Dry carbonic bath first found its application in the 19th century. Then it was actively used in spa treatment in Germany and France. Even then, it was widely used as an effective method of treating many diseases. Today, this method of healing is often used in sanatoriums, clinics and even spas. The benefits and harms of this method are widely discussed in the media and on the Internet.
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What is a dry carbonic bath
The word “bath” in most people evokes pleasant associations with spending time in warm water with essential oils, herbs, and lush foam. However, there is another term - “dry baths”, the effect of which is no less amazing.
Carbon dioxide baths are special devices, the basis of which is a large capacity with a bag. The patient is placed in this bag and the container is filled with gas. At the same time, the human head is outside, and a soft cuff fits tightly around his neck. The whole device is hermetically closed, so there is no danger to the respiratory system. Sometimes the design consists of a personal acrylic glass compartment with a hermetically sealed door.
The gas level is regulated in accordance with the individual characteristics of the body and the condition of the patient.
CO2 is also needed by humans, as is oxygen. Without it, normal work and the full functioning of many internal organs are impossible. Contact with gas, significantly different from air, is a kind of soft, but at the same time active training for the skin.Through the cells of the dermis, the substance enters the blood plasma, where it easily dissolves and has a beneficial effect on both large major vessels and small capillaries.
The standard course consists of 10-15 procedures lasting about a quarter of an hour. As a rule, sessions are held daily or every other day. Sometimes a second course is required after a short break.
Features and Benefits of Rebox
Reabox devices operate automatically and create unique treatment conditions. The effect is created due to the ability of carbon dioxide to penetrate through the skin and provide vasodilation. Unlike carbon dioxide water bath, this method has one big advantage - due to the absence of warm water, the body does not have additional temperature and hydrostatic load. For this reason, procedures can be done even to people after a heart attack and operations, since they very gently and gently affect the body.
Reabox devices are widely used in both traditional and alternative medicine. Of course, treatment is best done in specialized centers with modern equipment and the latest technical equipment.
Children's age is not a contraindication, but procedures can only be done as prescribed by a doctor with great care. In many clinics and rehabilitation medicine centers, these procedures are also carried out for children. Sessions do not cause any unpleasant sensations, so children of any age can tolerate them perfectly.
For young patients, such therapy is most often performed in allergic dermatological centers, sanatoriums for children with bronchopulmonary pathologies.
The healing properties of the procedure
The benefits of carbon dioxide baths:
- normalization of blood circulation and the general functioning of organs;
- improved blood supply to the brain;
- increasing the body's resistance to various physical mental stress and adverse external factors, strengthening immunity;
- improving the activity of the heart and blood vessels;
- blood thinning, prevention of blood clots;
- improvement of skin condition, healing of wounds and burns;
- normalization of the hormonal background;
- excess weight loss, improved metabolism.
The skin after the sessions becomes surprisingly fresh and young, it tightens, acquires its former tone. Overweight and cellulite patients notice that extra pounds go, and the "orange peel" disappears. Many people say that after completing the course they improve their memory, attention, eyesight, and hearing. This happens only because the whole body is supplied with enough blood.
Despite the long list of useful properties, it is advisable to consult a doctor before using the procedure to exclude possible side effects and contraindications.
Indications for use of therapy
Most often, such physiotherapy is carried out in order to overall improve the condition of the body - to recover from injuries and complete relaxation.
But also gas baths are shown in such cases:
- endocrine disruptions;
- heart diseases;
- acute pneumonia;
- hypertension;
- atherosclerosis and neurosis;
- pathology of the urinary system;
- skin diseases;
- obesity and cellulite.
Such procedures are also carried out to quickly restore athletes after injuries and exhausting training, miners, pilots, polar explorers, sailors and submariners.
How to take a dry bath with gas
There is nothing unusual in the procedure. To many, it resembles a normal home stay in the bathroom.
As a rule, a session takes place in several stages:
- First, the patient needs to undress and go down or go into the bathroom. Sometimes they give out a special thin peignoir, but it is believed that the less clothes on the body, the better. The location of a person depends on the design of the cabin: it can be vertical or horizontal.If the design is vertical, a comfortable chair is located inside, on which the patient can comfortably sit and get the most out of the procedure. In horizontal booths, a person lies, as in a regular bath.
- After that, the neck is fixed with a special sealant so that carbon dioxide does not come out. The patient breathes freely with normal air with normal oxygen concentration.
- The doctor sets the required temperature, the duration of the procedure on the remote control and starts the process.
- After starting, gas is supplied to the tank for several minutes.
- During the procedure, the gas gradually penetrates inside, activating many vital functions of the body.
- At the end, CO2 is removed from the tank using special hoods.
- After that, the doctor helps to remove the cervical retainer and opens the door.
The patient needs to leave the booth and get dressed. During the procedure, a person may experience unusual sensations - slight tingling, tickling, pleasant warmth, or vice versa a cool breeze. But in any case, these feelings do not bring even the slightest discomfort, but leave a pleasant feeling.
After the bath, the patient often feels lightness in the body, relaxation and peace. Some people feel a surge of strength, vitality and energy, their mood improves and their vitality increases. Exposure to gas continues for another 3-4 hours after the end of the session. After the procedure, there are no restrictions; a person can do his usual business without fear.
To consolidate the results of such therapy you need a healthy lifestyle: proper nutrition, long walks in the fresh air, moderate physical exertion.
Contraindications and possible harm
If during the procedure the patient feels shortage of air, weakness, dizziness and general deterioration of health, this should be immediately reported to the service personnel. But fortunately, such negative reactions are very rare.
Absolute contraindications:
- pregnancy;
- asthma;
- oncology (both evil and benign forms);
- various kinds of inflammatory processes;
- aortic aneurysm;
- menopause
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Elderly age is not a contraindication. Aging is always accompanied by a weakening of the body's defenses, and such sessions just activate these processes, strengthen the immune system and slow down the wear of organs and systems.
The use of physiotherapy should be controlled by a doctor, only then they will bring undoubted health benefits. Harm from the procedure is possible only if contraindications have not been taken into account.
The minimum list of contraindications and a considerable number of medicinal properties make this procedure one of the most effective and safe. Plus, the cost of therapy is quite democratic, which only increases its popularity.