Often, during the bearing of the child, the expectant mother has various allergy symptoms. To eliminate them, the doctor can prescribe anti-allergic drugs, the spectrum of which is quite wide today. How appropriate and safe is the administration of Suprastin during pregnancy?
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Can I take Suprastin during pregnancy?
In the instructions for use, it is noted that during the period of bearing a child, an appointment should be made with extreme caution. However, such a warning is based on the lack of research data on the effect of the drug on the body of a pregnant woman and the fetus. Therefore, if there is a need, taking "Suprastin" is possible under the supervision of a doctor and with a constant check of urine tests.
Composition, active substance and release form
"Suprastin" can be purchased in the form of tablets for oral administration, as well as in the form of a solution for injection, which can be administered both intravenously and intramuscularly.
The composition of the tablet includes:
- chloropyramine, which is an anti-allergic substance;
- lactose to improve palatability;
- starch as a coating agent;
- talcum powder to absorb excess moisture;
- amylopectin sodium as a source of sodium to improve the water balance of cells;
- gelatin as a binder;
- stearic acid is used as a tablet shell, since the substance does not dissolve in water.
The composition of the ampoule is an aqueous solution of chloropyramine, which blocks the specific receptors of the body.
In which cases a drug is prescribed
Reception "Suprastin" is effective in the following cases:
- skin diseases against the background of an acute allergic reaction of the body, in particular, nettle rash, dermatitis, allergic edema, etc .;
- inflammatory processes in the mucous membranes of the nose (rhinitis), throat (laryngitis) or eyes (conjunctivitis) and their combination (hay fever);
- an allergic reaction of the body to the introduction of an allergen or contact with it. severe edema of the deep layers of the dermis (angioedema) or mucous membranes (anaphylactic shock), in the latter case, due to the high reaction rate, Suprastin injections are prescribed;
- an acute negative reaction of the dermis to taking medications or diagnostic tools, in particular redness and itching at the point of contact, rash and burning sensation, as well as inflammation and redness that occur both in a chaotic manner and foci;
- skin irritation and itching, which were the result of insect bites;
- viral diseases characterized by inflammatory processes of the mucous membranes, as well as to exclude adverse reactions to antiviral drugs.
"Suprastin" has a positive effect in cases of allergic sneezing or coughing.
Instructions for use at different stages of pregnancy
In early pregnancy (up to 12 weeks) Suprastin should be excluded, since the effect of the drug on fetal development has not been studied. You can continue taking it only if the actual benefit exceeds the theoretically possible negative consequences.
In subsequent trimesters, there are practically no restrictions on the use of an antihistamine. “Suprastin” for pregnant women should be gradually eliminated by week 36, slightly reducing the daily dosage.
In case of acute allergy, anaphylactic or angioedema shock, Suprastin should be injected.
Drug interaction
"Suprastin" enhances the effect of taking drugs that depress the central nervous system. It is possible to stop the symptoms while taking caffeine or other central nervous system stimulants.
Contraindications, side effects and overdose
A contraindication for taking the drug is lactose intolerance, which is contained in a sufficiently high concentration in the form of Suprastin 25 mg tablets. Also, with extreme caution, an antiallergic drug should be prescribed to patients over 80 years of age, due to the possibility of negative consequences for the heart and vascular system. Mechanical urinary retention during inflammation of the prostate adenoma is also a symptom in which it is desirable to replace Suprastin with a less dangerous analogue.
"Suprastin" has a pronounced inhibitory effect on the nervous system.
As a result, a large number of patients taking this antihistamine drug have an acute reaction in the form of increased drowsiness, dizziness, nausea, and the occurrence of involuntary trembling of the extremities.
Application under the age of three years may show an opposite reaction, as a result of which the child will show increased activity, anxiety or irritability. At the same time, vomiting, a change in stool, and dry mouth can be observed at any age during use. Rarely enough, a violation of the rhythm of the heartbeat or a decrease in blood pressure.
If the dosage is exceeded, symptoms may appear in the form of:
- heart palpitations;
- dilated pupils and increased intraocular pressure;
- dry mucous membranes and skin;
- increase in body temperature;
- fluid retention (lack of evaporation and urination);
- hallucinations and manic states;
- coma.
Due to the lack of antidotes, symptomatic treatment is used in the form of gastric lavage (it can be difficult) and sorbent intake. If you observe such symptoms, you should immediately seek emergency medical help.
Analogs of an antiallergic drug
Like most medicines, Suprastin has many analogues. They differ in both the active substance and the form of release. Consider the main ones.
- "Chloropyramine." Contains a similar active substance. Available in ampoules with a solution for injection. The drug has a larger list of side effects compared to Suprastin, and with prolonged treatment, a change in the process of hematopoiesis is observed. Also, with prolonged admission, hearing impairment and the functioning of the vestibular apparatus are possible.
- "Diazolin." The drug belongs to the second generation of antiallergic drugs. This means that side effects in the form of drowsiness and suppression of the natural reactions of the central nervous system are significantly reduced. However, use in neither the first nor second trimester of pregnancy is considered safe.
- Zirtek. The active substance of the drug is cetirizine, which blocks the same receptors as chloropyramine. The instructions for use noted the desirable abstinence from taking the drug during pregnancy. However, experimental studies have proven that there is no effect on the formation and vital activity of the fetus.
- "Skin-cap." A specific tool for the treatment of allergy symptoms after eliminating the cause (pathogen). Available in the form of products for external use. It affects the regeneration process due to the zinc contained in the composition, relieves puffiness and itching of the skin, including in the hair growth zone. Allowed use during pregnancy and children under the age of one year.
Allergies during pregnancy are normal even if they are observed for the first time. Do not refuse treatment because of a specific condition, since the possible consequences may be irreversible.