In pursuit of proper nutrition and to maintain their health, people try to use what nature herself has given. In recent years, the plant - sweetener - stevia has gained popularity. But what is stevia?
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What is stevia?
Honey grass, namely, the name stevia acquired among the people - a real gift of nature from the kingdom of plants. The substance stevioside, isolated in 1931 by French chemists from stevia, turned out to be 300 times sweeter than cane and beet sugar. Due to its unique properties, stevioside is widely used in the food industry for the manufacture of all kinds of candies, drinks and even chewing gums.
Stevia is represented by a genus of perennial plants of the Astrov family. The number of species and shrubs is about 260. This unique type of plant grows in South and Central America. Even the ancient tribes of the Indians used it as a natural sweetener, as well as a healing plant in the treatment of various diseases. In the 30s, residents of the British Isles drew attention to stevia. Due to the sharp shortage of food and various sweeteners in connection with the blockade of England by the German invaders, scientists conducted research and found that the plant is perfectly able to replace the usual sugar.
In the modern world, stevia is cultivated in many countries of the world. The plant has a lot of useful properties, unlike artificial sugar substitutes.
Composition and calorie content
The main feature of honey grass is its sweetness. Natural stevia in nature is two dozen times sweeter than cane sugar.But the extract from the sweet grass is 300 times sweeter. But the calorie content of stevia is unusually small. It is noteworthy that in 100 g of sugar about 400 kcal, and in 100 g of stevia only 18.3 kcal. Therefore, people who stubbornly get rid of extra pounds are advised to replace sweet dishes with regular sugar with those prepared with stevia.
The composition of honey grass is truly unique. The composition includes:
- fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins - A, C, D, E, K and P;
- mineral components - chromium, phosphorus, sodium, iodine, calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron and zinc;
- amino acids, pectins;
- stevioside.
Note! Equally important, the glycemic index of honey grass is set to 0. This makes the plant an ideal sugar substitute for people with diabetes.
One of the important advantages of honey grass is that when exposed to elevated temperatures, the properties and composition do not undergo changes. Stevia is widely used in the food industry and cooking, during the preparation of hot dishes.
Benefits for the human body
A sweet plant is not only a very tasty product, but also has a large number of useful properties. So, due to the high content of specific substances - antioxidants, stevia has a beneficial effect on the restoration of cellular structures, helps in neutralizing with a radionuclide. An important aspect is the purifications of the human body from salts of heavy metals and toxic compounds. Due to this effect, the development of cancer is significantly reduced.
Antioxidants in the composition of the plant have the ability to restore the skin and derivatives of the skin (hair, nails and itching). That is why the plant is used not only in cooking, but also in the field of cosmetology.
Use in medicine:
- stimulation of hormone production;
- improving the functional features of the pancreas and thyroid gland;
- hormone leveling;
- increased potency;
- increase in libido;
- removal of cholesterol from the body;
- strengthening the myocardium and vascular walls;
- normalization of blood pressure;
- preventing the development of atherosclerosis;
- increased metabolism;
- improving the digestion process;
- cleansing the human body of harmful and toxic substances.
The intake of sweet grass helps to strengthen the body's immune forces, and also helps to normalize the nervous system. The consumption of tea with stevia has tonic properties, invigorates and improves the overall well-being of a person. In addition, the stevioside obtained from the plant has a beneficial effect on blood circulation in the brain, helping to effectively combat dizziness, drowsiness and apathy.
Stevia sweetener in cooking
The extract obtained from the plant is used in cooking in the manufacture of various dishes and drinks. Using honey grass for cooking gives the dish the necessary sweetness and aroma. Stevia has proven itself in the preparation of fruit salads, preserves, pastries, fruit drinks and desserts.
Note! Apply sweet grass should be dosed and strictly according to the instructions. In case of violation of the standards, the product can be very bitter. After a drink or a dish with stevia is infused, the taste will begin to feel brighter.
You can sweeten the dish using a special syrup, in the preparation of which it is necessary to mix 20 grams of dried stevia with 200 ml of boiling water. Next, the infusion must be boiled for 7 minutes. After that, remove the splits and cool for 10 minutes. The resulting syrup is allowed to infuse and poured into a convenient storage container. The shelf life of honey herb syrup is not more than 7 days. An infusion of honey grass can be added in the manufacture of homemade cakes or in tea.
It is not recommended to add stevia to coffee, because the taste of the drink is distorted and becomes very specific.
How to use for weight loss?
People who dream of losing extra pounds can use stevia to achieve their goals. Stevioside has the property of dulling appetite.20-30 minutes before a meal, it is recommended to drink a few teaspoons of syrup, prepared as for use in cooking.
On the modern market there are special teas for weight loss, which include honey grass. A special filter bag is poured with 200 ml of boiling water and allowed to infuse for a couple of minutes. You can take such a decoction twice a day before main meals. To improve the taste of the drink, you can add dried chamomile, tea and rose hips to the broth.
Release Forms
You can buy stevia grass at any pharmacy kiosk. Release is made in several forms and the consumer can choose for himself the most suitable.
Release Forms:
- loose dried leaves;
- crushed leaves in filter bags;
- powdered leaves in powder form;
- honey herb extract;
- Stevia in tablets and in the form of syrup.
When choosing a product, it must be remembered that the leaves of stevia in powdered or natural form have a less pronounced sweet aftertaste than the extract. In addition, the crushed leaves of honey grass have a grassy flavor that not everyone will like. It is important to remember that properly dried and harvested stevia should not have impurities and various additives. It is not recommended to purchase honey grass if the package contains additives in the form of fructose or sugar.
Possible harm from use
According to experts from the World Health Organization, honey grass is harmless and its use in unlimited quantities will not bring harm. But stevia has a number of properties and side effects. Before using the plant, you should consult your doctor. It is necessary to introduce honey grass into your diet gradually, while simultaneously observing the reaction of your body. Intolerance and, as a consequence, the development of allergic reactions are possible.
It is also important to remember that the use of stevia with cow's milk in drinks can cause dyspeptic symptoms. The components of sweet grass help lower blood glucose, but uncontrolled consumption can lead to pathological changes in the body. It is not recommended for use by people who suffer from disorders of the digestive tract, as well as hormonal imbalances and mental disorders.
- Olga