Any girl has faced the problem of split ends at least once in her life. Even regular trimming is not always a panacea for this scourge, which spoils the appearance of your styling. Over the past few years, cutting with hot scissors has been very popular among clients, but only the right technique from a competent specialist can save brittle strands from the cross section for a long period of time.
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Varieties of haircuts with hot scissors
Unfortunately, damaged ends of the hair cannot be restored with oils, masks and other cosmetics. There is only one way out - ruthlessly cut off the stratified ends and regrow the length. Thermal cutting in its essence is not much different from the classical procedure for cutting hair. The master performs all the same actions, however, instead of the usual hairdressing scissors, he uses a special electric device. Thermal shears are heated to a certain temperature, after which the master performs the following procedure with their help.
There are three main types of hot haircuts:
- cutting ends. In this case, only the ends of the curls are processed. The procedure is performed on dry hair;
- full haircut. The technique is carried out on wet strands;
- haircut with plaits. The strands are twisted into bundles, after which all the cut ends that are knocked out of the total mass are cut off.
What is different from the usual
Conventional scissors in the process of cutting can damage the weakened structure of the hair shaft, resulting in its subsequent delamination.
Hair cutting with hot scissors, in turn, prevents the cross-section of curls due to the sealing of the trimmed ends. This effect can only be achieved by heat treatment. With the help of hot technology you can not only get rid of damaged ends, but also protect your hair from further damage. This is especially true for those representatives of the fair sex who are trying to grow a long braid to the waist.
Advantages and disadvantages
Hot scissors cutting is indicated if you have brittle, dull hair, weakened due to improper care.
The regular procedure boasts the following benefits:
- Under the influence of hot temperature, the ends are sealed, thereby reducing the risk of hair damage. The procedure helps to maintain beneficial substances in the structure of the hair shaft.
- Thanks to the hot technique, it is possible to grow long curls. To completely get rid of the section, you have to cut an impressive amount of grown strands. Using the hot method, it is possible to cut off the damaged ends gradually, without drastically shortening the length of the hair.
- After processing, the curls become soft, obedient and easily amenable to further styling. Incredible shine and silkiness appear.
- Sealed tips are not so much affected by external factors. Over time, it is enough to visit the master only once every three months.
- After cutting, more intensive hair growth is activated. Treated tips retain all the nutrients that weakened strands so need.
And yet, despite the impressive list of benefits, it is worth adding a spoonful of tar.
In addition to the advantages, there are some significant disadvantages:
- A hot haircut is an expensive pleasure that requires certain financial costs.
- Do not expect a visible therapeutic effect after one haircut. A noticeable improvement is observed only after 3-4 procedures.
- To achieve a good result can only a competent specialist who knows how to select the temperature regime in accordance with the individual characteristics of your hair.
The step-by-step process of processing strands in the cabin consists of several stages:
- First, the wizard evaluates the structure and condition of your curls. Diagnosis is carried out using a special microscope. Based on the data obtained, further temperature conditions of the used scissors will be selected.
- Next, the whole pile is divided into small strands that are twisted into flagella. All protruding ends are trimmed.
- Then the master again carefully examines the processed curls and removes the remaining damaged tips.
- With the help of a hot haircut, the hair is given the necessary shape and additional volume.
- At the final stage, styling is done.
Be prepared for the fact that such painstaking technology will require you more than one hour of free time. Responsibly approach the choice of a master. Otherwise, a poor-quality procedure will further harm weakened curls.
Hair care after the procedure
Not always visible effect of recovery is noticeable after the first medical haircut. The result in this case depends on the type of hair, its structure, as well as on the initial state of the strands. In the future, experts recommend adhering to certain hair care.
It is recommended to wash your hair no more than 1 time in 3 days. An exception may be oily hair type. In this case, daily cleansing is allowed with gentle shampoo. Care cosmetics should be selected in accordance with the needs of your curls. Do not comb wet strands. Wait until the hair is completely dry, then proceed to combing.
Try to discard pads, irons and other thermal appliances. If necessary, blow dry curls using a cold mode.Do not abuse styling products. After washing your hair, apply a couple drops of cosmetic oil or liquid crystals to the wet ends. Once a month, use a special deep-cleansing shampoo, and systematically moisturize dry strands with various intensive masks.
Contraindications and limitations
This method has no contraindications. However, it should be understood that the independent use of hot scissors without the necessary knowledge and skills can lead to the most sad consequences. Therefore, conducting a hot haircut at home is contraindicated. It is best to trust an experienced professional who uses the hot Jaguar scissors in his arsenal.