The main treatment prescribed by modern proctologists for hemorrhoids is conservative. It involves the use of various drugs without surgical intervention. Rectal suppositories are an effective and popular form among patients. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most inexpensive and effective suppositories for hemorrhoids.

How to choose effective suppositories for hemorrhoids?

The choice of a particular drug depends on the severity of the course of the disease and the accompanying symptoms:

  • In case of uncomplicated disease, suppositories should be chosen that reduce thrombus formation. Perfect options with heparin in the composition.
  • In the presence of strong pronounced painful sensations, it is better to stop your choice on candles with anesthetics. For example, with lidocaine, anesthesin or neomycin.
  • With bleeding, drugs with a venotonic and hemostatic effect are selected. To combat the problem, drugs that accelerate the narrowing of blood vessels and eliminate puffiness are suitable. These are options with adrenaline.
  • In the presence of an inflammatory process, the specialist usually prescribes one of the following drug options to the patient - Diclofenac or Ibuprofen.
  • If the patient is worried about severe itching in the problem area, then hormonal rectal drugs are well suited for him. This is true for those cases when the patient is not forbidden to use corticosteroids.

An experienced doctor should prescribe a certain medicine to the patient after appropriate examinations and an accurate diagnosis.

Varieties of suppositories

Such drugs are prescribed individually by specialists, since each of their types contains components whose action is aimed at eliminating certain symptoms and causes of the disease. The most common and effective suppositories against hemorrhoids are presented below.

Reducing the inflammatory process

The first thing to deal with the problem under discussion is to stop the inflammatory process. For this purpose, special candles are suitable - chemical or natural. The latter must necessarily contain anti-inflammatory ingredients: sea buckthorn, calendula, shark oil, propolis. For example, this is a Relief drug.

There are two types of chemical suppositories: steroid and non-steroid.

  • The first (Proctosedil) are very effective in fighting inflammation, but have many contraindications.
  • The second (Ibuprofen) also quickly relieve pain. They are safer for the patient.

Stop bleeding

A dangerous and common symptom of the disease is bleeding. It not only causes serious discomfort to the patient in everyday life, but also can lead to anemia. Therefore, suppositories used in this form of the disease should include adrenaline (which has an antispasmodic and narrowing effect) and increase blood coagulation.

Natural homeopathic suppositories with propolis and oak bark extract, as well as Relief, are well suited for such cases. Both of these options have a versatile effect on the patient's body - in addition, they relieve pain, inflammation. Effectively stops bleeding, and does not allow the development of anemia Anuzol.

Relieving pain and cramping

The pain and cramps accompanying the patient with hemorrhoids interfere with his usual active life and normal daily bowel movements. As a result, the patient has a fear of going to the toilet. To alleviate the patient's condition, laxative suppositories with a mild effect will help. For example, Dufalac. If a person suffers from severe severe pain, Anestezol candles will do. In general, with this problem, you can choose any drugs with ichthyol and / or belladonna extract.

Improving the tone of blood vessels and veins

The disease under discussion is varicose veins in the rectum. Therefore, in the process of therapy, it is necessary to restore their normal healthy state and strengthen the walls. For this, the popular homeopathic remedy Hemoprost with a powerful tonic effect is used. In addition to venotonics, the composition includes cocoa butter, and such rare ingredients as ginkgo biloba, horse chestnut.

To strengthen the veins and blood vessels, giving them elasticity, the candles of their sea buckthorn are perfect. For the same purpose Relief, Diclofenac are used.

Thrombosis reducing

If you use drugs that prevent blood from stagnating and thinning it during illness, you can protect yourself from blood clots. One of the main active ingredients of such suppositories is heparin.

For example, suppositories with antibiotics Proctosedil, suppositories Hepatrombin G, Gepazolon are relevant in such cases. The latter option not only prevents thrombosis, but also relieves pain, copes with edema.

Inexpensive and effective suppositories from hemorrhoids and cracks

In modern pharmacies, a huge selection of antihemorrhoidal suppositories is presented, among which each patient will be able to find a suitable drug for himself. The most efficient and budget options are described below.


Suppositories based on lidocaine and tribenoside.They have a complex effect on the patient's body. At the same time relieve inflammation and pain, tone veins, reduce itching. It is enough to use a candle after waking up and before falling asleep until the symptoms disappear completely. After the onset of relief, you can reduce the number of procedures to once a day.

Relief Advance, Ultra

A unique drug that contains shark liver oil. This ingredient gives it a wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, it enhances immunity.

The presence of additional components depends on the type of preparation. In the standard version, it is phenylephrine hydrochloride, which eliminates itching and swelling. In Relief Advance is benzocaine, which instantly relieves pain. In the Ultra variant - hydrocortisone, zinc sulfate monohydrate with a wound healing, anti-allergic effect.

The drug is used for 1 candle four times during the day. The medicine is administered after visiting the toilet.


Of the natural ingredients in this medicine, there is an extract of belladonna leaves. As a result, candles relieve pain, inflammation, and also disinfect. Budget popular tool.

It is used for the whole suppository 1-2 times a day. To relieve pain, no more than 7 candles per day can be used.


The basis of the medicine was brown seaweed. It quickly removes inflammation, and also has a hemostatic and reparative effect.

The full course of therapy with such a drug lasts up to 14 days. 2 candles are used daily - after waking up and at night.

Proctosedyl M

One of the main components of the drug was hydrocortisone with a strong analgesic effect. The composition of the drug includes an antibiotic.

Candles begin to act very quickly - within 8-9 minutes after administration, they significantly alleviate the patient's condition. But they can not be used for more than 1 week. Refuse the drug is required gradually.

Suppositories are administered one at a time after waking up and before falling asleep. You need to do this as deeply as possible.


This is a combination medicine with benzocaine and sea buckthorn oil, which is used to relieve anal itching and treat cracks. It anesthetizes and relieves inflammation.

It is required to introduce one suppository twice a day for 1-1.5 weeks. If unpleasant symptoms are pronounced, one dose is increased to 2 suppositories.

Hepatrombin G

An inexpensive remedy with prednisone, which has anti-inflammatory and antithrombotic effects, helps to restore connective tissue when painful "bumps" occur.

Apply for seven days, 1-2 candles per day. If you independently significantly increase the duration of therapy, then this will lead to the manifestation of side effects. For example, redness of the skin, itching, burning.

Propolis Candles

As with most natural medicines, such a drug has a minimum of contraindications. These are just allergic reactions to beekeeping products. Suitable for the treatment of the smallest patients and pregnant women. The most popular candles from this group: Propolis Nam, Kyzyl May, Avicenna with propolis.

Inexpensive drugs with propolis have the following effects on the patient's body:

  • relieve burning, reduce pain;
  • enhance the protective functions of the body;
  • reduce swelling;
  • heal damage to the mucosa;
  • destroy pathogenic microorganisms;
  • reduce the size of hemorrhoids.


If the patient turned to a specialist at the first sign of an ailment, then most likely the doctor will prescribe ichthyol suppositories for him. They are called so: Ihtiol. Their main action is antiseptic.

Suppositories cope well with pathogenic microorganisms in the rectum, anesthetize, relieve inflammation. The drug accelerates the healing of cracks and wounds.

Sea buckthorn

Modern sea buckthorn hemorrhoid suppositories are cheap, effective and absolutely safe. They help the patient well if you start using the drug at the very beginning of the disease. It is also relevant to apply it in acute forms of the disease.

Sea buckthorn candles have a healing and bactericidal effect. In addition, they saturate the patient's body with vitamins, and relieve inflammation.

The following remedies fall into their list: Suppositories for hemorrhoids with sea buckthorn, rectal suppositories Sea buckthorn oil.


Any heparin suppository can thin the blood and prevent blood clots. Their use will help to avoid exacerbation of the disease, relieve inflammation, accelerate the healing of injuries.

They can not be used for poor blood coagulation and hemorrhoidal bleeding. The list of heparin drugs includes Gepazolon and Nigepan.

With belladonna

Candles with belladonna extract have a powerful healing and analgesic effect. They dry the problem area, destroy microbes, relieve spasms.

These candles include Betiol, Anuzol. With prolonged use, the following side effects may occur: migraine, drowsiness, irritability, dry mouth.

With methyluracil

This substance accelerates the process of tissue regeneration, and also has a healing effect and relieves inflammation. With hemorrhoids, methyluracils quickly relieve itching, irritation and soreness.

The drug is called: rectal suppositories Methyluracil.

With calendula

The use of such suppositories for hemorrhoids accelerates the healing process of damaged tissues, edema is removed, pathogenic organisms are destroyed and are brought out naturally.

Suppositories with calendula prevent the appearance of tumors. It should be noted that the candles "Calendula DN" have no contraindications.

Allowed drugs during pregnancy and breastfeeding

It is difficult to choose both effective and safe suppositories from hemorrhoids during pregnancy. Especially in the short term. But still, such drugs are found on sale. Expectant mothers should first of all pay attention to natural natural remedies. For example, on suppositories with sea buckthorn, belladonna, calendula, based on glycerin. In the first trimester, you can also use the following medicines: Nigepan, Betiol, Posterisan.

In the third trimester of pregnancy and with breastfeeding, you can choose the Relief remedy, as well as: Ultraproct and Advance. Despite their safety, only a doctor should prescribe any such drugs for the expectant mother.

How to insert suppositories in the treatment?

Experts recommend inserting suppositories for the treatment of hemorrhoids after preliminary bowel movement. Otherwise, the candle will not linger inside for a long time. After the act of defecation, the anus is washed with soap and water.

You need to use the candle immediately after removing it from the refrigerator, otherwise the medicine will begin to melt in the patient's hand and it will be impossible to enter it into the intestine. To enter the drug easily and painlessly, it is best to settle down lying on your side.

The suppository is taken in one hand and slightly warmed, and the second will need to push the buttocks. The candle is carefully inserted with a sharp end deep into the anus. She must overcome the sphincter and get inside the rectum, otherwise the medicine will immediately jump out after a change of position. To make your task easier, you can lubricate the tip of the candle with petroleum jelly or baby cream.

After administration of the drug, the patient should be in a supine position for at least half an hour. This will prevent the melted medicine from flowing out. It is better to use candles before bedtime. Over night, the medicine is completely absorbed and will begin to effectively affect the problem area.

By the same principle, suppositories are administered to small patients. It is easier to do this while the baby is sleeping. It is necessary to place the baby on its side and bend its knees.Next, the suppository is quickly inserted with a sharp end into the anus, after which the buttocks of the crumbs are connected. In this position they need to hold for several minutes.

If the patient has repeatedly defecated no later than 15 minutes after using the medicine, the procedure must be repeated.