Red fish soup is the perfect solution for dinner. It is prepared quickly, it turns out delicious and healthy. The set of products is minimal.
Material Content:
Creamy red fish soup
- red fish fillet (300-400 grams);
- 3 carrots;
- rice (4 tablespoons);
- 1-1.5 water;
- 2 table. tablespoons of flour;
- Red pepper;
- lean oil;
- cream - 0.25 ml;
- greens - spinach, dill.
Cooking recommendations:
- In boiled water on the stove, they throw fish, salt.
- Rice groats are washed in a saucepan and left to drain. Then introduced into the soup with grated carrots.
- They let it boil.
- Pass the flour in a frying pan with oil, sprinkle with cream, mix and add the remaining cream. Add the flour mixture to the broth.
- Sprinkle red fish soup with cream of fresh, finely chopped herbs and peeled, diced, pepper.
With cream cheese
- salmon fillet - 350-500 grams;
- pan of water;
- potatoes (2-3 pcs.);
- carrot;
- bulb;
- frozen processed cheese;
- salt, lavrushka.
Cooking recommendations:
- In a deep saucepan, bring the required volume of water to a boil.
- Salt, put chopped pieces of fish.
- With a knife for peeling vegetables, peel, peel, cut into cubes and put into the broth.
- Peel the carrots, grind them and fry them in oil along with chopped onions.
- Vegetables are thrown into the broth. Put spices.
- Frozen cream cheese tinder. 60 seconds before the end of cooking, fall asleep in soup.
- Soup with red fish and cream cheese is ready for serving and tasting!
To make the fish soup especially rich and tasty, use red fish of various types - trout, salmon, salmon and others.
Do not spill the finished soup on the serving plates immediately, let it brew with the lid closed for ten minutes.
Cooking in Finnish
- salmon - 500 grams;
- 3 onions;
- 3 pods of bell pepper;
- 2 carrots;
- 2 tomatoes or 1 table. a spoon of mashed tomato;
- sunflower oil (4 tablespoons);
- 7-8 potatoes;
- 5 table. tablespoons of cheese (grated);
- dill greens, salt.
Cooking recommendations:
- Spring or purified water is poured into the pan. Salmon varieties are cut and thrown into the pan. Bring to a boil.
- The bulb is peeled, chopped. Peel the carrots with a vegetable knife and chop on a coarse grater. Vegetables are spread in a frying pan with butter and passaged. Add tomato puree or diced tomatoes. Combine the frying with the broth.
- At the same time lay the julienced potatoes, bell pepper and simmer until cooked.
- Grated cheese, which can be sprinkled with soup already in portioned dishes, will give the dish a special piquant taste.
Cream of red fish soup
- 950 grams of red fish;
- several potato tubers;
- 3 onions;
- sunflower oil (3 tablespoons);
- leek;
- dill greens;
- lavrushka (leaves);
- pepper, table salt.
Cooking recommendations:
- They wash the fish and carefully clean it with a knife for cleaning. Free from the insides. They put the fish in the pan, pour water and set the broth to cook.
- As soon as it boils, they take it out and let it cool.
- Potatoes are freed from the skin, washed and cut into cubes. Throw in freshly brewed broth.
- Peel the onion, rinse, cut in half and chop each half finely.
- To get a beautiful soup color, they can be fried in sunflower oil. Add to the soup.
- Boiled fish is put into the cooked soup and chopped with a blender.
- Served with croutons or crackers. Before serving, cream sprinkle with soup.
With olives, pickles and capers
- 1-1.5 kg of fish;
- 5-6 potatoes;
- 2 large carrots;
- half a glass of millet groats;
- green parsley root;
- 150 grams of green peas;
- 2 onions;
- 2 pickles;
- some olives;
- 2 table. spoonfuls of capers;
- lemon;
- parsley, salt.
Cooking recommendations:
- They cut the fish: separate the head, tail, bones. Saturated broth is made from fish waste. When ready, it must be shed through a sieve or two-layer gauze.
- Pieces of fish are sprinkled with salt, sprinkled with lemon juice and again sent to the pan. Then pour in strained broth and continue to cook.
- When boiling, they put in it pre-soaked millet and chopped potatoes.
- Pre-prepared vegetables - crushed onions and parsley, chopped carrots, peas, peppers, capers, cucumbers are also sent to the soup when it boils with potatoes. Do not forget to salt.
- Before cooking, add olives cut in half.
Want to serve beautiful red fish soup? Do not forget to chop greens in it. Cut the lemon into slices and place in the serving plates with soup.
From the ranges of red fish
- 0.5 kg of salmon ranges;
- 0.5 kg of greens (fresh);
- onion;
- parsley root;
- eggs (C1) - 5-6 pcs.;
- 100 grams of millet groats;
- 100 grams of sour cream (medium density);
- iodized salt.
Cooking recommendations:
- The ridges of the fish are washed, the broth is cooked from them. The onion is freed from the husk and, together with the parsley root, is thrown into the pan.
- Filter the broth, salt, put the well-washed millet into it and continue to cook.
- Fresh greens and crumbled hard-boiled eggs are sure to be added to the soup.
- Ready soup seasoned with salted sour cream.
Vegetable first course
- 1.5 kg of salmon or trout (you can take red fish of several species);
- margarine (table) - 25 grams;
- small onions - 3 pcs.;
- 5 red fresh tomatoes;
- parsley and celery roots (if possible);
- flour (4 tablespoons);
- 5 cloves of garlic;
- carrot;
- 300 grams of fresh herbs;
- half a glass of low-fat sour cream;
- bay leaves;
- a few peas of black pepper;
- one clove;
- red pepper (ground);
- table salt.
Cooking recommendations:
- Fillet is separated from the fish, freed from seeds and cut into pieces.
- A broth with the addition of whole heads of onions and spices is cooked from fish waste.
- Then the broth is poured through a strainer or gauze into another pan, combined with fish fillet and boiled.
- After boiling, do not forget to put in the soup grated carrots, celery, parsley, continue to cook.
- Pass the flour on margarine, combine with the broth.
- At the end of cooking, add the cubes of tomatoes, chopped garlic, sour cream, salt and pepper. With a slotted spoon, take out the boiled onion heads.
Salted Red Fish Soup
- 200 grams of salted red fish;
- potatoes - 5 pcs.;
- young carrots;
- onion - 2 pcs.;
- half a glass of rice cereal;
- iodized salt, lavrushka.
Cooking recommendations:
- Prepare vegetables. Peel potatoes and carrots, wash, chop. Potatoes are cut into cubes, carrots - into strips.
- Throw vegetables into boiling water, and boil the broth. As it boils, add washed rice, a whole peeled onion, and spices.
- After fifteen minutes, add fish, sliced.
- They give the soup a sweat, put spices, and turn it off after ten minutes.
- Served in portioned plates, watering with sour cream.