“Parlez-vous français?” - Does the girl speak French? The question involuntarily arises, looking at the owner of the garzon haircut. Graceful silhouette, youth, Parisian charm - this is what distinguishes a woman with hair "under the boy." The movie stars Divine Natalie Portman, Emma Watson, Audrey Tautou, Anne Hathaway, Jennifer Lawrence, who chose such an original image, have learned the secret of a charming silhouette.

Advantages and disadvantages of cutting a garcon

A large volume of the upper part of the nape, cut hair at the back and on the sides, adhering to the principle of "lock to lock", - and here we saw the garzon haircut, which made up the trend of 2019. Androgynous style occupies a large place in modern fashion. The male model looks very fashionable and beautiful in a female interpretation. The gradual graduation of curls creates clear contours, rounded hairstyle lines.


Advantages of the model:

  • emphasizes femininity;
  • gives volume to hair;
  • suitable for ladies of any age;
  • makes a few years younger;
  • stacked in 5 minutes, which means it saves time;
  • serves as the main for dozens of images - from smooth to tousled hair.


Cons of the model - a difficult technique, the need for a monthly correction.


Garson haircut for women follows the shape of the head, has a rounded silhouette with clear contours. This is its difference from short pixies, a page or gavrosh.

Who is this hairstyle suitable for?


Before making a choice in favor of a haircut “for a boy”, evaluate your figure, face shape, structure of the strands. The model was created for miniature girls and women.Large-sized women should choose lush hairstyles, as the garcon can upset the proportions. A haircut for short hair completely opens the oval, emphasizes high cheekbones, a beautiful neckline, regal posture. Subtle and regular features captivate others.


The image “under the boy” looks perfect on the oval shape of the female face. Type "square" is better to opt for another suitable model. Chubby girls are recommended garzon with a reinforced volume on the top and oblique bangs. Owners of the “triangle” shape face to face an elongated version with open ears, a straight bang.


Smooth or wavy hair is the best basis for a haircut. The density of curls does not matter. Tough and curly hair is not subject to the garcon.


The model is the choice of courageous, active people - students, athletes, business women. She is unpretentious in care and styling.


Hairstyle Options:

  1. The classic format is cut hair on the back of the head and on the sides, treated with thinning.
  2. Ultrashort - locks of the same length up to 5 cm around the entire perimeter of the head without thinning.
  3. Elongated garzon - fringe and whiskey mask a high forehead, wide cheekbones, rounded cheeks. Hairstyle is suitable for owners of persons with such features.
  4. Version for long strands - the mass of hair frames the head and reaches the middle of the neck. Hairstyle requires careful styling.

All of these model options are at the peak of popularity.

Fashionable variations without bangs


Classic garcon implies the presence of a bang. An open forehead is the result of styling.


Options for images without bangs:

  • in the style of "retro": large curls laid up;
  • option with an open forehead and shaved temples;
  • elegant comb back: elongated locks raised at the roots and smoothly laid in the back of the head;
  • trendy rokos for elongated hair: with two vertical partings, the longest strands are distinguished and combed up like a mohawk. The result is fixed with varnish.


Hairstyles with an open forehead lengthen the face, so go to the owners of the shape of a "circle" or "rectangle." Type "oval" recommended bangs.

Interesting ideas with lengthening


An elongated garrison is the choice for those who want to change their image, but are not ready for radical decisions. It resembles a classic bean, but with a more magnificent volume on the back of the head, temples, on the sides. Processing curls with filing and graduation deprives the hairstyle of clear contours. The elongated version, unlike the classic one, is more feminine. It hides some imperfections, suitable for wavy hair.


Garson for lengthening - these are curls to the middle of the neck and covered ears. It is recommended to make the ends torn, which will add splendor to the hairstyle.
It is possible to supplement the haircut with thin graduated strands framing the face and neck. Please note that they quickly lose their appearance from the use of styling products and require constant styling.

For owners of bangs


Fashionable female haircut Garson provides for any kind of bangs - thick and straight, short and torn, long and oblique. With this element you can regularly change the image. The starting point for selection is the oval of the face.


Fashionable variations:

  • long bangs and ultra-short hairstyle. The contrast looks very impressive. Strands can be stacked in the form of a mohawk;
  • long oblique strand. The element visually extends the oval of a round face;
  • thick even bangs to the eyebrows or in the form of an arch. Framing focuses on the eye area and subtle features;
  • short with parting on the side. The element emphasizes enthusiasm and youth;
  • torn milled bangs resembling feathers. The design is combined with an ultra-short garrison.


For stylists of an imperfect oval, stylists advise the option with serrated contours. Reception masks facial asymmetry.


Coloring the bangs adds “zest” to the image. Business women are lightening these strands in several tones, extravagant girls - contrasting combinations with the bulk of the hair. Styling is the final accent in the image. She ruffles or smooths out her bangs.

How to care for a haircut


The attractiveness of the garzon ensures compliance with 7 simple rules:

  1. The use of shampoo and rinse without the effect of weighting the hair.
  2. Daily styling. A few movements of the comb, modeling with a styling tool - a chic look is ready.
  3. Abuse of styling compounds is not recommended. Excesses give the hair a sloppy look.
  4. Correction is arranged at least 1 time per month. Hairstyle quickly loses shape.
  5. Daily makeup. Garcon draws attention to the face, requires emphasis.
  6. Natural hair color is the best choice from the palette. Monochrome bright shades are suitable only for 20-25 year old girls.


Light and short hair is an advantage of the model. In a matter of minutes, the hair can be lifted with a hairdryer at the roots, creating the illusion of density and volume.


Garson is a new image for every day:

  • combined styling - an option for work or publication. The bulk is given volume, the fringe is straightened with an iron;
  • slight negligence is the choice for everyday business. Tousled strands are modeled using mousse and hair dryer;
  • laying on a medium-diameter curler creates a romantic look. Soft waves are combined with gentle makeup, a light dress;
  • curls raised at the roots and combed back with a gel - a version of the image of a woman in the style of "glamor";
  • laying with one parting on the side is an option for a business woman. Fleece at the roots creates the texture effect.

Garcon looks beautiful with invisibles, rims, ribbons.


Are you the owner of a perfect oval and subtle features? Feel free to choose a silhouette “under the boy”. It remains to determine the appropriate version of the model, which will help the photo. Be yours on the streets of Paris, be glamorous and incomprehensible everywhere and always, choosing the style of hairstyle “a la garçon”!