Diclofenac in the form of suppositories is a powerful anti-inflammatory drug. It is used to eliminate pain of a different nature. Diclofenac suppositories are the fastest way to get rid of unpleasant symptoms. They are prescribed by a doctor. The patient is required to strictly adhere to the recommendations for admission.

Composition, release form and packaging

Diclofenac is a chemical compound that is often introduced into various NSAIDs, that is, non-steroidal drugs. They relieve inflammation, but act as carefully as possible. Diclofenac can be produced in several versions. Doctors often use pills, ointments, and injectable solutions in their work, but candles are no less popular.

Rectal suppositories "Diclofenac" are suppositories of a cylindrical shape. They are white in color, but may contain yellowish blotches. Each candle is packed in an individual blister, which is removed immediately before use.

The suppository contains diclofenac sodium, which is a derivative of phenylacetic acid. It is this compound that provides anti-inflammatory activity. The remaining components of the composition play a secondary role. They serve as a connecting foundation.

The manufacturer offers two options for suppositories - 50 mg or 100 mg of the active substance. Blisters with candles are placed in a cardboard box.

Pharmacological properties and pharmacokinetics

Suppositories are one of the most convenient means of local action if the patient needs to reduce the intensity of inflammation in any part of the body.

Inflammation is eliminated by reducing the number of prostaglandins while inhibiting their synthesis inside the body. This is accomplished by suppressing the activity of the cyclooxygenase enzyme.

Doctors explain that Diclofenac is not only able to eliminate inflammation. It acts as an analgesic and quickly relieves pain.

For this reason, patients do not need to prescribe additional medications with an analgesic effect. In the most severe cases, the drug even eliminates the fever and normalizes body temperature.

Do not ignore the systemic effects of suppositories on the whole body. In the rectum, where the medicine enters, many small capillaries are concentrated. According to them, the active substance enters the general channel and is delivered to the destination - the focus of inflammation in the internal organs, joints, soft tissues. This means that suppositories are allowed to be used for various pathologies, and not just for the treatment of diseases of the final intestine.

The drug is excreted mainly due to the kidneys. The compound leaves the body with urine. Another part of it enters the intestinal lumen with bile when liver cells are involved.

Why is the drug prescribed?

Suppositories can be considered as a complex effect drug. The list of indications for use is quite wide.

It included:

  • myositis;
  • gout;
  • arthritis;
  • bursitis;
  • radiculitis;
  • neuralgia;
  • thrombophlebitis.

Other indications for the use of "Diclofenac" is an acute course of other diseases, including pathologies of ENT organs. Candles are also appropriate for intolerable toothache or inflammation of the structures of the male reproductive system, in particular, with prostatitis.

Another area of ​​use of the drug is the female genital organs. "Diclofenac" in gynecology can be used in inflammatory processes in the structures of the pelvis, with some infectious diseases. Some experts prescribe candles for painful menstruation.

Treatment duration

"Diclofenac" is usually prescribed as a supporting element of therapy. Candles eliminate unpleasant symptoms, but practically do not affect the intensity of the course of the disease itself. This means that additional drugs will be required that will affect the source of the pathology.

Diclofenac is prescribed in a short course to quickly eliminate inflammation and pain. In some cases, a single dose is sufficient. So, one suppository is enough for toothache and painful periods.

In all other cases, the duration of therapy is determined individually. It can be from three days to two weeks.

Instructions for the use of candles Diclofenac

Using suppositories is easy. They are removed from the blister and neatly with clean hands inserted into the anus. Better to take a shower first. It is important to empty the intestines before administration so that the medicine is absorbed as quickly as possible.

The dose is determined individually. For mild or moderate pain, 100 mg is administered once a day, but this volume can be divided into two doses. If the inflammation is very pronounced, then the dose is increased to 150 mg per day.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy, you should always be careful when using any medications. Diclofenac is no exception. This medication is absorbed into the bloodstream, metabolized by the liver and excreted by the kidneys. Therefore, during pregnancy, the use of candles should be especially carefully.

In the early stages, suppositories may be prescribed, provided that benefits are expected for the mother.

In the last trimester, treatment with suppositories is refused.

It is important to take into account that a decrease in the number of prostaglandins is fraught with a delay in the onset of labor. This is dangerous for the fetus, who will suffer from hypoxia in the absence of amniotic fluid.

Drug Interactions with Other Drugs

Diclofenac is not always successfully combined with other medications, therefore, when prescribing suppositories, you need to notify your doctor if any medications are already used.

  1. With the use of Aspirin, the concentration of the active substance in the blood will be reduced. This means that the efficiency will not be as declared by the manufacturer.
  2. When using suppositories, the effectiveness of treatment with diuretics decreases.
  3. Diclofenac negatively affects the effectiveness of sleeping pills.
  4. You can not combine these suppositories with other drugs from the NSAID group. Otherwise, there is a likelihood of side effects.
  5. It is better to abandon the joint use of suppositories and cephalosporin antibiotics due to toxic effects on the kidneys and liver.
  6. If “Sertraline” or “Citalopram” is used together with suppositories, then the likelihood of developing bleeding in the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract increases.
  7. Caution requires therapy with calcium secretion blockers. In this case, the concentration of "Diclofenac" in the blood becomes too high, which can cause unwanted side effects.

In any case, the doctor should be warned about taking any medicine, even if this medicine is not on the list. Perhaps for better tolerance and preservation of effectiveness, the treatment regimen will be adjusted.

Contraindications, side effects and overdose

Suppositories act gently, but they can not always be used. Doctors call a list of absolute contraindications, in which suppositories are replaced with other drugs.

This list includes:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • age less than 16 years;
  • liver pathology;
  • renal failure;
  • heart diseases.

In addition, the tool is prohibited for use in pathologies of the rectum. In particular, candles are discarded for hemorrhoids, anal fissures, proctitis.

With caution, the medicine can be used in conditions such as:

  • Crohn's disease;
  • hypertension;
  • vascular pathology;
  • coronary artery disease;
  • diabetes;
  • alcohol addiction.

Doctors also warn of possible side effects that most often occur while ignoring the annotation to the drug.

Among the main undesirable consequences of using candles are:

  • stomach ache;
  • bloating and heaviness;
  • nausea;
  • diarrhea, followed by constipation.

The most common side effect is the appearance of a slight burning sensation in the anus immediately after the introduction of the suppository. This symptom does not require increased attention and passes independently after some time.

The drug can not be used longer than indicated in the instructions, and it is also not recommended to independently increase its dosage. This is fraught with an increase in the concentration of the active substance in the blood, which leads to intoxication.

Signs of an overdose are:

  • vomiting
  • abdominal pain of a cutting nature;
  • headache;
  • cramps
  • fever.

If signs of an overdose appear, consult a doctor. Doctors cancel candles and prescribe symptomatic treatment.

Analogs of candles Diclofenac

In some cases, doctors prescribe similar drugs to eliminate inflammation. You can use not only rectal suppositories, but also other options - tablets, injections. Among the medicines offered by pharmacies, you can find those that contain the chemical compound diclofenac. Their action will be similar to the effect on the body of suppositories.

The list of structural analogues includes:

  • Voltaren;
  • "Diclovit."

In the event that non-hormonal agents do not help eliminate inflammation and do not relieve pain and swelling, the doctor reviews the treatment tactics and selects other drugs. These can be steroid medications, which include prednisone or its analogues. However, most often "Diclofenac" successfully copes with signs of inflammation.