Many believe that coughing is the result of a cold, but in fact the cause may be a much more serious problem. Reflex cough tremors are possible due to heart pathologies, the presence of neoplasms, ENT diseases, and others. Consider today a detailed dry cough in an adult and treatment with folk remedies.
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Dry cough in an adult - causes
Pollen and other extraneous small particles from the air, penetrating the respiratory tract, cause the cilia of the epithelium to actively displace them from there to clean the trachea with bronchi. With receptor irritation, a cough begins. In this case, mucus has an antimicrobial effect.
To cleanse the body, it is necessary that the cilia of the epithelium constantly work, and there should be viscous, elastic and fluid mucus. If the inflammatory process begins, then these conditions are violated, leading to a dry cough. Irritation of mucous membranes with receptors only enhances seizures, which is explained by the body's attempt to cope with the problem on its own.
Now we will go directly to the reasons due to which such a cough may appear:
- A bad habit is smoking. Resins in tobacco irritate the bronchi.
- The presence of dust in the room and excessively dry air.
- Irritation of respiratory mucous membranes by foreign bodies.
- If you have a history of asthma, in which a dry cough occurs in the initial stage.
- ENT diseases, such as frontal sinusitis or sinusitis.
- If you are under stress for a long time. Dry cough is called psychogenic.
- An allergic reaction to something, such as wool, chemicals, and others.
- Ingestion of a viral infection - bronchitis, pneumonia, whooping cough or SARS.
- Taking certain medications can cause an adverse reaction in the form of a dry cough. Such drugs include lisinopril, enalapril and others for hypertension.
- Oncology of the throat, bronchi, trachea and lungs.
- Pathology of the thyroid gland.
- Heart failure. Additional symptoms are shortness of breath, palpitations, and pain in the heart. The acute form is accompanied by the release of mucus mixed with blood during coughing.
- Gastrointestinal ailments, when a dry cough appears after eating.
- An increased intensity of the problem may indicate tuberculosis.
An important factor affecting the appearance of dry cough is overwork, constant presence in stressful situations, which significantly reduces immunity. This can activate Koch's bacillus, present in the body of 80% of middle-aged people, regardless of their social status.
How to treat dry cough in an adult
Before deciding how to treat a dry cough, it is necessary to make the correct diagnosis. And for this you will need to take tests, do an x-ray of the chest area, endoscopy, examine the functions of external respiration, and if necessary, visit other specialists according to indications.
There are a number of characteristic signs to determine the cause of dry cough:
- pleurisy and acute tracheitis is accompanied by sharp attacks;
- with pathology of the trachea and larynx, reflex contractions are loud and barking;
- if there is irritation of the pleura, then the cough is frequent and small;
- dry paroxysmal cough until vomiting occurs with whooping cough;
- with inflammation of the lymph node above the ear, a reflex dry cough develops;
- tuberculosis, sarcoidosis, pneumoconiosis and other similar pathologies are accompanied by persistent persistent cough;
- nausea and unproductive reflex contractions observed with aortic aneurysm, tumor and compression of the lymph nodes;
- heart failure, whooping cough, sinusitis and bronchial asthma are accompanied by dry night cough;
- a constantly appearing problem during or after eating indicates neurogenic problems, an esophageal diverticulum, a hiatal hernia, and a tracheoesophageal fistula.
As a rule, heavy smokers are “tormented” by a dry cough after waking up. In the morning, a problem appears even with chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis and gastroesophageal reflux.
If a cough is unproductive and debilitating for a long and paroxysmal nature, then it is recommended to treat it with Sinecod, Stoptussin or narcotic Codeine.
With bronchitis, Ambroxol, ACC or Carbocysteine, as well as expectorants Solutan or Mukaltin will help to thin the sputum.
Important: you can not simultaneously take drugs expectorant and antitussive action, which can provoke a blockage of the bronchi sputum.
Antibiotics in the form of tablets for adults from dry cough are prescribed if the bacterial nature of the disease is diagnosed - Amoxicillin or Ceftriaxone, as well as Azithromycin or Clarithromycin in case of infection with streptococci or staphylococci.
Berodual or Berotek treats bronchial obstruction. Hormone medications are indicated if asthma is diagnosed.
There are medicines that do not have proven clinical efficacy, but still alleviate the condition of patients. These include Erespal, Broncholitin, Stodal, Herbion and others.
It is interesting:Herbion for cough
Folk remedies for the treatment of dry cough in adults
People engaged in healing with folk remedies offer many ways to relieve and get rid of dry cough, as an additional treatment in the form of medicines, decoctions, inhalations, compresses, rubbing and baths. To get rid of the problem, you need to use a number of procedures externally, internally and inhalation.
Prescriptions for potions and decoctions in the fight against dry cough
Effectively relieves dry cough of a medicine with the use of radish - wash the root crop and cut into small slices, sprinkling sugar on top. Released juice after 6 hours and there is a healing composition for internal use.
In the presence of infection, onion is good, which is peeled from the top husk, cut into half rings and after 6 hours, the juice that appears is taken.
A decoction of dill and anise seeds - 1 small spoon of both herbs in a glass, pour hot water. After 30 minutes of infusion, strain and drink the broth, as a medicine, up to 3 tablespoons at a time every half hour.
Sputum is brought out by the brewed camomile together with coltsfoot or rosemary. And to eliminate a dry cough, the following herbal decoction recipe will help - coltsfoot, violet, licorice root (all with 1 large spoon), pour a glass of boiling water, allowing to stand for up to 40 minutes. The finished composition must be drunk all day up to 8 days in a row.
Effective inhalation against cough
Inhalations are a safe method to eliminate dry cough, but still, they are not recommended for high temperature, pneumonia, laryngeal edema, purulent tonsillitis and enlarged pores on the face.
Here is one of the most accessible and effective recipes for inhalation - drip 2 drops of fir oil into boiled and crushed potatoes in their uniforms. Vapors should be inhaled for at least 7 and no more than 20 minutes.
Another recipe is to pour 400 ml of boiled water a mixture of licorice root, sage (leaves) and pine buds (all 1 tablespoon each). The procedure works similarly to the previous method.
Read also:folk remedies for cough
Compresses, grindings and dry cough baths
For compresses, the familiar mustard is suitable for all of us, relieving even the barking and wheezing cough. To prepare the composition, take a glass of water and fill it with a small spoonful of mustard powder. Mix well, put a napkin on the area of the bronchi, and on it a cloth soaked with cooked mustard composition. Hold the compress for up to 15 minutes.
A strong cough goes away if you mix salt in a liter of boiling water. Cool the composition and get wet wipes in it, overlaying the bronchial region with them. Keep the compress all night, wrapping up and creating the effect of a bath.
For grinding, get a badger or goose fat, as well as fir oil. Mix all this, after rubbing, put on warm clothes and go to bed.
At normal body temperature, it is recommended to take baths with the presence of essential oils of eucalyptus, lavender, pine and chamomile.
It will be effective to sit in the bathroom, where the following composition is added - 30 ml of honey, the same amount of milk and 2 drops of essential oils from the previous recipe. The procedure takes 15 minutes, after which you need to wrap yourself in a warm blanket.
Expectorant for dry cough in folk medicine
Indication for the use of expectorants for dry cough is a diagnosed acute respiratory viral infection. It is necessary to carefully monitor the condition in order to notice the primary symptoms in time to prevent the development of serious complications.
In addition to pharmacy drugs, there are also traditional medicine, easily prepared at home.
Milk based
It will take 1 fig fruit and 0.5 l of milk - divide the fruit in half and place in a bowl with milk, putting on the fire for 10 minutes. Drink the finished composition in hot form in small sips all day.
Peel 3 heads of garlic and chop finely by placing half a liter of milk in a half and boil until the garlic is soft.Strain and drink the composition every hour for 1 tablespoon.
From licorice root
Dry the root of the plant in an amount of 100 g finely chopped, pour 0.5 l of water, put on the stove and cook until it boils, and then another 5 minutes. Now remove from heat and let stand for up to one and a half hours. Drink 4 times a day for a large tablespoon.
Black radish and honey
An excellent expectorant is to cut off the top from the root, making a depression in the middle, pour a little honey into it and leave it alone for a day. Take the resulting syrup up to 3 times a day, 2 small spoons.
It is always better to prevent the disease than to treat it later, so here are a few recommendations:
- Change your lifestyle by getting rid of your bad smoking habit.
- Eat well and maintain optimal working and resting conditions.
- Do not ignore the basic rules of hygiene, washing your hands before eating and after walking, brush your teeth 2 times a day and so on.
- Try not to be in crowded places.
- Temper and maintain a low comfortable temperature in your home.
- Sleep with an open window regardless of the time of year.
- Moderate exercise, but regular, is helpful.
- Be less nervous and avoid stress.
It is important to dress appropriately to weather conditions without overheating and without overcooling your body. In summer, the use of air conditioners should be careful so that when going outside, the temperature difference is not more than 6 degrees. Take care of yourself and your loved ones!