According to hair stylists, cutting a short flight of stairs for medium hair is one of the most popular hairstyles for women of all ages. She has been relevant in the hair industry for several seasons and is not confidently losing ground. How the ladder has earned the love of clients, to whom exactly such an image will suit, and how to care for hair, you will learn further.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of cutting

Women's haircut ladder is performed on any hair, regardless of their density and structure. But, as practice shows, it will look most advantageous precisely on the average length of curls.

This hairstyle is chosen by women of different ages and professions due to the many of its advantages.

  1. A short flight of stairs looks great both with and without bangs.
  2. It can be performed at any initial length.
  3. Regardless of the density of hair, it will look beautiful.
  4. Depending on the method of laying, the ladder will be able to both add volume and make the shock visually smaller.
  5. This hairstyle is suitable for almost any face type and shape features.
  6. Styling does not require much time and special skills, regardless of length.
  7. A short flight of stairs has many design options that will complement any style of clothing chosen by a woman. This will allow her to regularly try herself in a new way.
  8. A haircut does not require frequent correction and special care.

Despite the many obvious advantages of such a hairstyle, it has several disadvantages, for example:

  1. Cutting a short flight of stairs to medium hair is suitable for a really large number of women.Following their example, you will not look exclusive.
  2. If you are the owner of curly or too fluffy hair, then such a hairstyle without styling will visually give the hair even more volume. And to put it in order, it will take a lot of time, cosmetics and appliances.

If, given all the advantages and disadvantages of a ladder hairstyle, you cannot decide on your own image, consult your hairdresser-stylist.

He will not only suggest the feasibility of such a hairstyle for your type and length of hair, but also recommend the tone and method of coloring. As a rule, this hairstyle looks good with highlighting, coloring, balayazh, majimesh techniques or ombre.

To whom the ladder suits

Depending on the length of the hair on the crown and the degree of transition to the occipital area, the ladder can both emphasize and hide some features of the facial features and figures. When choosing your image, consider the following features:

  • short crown easy to lay. Strands can be easily lifted in the root area with a hairdryer and comb. This will visually increase the volume of hair, and the owner of such a hairstyle will be made younger by a few years and worse by a couple of kilograms;
  • a ladder of hair in the temporal zones will perfectly hide the wide cheekbones and make the face visually thinner;
  • the presence of a bang will cover a too high forehead, and the absence will emphasize the correct features.

This hairstyle looks equally well both with a round or oval shape of the face, and with a square or triangular. In the first case, it emphasizes the elegant outline of the face, and in the second, it smooths out the angularity of the cheekbones or massive chin.

Cascade Differences

Visually, a ladder haircut is very similar to a cascade hairstyle. In both cases, the strands on the crown are shortened to the desired length and smoothly pass into the occipital and temporal zones.

But there are some differences in the technology of performing these two models.

  1. Hairstyle cascade. This option involves a sharper transition of hair lengths in different zones and visually emphasizes the effect of lacerated ends. It is achieved by cutting with a dangerous razor or blade and the mandatory use of thinning shears.
  2. Women's haircut ladder. In this hairstyle, the transition looks softer, such active thinning is not provided. In the classic version, the haircut is performed only with scissors, and milling is present in a small amount and only at the ends of the curls.

In order to get exactly the haircut that you plan after visiting the hairdresser, show the master some photos with your favorite hairstyles. Also, describe as much as possible your wishes and the expected effect after the image is changed.

Haircut ladder for medium hair

This is not the most difficult version of the hairstyle that any professional hairdresser can perform. A haircut for medium hair is suitable for owners of any facial type and will look appropriate both for a young girl and a lady of age.

From the chosen type of styling, the hairstyle can acquire a playful, slightly disheveled appearance, and neat outlines. Also the ladder will look different depending on the presence or absence of a bang.

With a bang

Cutting a short flight of stairs to medium hair with a bang will make the woman several years younger and help to hide some of the shortcomings. For example, a short bang will give the hair volume, cover too high a forehead or small defects on the skin.

Asymmetric torn bangs will emphasize the playful style of its owner and give the image a stylish sloppiness. Straight and thick - will look more conservative and emphasize the elegance of the lady.

No bangs

Cutting a short flight of stairs to medium hair without bangs is even simpler not only in execution, but also in styling. An open forehead will emphasize a woman’s self-confidence, make her image more refined and attractive.

The absence of bangs in combination with elongated strands in the temporal zones emphasizes the oval of the face, focuses on the correct features and makes it visually thinner.

To maintain the hairstyle in good condition, it is enough to visit the hairdresser no more than 1 time in 2-3 months and make a correction.

Simple styling options

It’s enough to simply cut the shortcut at home, even without special skills. Use one of the fashionable options for this season.

Stylish classic

To do this, you need to align the hair and create a basal volume as follows:

  1. Apply a small amount of styling agent to clean and dry strands.
  2. Divide the pile into several layers with horizontal partings.
  3. Starting from the back of the head, comb each strand at the root, and align the tips with an iron.
  4. Fix the hairstyle with medium fixation varnish.

This installation option is ideal for every day and does not take much time.

Romantic curls

To perform styling:

  1. Wash your hair and apply a small amount of foam to create volume.
  2. Dry the hair in a natural way or with a hairdryer with a guide nozzle.
  3. Divide the mop into strands, each of which wind a regular or triple curling iron.
  4. Fix the created effect with a fixing cosmetic product.

This styling is ideal for attending a party or social event.

Creative chaos

To form a hairstyle:

  1. Treat wet strands with thermal protection.
  2. Apply a little mousse.
  3. Using a hairdryer with a diffuser nozzle, dry the locks by lifting them at the root.
  4. In the process of forming a styling, periodically sprinkle the mop with varnish of an average degree of fixation until you reach the desired volume and the hair is completely dry.

This hairstyle looks great on vacation, while attending a party or walking with friends.

Show a little imagination, and even without the help of a professional you can look irresistible and regularly change your image.