Actually this tree is not a cherry. They only look like the taste of the fruit. Surinamese cherry berry is very decorative. For this, as well as for tasty and healthy fruits, it is also grown.
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Suriname cherry: description
This plant has many names: pitanga, Brazilian cherry, Eugene one-flowered. All of them belong to the evergreen fruit tree or shrub of the myrtle family. Surinamese Cherry's natural habitat is Brazil. In many countries, it is introduced into the culture, and is successfully grown in Central America, India, southern China.
In open ground, the pitanga grows in the form of a tree about 7 m in height, there is also a bush form, it does not grow above 2 m. In a room culture, the size of the plant is much more modest. The branches of Surinamese cherry are long, curved arcuate. The leaves are dense, lanceolate with a sharp tip, sitting on the branches opposite. Their size is small - from 4 to 6 cm. The young leaves are painted in bronze-red color, they become dark green as they grow. From the inside they are lighter.
Pitanga flowers are not large, but very beautiful. The white corolla consists of 4 sepals; it is decorated with a large number of yellowish stamens, which create a feeling of airiness. Flowers hang on long pedicels from the sinuses one at a time or are clustered in 4 pieces. In room culture, one wave of flowering is usually observed: from late March to May inclusive. Under natural conditions, the pitanga blooms in September and January. Flowering occurs on annual shoots. The plant is self-pollinated, therefore it does not need pollinators.
Three weeks after flowering, the fruits begin to ripen, having a rounded shape with well-defined ribs of up to 10. The diameter of the berries in natural conditions can reach 4 cm. In a room, the pitanga also successfully bears fruit, but gives smaller berries. The color of ripe berries varies from bright red to dark cherry, almost black. It is noted that the darker the berry, the richer and more pleasant its taste. Usually the fruits are sweet with a noticeable sourness and some hint of bitterness, which is more felt in unripe berries. Inside each there is one or two fairly large bones. They are not edible due to strong bitterness. All parts of Surinamese cherries contain many essential oils. You can feel their coniferous smell if you rub a leaf between your fingers. A little it is felt in the fruit.
Read also:planting and caring for felt cherries
Features of growing in the garden
Pitanga at home is not only fruitful, but also decorative culture. It is suitable for hedges, as it tolerates a haircut. In some countries, such as Israel, the practice of growing pitangas in large pots. Usually she decorates the entrance to the house. Growing Surinamese cherries is easy. The plant is unpretentious, tolerates drought and a short-term drop in temperature to -5 degrees in the adult state. Soil prefers rich and loose, well aerated. The only thing she is sensitive to is heat and the sun. At home, she puts up with partial shade. In the northern latitudes it will grow well only in a sunny place.
The minimum temperature for a successful wintering Surinamese cherry +10 degrees. A temperature below this value causes the leaves to fall and can lead to the death of the tree.
Outdoor landing
It is recommended only in the tropical and subtropical zones. To the north there is a great risk of losing the plant in the first winter.
How and when to plant
Plants are planted in the ground with the onset of spring or autumn. The main thing is that it should be in a state of relative rest. In the tropics, pitanga can be grown by sowing seeds. During storage, their germination capacity is reduced, therefore, it is better to extract seeds immediately before sowing from ripe berries. They are soaked in a growth stimulator for 3-4 hours. You can use ready-made seedlings grown from seeds. When planting, it is important not to deepen the root neck, otherwise the plant may die.
Read also:Surinamese Cherry
Soil preparation and location
The place is chosen sunny with a slight shadow in the hottest hours. Humus and ash are added to the planting pit - Surinamese cherry grows well on fertile soils with a neutral or slightly acidic soil reaction. If the landing site is wet, you need to provide drainage, as the pitang does not like to get wet roots.
Suriname Cherry: Care
In open ground, tree care comes down to sparse watering and harvesting.
In our Russian climate, this plant is bred in room culture. This tree is well suited for growing bonsai, but flowering in this case can not be seen, as pinching the side branches does not allow buds to appear.
For room culture suitable small-leaved, myrtle and pointed species of Eugenia. In a room, a tree rarely grows above 1.5 m. The success of growing is a constant temperature; in summer - not lower than 21 degrees, in winter not lower than 10-12 degrees, and preferably about 15. Another important condition is good lighting. It is best to grow pitanga on the south or southeast windowsill. On especially hot days, it is better to shade it a bit. In hot weather, you can take your pet out to the garden, providing her a slightly shaded place.
In winter, the tree needs lighting no less. Therefore, it is necessary to resort to artificial illumination with phytolamps.
Suriname cherry is very sensitive to drafts and a sharp change in temperature. The plant can respond to such stress by dropping leaves and lack of flowering on time.
Watering schedule
The frequency and intensity of watering depends on the season. The warmer, the more moisture the plant needs. Surinamese cherry is better to dry slightly than pour. The need for watering is determined by the state of the earthen coma at a depth of 2 cm. If it is dry, it is time to water the plant. This method is not suitable for pitanga grown in the form of bonsai. Watering should be done with boiled or distilled water with a temperature slightly above room temperature - hard water the plant categorically does not tolerate.
You can water the pitanga in the classical way or by immersing the pot in water to completely moisten the earthen coma. The last method for bonsai is especially good.
In winter, from one watering to another, an earthen lump should dry out almost completely, so water less often. At a high temperature in the room and low humidity, the pitang should be sprayed several times a day. To do this, boil water or use distilled water.
Feeding and wood processing
During the period of active growth - from March to August inclusive, Surinamese cherry needs regular top-dressing twice a month with complex fertilizer for decorative and deciduous plants. The dosage is halved from the norm on the package. During dormancy, only plants grown in the form of bonsai are fed. This should be done once a month. Only special fertilizers are suitable for this form of cultivation.
Surinamese cherry at home needs weekly wiping the leaves with a wet cloth to clean from dust and dirt. Once a year, the bark is cleaned from a tree.
The first time the pitanga is transplanted a year after germination. Then do it every 2-3 years. If the soil is acidified or salted, rot has started in it, an emergency transplant can be carried out. Usually the plant responds well to it. Surinamese cherries are transferred to a new, more spacious pot in autumn or spring.
The plant develops well in the usual universal soil, but if you prepare a mixture of 2 parts of sod land, adding one part of humus, sand and sheet soil, the pitanga will grow even better. A loosening component is necessarily added to the soil: perlite or coconut fiber. When transplanting, make sure that the root neck is not in the soil.
After transplanting, the plant is carefully watered and shaded for several days.
Suriname cherry tolerates a haircut and formation well. The best time for this is spring. If necessary, pinch the shoots throughout the year. To give the desired direction of growth, the branches are bent with a wire wrapped in a soft cloth. The ends of the wire are fixed in the ground. Not later than after 3 months, the wire must be removed.
It is carried out as the berries ripen, waiting for their full ripeness. In the open, this is done daily. Depending on the age of the tree and growing conditions, the crop ranges from 2 to 10 kg with one copy of the pitanga.
Winter preparations
By the period of relative dormancy, the plant should be prepared gradually, reducing the temperature in the room and reducing the intensity of watering. With a decrease in daylight, additional illumination of Surinamese cherry begins with phytolamps.
Pest and Disease Control
Improper watering can cause root rot. The diseased plant is transplanted into new soil, cutting off damaged roots and sprinkling slices with crushed coal.
Pests a healthy plant that is properly looked after is rarely damaged. When the first signs of damage occur with a spider mite, scabies, whitefly, a tree is sprayed with a suitable insecticide or acaricide in accordance with the instructions. When kept on the street, the pitanga should be protected from aphids, slugs and snails that like to enjoy its fragrant leaves.
Pitanga is a rare plant in our area. It deserves close attention of gardeners and lovers of room exotic.