autoimmune diseases, including neoplasms developing directly in the rectum;
- ulcer, erosion of the rectum;
- constantly reduced pressure;
- extensive swelling;
- inflammation of the rectum caused by infection;
- diabetes mellitus, accompanied by trophic changes in the lower extremities;
- osteoporosis.
The use of rectal suppositories should always be agreed with the attending physician.