Treatment of stomatitis in adults should be carried out only under the supervision of a qualified doctor. Severe forms of the disease can provoke a lot of complications, including general intoxication of the body and damage to the mucous membrane of other organs.
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Causes of stomatitis in adults
Most often, this disease affects children, but recently it has been diagnosed in adults as well.
The causes of inflammation can be different:
- Infections Malicious viruses and bacteria constantly attack the mucous membranes of the body, but if the immunity is strong, it can easily cope with them. But a weakened immune system does not have the strength to withstand the onslaught of pathogenic microbes.
- Unsanitary conditions. Non-compliance with hygiene standards is a direct path to stomatitis. Microorganisms that live on unwashed vegetables and fruits, dirty hands, easily fall into the oral cavity and begin their destructive work.
- Mistakes in dental care. Excessive passion for brushing your teeth with some pastes leads to a decrease in salivation. Dry mucous membrane becomes too sensitive to the effects of any adverse external factors. Neglected forms of caries, excess tartar, the use of too hard a toothbrush can also lead to illness.
- Mucosal injury. Even small damage can cause inflammation. This includes a bite on the inner surface of the cheeks, burns and other injuries.
- Unbalanced diet, vitamin deficiency.
- Taking certain drugs (diuretics, antibiotics, corticosteroids).
- Installation of dentures and other systems. If the patient feels discomfort while wearing such systems, then constant exposure and friction can lead to the formation of ulcers and wounds. The use of low-quality materials, errors on the part of the doctor can also easily provoke inflammation.
And also do not forget about the negative effects of smoking, excessive alcohol addiction and the presence of chronic diseases. People with diabetes mellitus, anemia, oncology, disorders of the digestive tract and hormonal system often suffer from mouth ulcers due to weakened immunity.
Types of Stomatitis
Depending on the nature of the lesion, doctors divide stomatitis into several categories:
- Bacterial. The reason for its appearance is the rapid multiplication of strepto- and staphylococci in the mouth. Outwardly manifests itself in the form of purulent formations of small sizes, quickly transforming into extensive ulcers.
- Viral (herpes and herpetic stomatitis). It occurs as a result of infection with the herpes virus or Epstein-Bar. Small bubbles appear in the mouth. In the absence of treatment after bursting of the vesicles, extensive erosion is formed.
- Fungal or candidal stomatitis. The cause of the occurrence is the excessive growth of Candida fungi due to a decrease in immunity. Often the disease provokes an excessive immunity of antibiotics. A whitish coating appears on the mucosa, upon removal of which an erosive lesion often occurs.
- Ray. It occurs due to the negative effects of radiation. In the mouth, wounds and painful densified areas form.
- Chemical. Diagnosed quite rarely. The cause is a burn of the mucosa with alkali or acid, as a result of which ulcers form, eventually turning into deep scars.
Aphthous stomatitis is considered a separate species, an atypical form, the cause of which is not precisely known. Some doctors believe that it causes staphylococcus aureus, others - viruses, others even consider it an autoimmune disease. In addition, this type of stomatitis is not contagious. But lesions of the mucosa heal for a very long time and sometimes turn into a ulcerative-necrotic form.
The main characteristic of the disease is the occurrence of aphthae, small round ulcers with a red frame and a yellowish center.
Ulcerative stomatitis often occurs in the form of a primary inflammation or advanced stage. Regardless of the type, the disease gives a person a lot of inconvenience. The patient has difficulty talking, has difficulty eating food, and cannot sleep and work normally.
Symptoms and signs of the disease
The main symptom is the formation of single or multiple ulcers, wounds and blisters in the oral cavity. At first, pustules and vesicles are not visible, in their place severe redness and swelling of the epithelium are simply noticeable.
The remaining signs of the disease that you need to pay attention to are:
- swelling of the mucosa;
- pain, discomfort and burning in the mouth;
- increased salivation;
- fetid breath;
- bleeding and gum disease;
- enlarged lymph nodes;
- fever and weakness (rarely).
Most often, stomatitis occurs in the palate, cheeks, tonsils, and inside of the lips. Most rarely, stomatitis appears on the tongue and under it.
How to treat, depending on the form of the disease
The method of treatment largely depends on the degree and cause of the lesion. It is determined only by a specialist.
Drug therapy
Therapy must necessarily include anti-inflammatory and healing agents. Painkillers are prescribed if the patient cannot eat normally and speak due to discomfort in the mouth. Most often, the doctor prescribes Anestezin in tablets, Lidocaine-Asept in the form of a spray or Lidochlor (gel).
The most famous antibacterial agents are Holisal, Ingalipt, Evkarom, Lugol, Stomatidin, Cameton, Activegin.They can be produced in the form of sprays, lozenges, gels, tablets, rinses. Treatment of viral stomatitis is unthinkable without special drugs - Acyclovir, Zovirax, oxolinic ointment. Fungal lesions are treated with Miconazole, Dactarin, nystatin ointment.
Effective drugs that accelerate the healing of the oral cavity:
- Solcoseryl is a paste that helps to improve tissue nutrition at the cellular level.
- Vinylinum is an antiseptic balm. Accelerates epithelization and healing.
- Carotoline is an oily solution. Protects cells.
Allergic stomatitis is not considered a separate disease, but only a symptom of an allergy. In this case, you need to exclude the irritant and start taking antihistamines.
Folk remedies
Home remedies are an effective way to treat stomatitis, provoked by the banal non-observance of the rules of personal oral hygiene. In this case, the mucosal lesion is not large-scale, so single ulcers can be easily treated with simple rinses.
To relieve inflammation and disinfection of the oral cavity, a decoction of oak bark, onion husk, chamomile, St. John's wort, sage, millennium, calendula is used.
Single ulcers are well removed by brilliant green, blue, iodinol, juice or pulp from the leaves of aloe, Kalanchoe, cabbage, horseradish, carrots.
Sometimes they even use garlic. A few slices are ground on a fine grater to a mushy state and mixed with kefir in a ratio of 3: 1. The mixture is applied to sores three times a day. The garlic mass burns strongly, having a bactericidal effect.
To speed up the healing process, too hot and cold foods, salty, hard, sour foods should also be discarded. After each meal, rinse your mouth. For healing damage, it is good to use sea buckthorn oil.
How to rinse your mouth
Rinsing is a simple and effective way to treat diseases of the oral cavity.
For stomatitis, rinses are recommended:
- low concentration of lemon juice in water;
- decoction of flax seeds;
- pale pink solution of potassium permanganate;
- sage;
- coriander broth (seeds or leaves);
- soda solution;
- a decoction of chamomile;
- infusion of anise fruits;
- warm water with honey.
From pharmaceuticals, you can recommend such drugs:
- chlorhexidine;
- sea water (Aqualor);
- hydrogen peroxide;
- propolis tincture or proposol;
- furatsilin;
- rotokan.
In the pharmacy you can also buy ready-made collections for rinsing the oral cavity from medicinal herbs. This greatly facilitates the preparation of infusions.
These procedures must be carried out within 10-12 days. Unpleasant symptoms often disappear within the first day, but treatment should be continued. Rinse solutions should be pleasantly warm, but not cold or hot.
Features of treatment during pregnancy
Women during the period of bearing a baby need to be very careful in the treatment of even trifling disease. Stomatitis in pregnant women appears quite often, since at this time the woman’s immunity is greatly weakened, and the hormonal system malfunctions. As a result of this, many chronic diseases make themselves felt, and the body is not able to withstand the attack of pathogenic microbes.
Since many drugs are used topically, they do not pose a potential danger to the fetus. However, one or another medicine can be used only after consultation with a doctor, because a certain amount of active substances through the mucous membrane can penetrate the blood.
At home with a mild disease, you can rinse your mouth with a solution of baking soda. For 200 ml of boiled water you need to take 1 tsp. soda. This procedure must be carried out at least once per hour. Rinses with aminocaproic acid, decoctions of chamomile and marigolds give good results. Affected areas can be treated with chlorhexidine and furacilin.
Disease prevention
Preventive measures are very simple: these are, first of all, proper oral care, regular brushing of the teeth, annual examinations by the dentist, then good nutrition, rejection of bad habits and timely treatment of chronic diseases.
A healthy lifestyle and strong immunity significantly reduce the risk of the disease.